I did not grow up in a Seventh-Day Adventist family. We were very nominal Christians. When my mom accepted the SDA faith as the Truth, my brothers and sister came aboard quickly. But I did not. Later, the Holy Spirit convinced me to become an SDA, and I fully came to believe as I read The Great Controversy, the other books in the Conflict series, and studied the Voice of Prophecy Bible studies. During that time (1972-1973), I really began to memorize the scriptures for the first time. I knew John 3:16, but Revelation 12:17 was the first SDA belief that I memorized.
I would like to ask each of you, if you would, tell us a little bit about your life, and how you came to be a Seventh-Day Adventist.
A few minutes ago, I reviewed Psalm 23, Psalm 117, and parts of Psalm 27 and Proverbs 31, and a variety of verses from Romans. Please share with us what you have reviewed or learned anew today. 🙂
We do not need to know your last name. I was just trying to confirm whether you were my friend with the first letter of your last name. Welcome! ☺
I'm not going to tell you my last name
no I don't know you but would like to get to know all truth loving SDAs here
Hi Charlie! Is this my friend who lives near me? What letter does your last name start with?
Am a Seventh Day Adventist all the way
Am I allowed to join this group?
To identify Dori, she has 24,300+ points. I can only locate Tammy under Group Options and Members.
If anyone corresponds in any other group with Doreen or Tammy, they will be safe to join this group as well.
Bengali is an American missionary to Bangladesh. He began the Missionaries group in search of missionary minded individuals within and without our faith. This group will remain Public for the time being until he joins.
If any of you want to go to the Missionaries group and invite Bengali to join this group, you may. But I would like to place it again as PRIVATE as soon as possible, because there has been much hatred directed at me by non-Adventists on here for a long time.
Satan has really tried to oppress me today. It started early on when I wanted to have a zoom meeting. Both my phone and tablet would not work, but I was able to have the meeting and met two lovely SDA missionaries from Kenya. Then after I finished the zoom meeting on my computer, my phone really acted up. So I called a customer service rep with my carrier. The first one sent me to a second. We worked a long time on the phone and he came to the conclusion that my phone is broken. I did not feel that was the case, but feel that it was more likely demonic oppression. My husband and I just prayed (twice), and the problem has cleared up. But please keep me in your prayers as this is not over. Nevertheless I did not get discouraged. One more thing... It has taken me over a half hour to write this one post with proper punctuation and spelling. It was continually jumping around and placing the wrong information. That is how bad the oppression has been just now!
I really appreciate how much our great God cares for us. If I had to choose one favorite promise from Isaiah, chapter 40, it would be verse 31. "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
A couple of SDA missionaries met with me in the Zoom meeting I scheduled. I posted the link on FES. I invited them to join us here, so have made this group public for the time being. They live in Nairobi, Kenya, and speak very good English. Hopefully they will join us soon.
🌻 Happy Sabbath friends! Hope you have a blessed one. 🙏🌷
Sobering review verses today: 1 Peter 5:5-8 KJV - "Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time: Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you. Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."
It was a wonderful experience seeing her in person. I was so blessed! My friend Tammy, who coordinated our trip, got to do a week long seminar with her in Virginia last year. I believe it was more like a retreat so that she got some hands on experience.
Wow. In her videos, she always uses the drawing board too. She has a wealth of knowledge. I’m so glad you got to go see her and had a safe trip! 😊
People were there from all walks of life. She was an engaging and fun speaker, even though she was very serious most of the time. She was quite good on the drawing board, and she never used notes. Just a remarkable person!
Hayden Lake SDA church had 700 people there the first night. Then every following night it was practically standing room only. They sold all of her books, and even had to order and deliver books from ABCs out of the area. They had 2 overflow areas the first night, and even set up a 3rd after that. She had a security detail around her at all times because of ongoing threats to her safety.
And I will be praying for your mom Kitty Lover. ♥️🙏🏻
I’m so glad you had a safe trip. I was praying for you. Yes, I have seen many of her videos. And I’ve known Walt Cross since I was a child.
My mom chest is better, but not fully. On the 14th we are seeing a doctor. please🙏 for her.
I just returned from a week long seminar by Barbara O'Neill. It was amazing! Her character reminds me so much of things I have read about Ellen White. So gentle and quiet, but a powerhouse when she talked. She is a medical missionary, and teaches physiology principles that change the lives of the people she helps.
I can say this on this safe site, but do not repeat this anywhere else as there are some people who really hate what I am doing on Final Events SDA. I am heading out to Idaho tomorrow, and will be staying in a really nice BnB with friends for a week. We will be attending the Barbara O'Neill meetings on health reform. I am so looking forward to meeting her and getting a book or two. During the day, I will be working on my own book, and resting a lot (I hope). I did say I would be happy to do some cooking for everyone during the day while they explore.
Thanks Julina. My husband checked into the car warranty and it will cover a transmission. So he is out hunting for a place to repair it right now. That will be a relief when this problem is resolved. I have not been stressed about it, but Fred has endured some stomach issues the last couple of days, probably because of worry about the car. He ended up not going to the health seminar with me.
Happy Sabbath! I hope you get your vehicle problem solved. I agree they can be a real burden. Keeping busy can be hectic and it sure makes time fly by. God bless you and yours as well. 😊
We got our furness repaired today to the tune of $160. I think our friend (we have known him for years) gave us a break. That was nice! And a good thing because our main car broke down today; something we cannot afford to repair. So we have it (a Buick sedan), a Ford SUV that cannot go over 45 mph (a major timing issue), and a gas-guzzling 1-ton duelly GM truck. Vehicles can really be a burden... Anyway, I look at this situation more as an opportunity to pray. And the devil is working overtime trying to discourage us, so we must be doing something right. Ha! Well, happy Sabbath! God bless you and yours!
I hope everyone is having a good day! It is the Preparation Day for the Sabbath. It is a busy one for me (and Sunday and Monday) because I still need to prepare food and a salad (chili for my hubby and son), start some kind of seed plan for our garden (cannot wait on that as the clock is ticking), write if and when I get the chance, and prepare plant care directions for my husband while I am gone for a week long trip (which I will also have to pack for). Tomorrow (the Sabbath) we are going to a nearby health seminar for the day. I so much prefer being busy than having nothing to do and no goal in sight! :^)
When visiting I would try to distract my children. When they were young I could take them into another room or even outside. But sometimes I would just leave. For myself, I just try not to pay attention and this memory app is a good distraction. Ellen White wrote many things about the theater in her day. I can just imagine what she would think about what is on the TV nowadays. But here is a quote that I found which shows how Satan uses anything to distract us away from God. “Satan invents unnumbered schemes to occupy our minds, that they may not dwell upon the very work with which we ought to be best acquainted. The archdeceiver hates the great truths that bring to view an atoning sacrifice and an all-powerful mediator. He knows that with him everything depends on his diverting minds from Jesus and His truth” (GC 488). ❤️🙏🏻
That is wonderful, Marilyn. I hope you both had a happy Sabbath. Kitty Lover, no it wasn’t a nature show that I let my children watch. It was a popular show that I watched. When it began to have spiritualism in it, I gave up watching television except for 3abn and the like. I decided that if it was something I wouldn’t let my children watch, which was most everything, then I didn’t need to be watching it either. It has only been the last few years that some has crept back in again. So I realize I need to keep my guard up.
I have to tell you both something. Your prayers for me must be hitting the mark because my husband opened up to me tonight about something I needed to hear. I almost cried. It was something that gave me hope for his salvation and that of my kids. I just thought you would like to know. Happy Sabbath! ❤❤
You are very creative. And those are nice pastimes. I remember that you drew your display picture quite a while ago. I used to draw a long time ago. Used to color pages in coloring books front to back.
I don't play piano much anymore. I like drawing and crocheting better because I can create something!
TBH, I really don't think I want to be marry. I would rather live alone raising animals. but God knows the plans he has for me.
I am glad to hear that you do other things like knitting and crocheting. Do you play the piano or an instrument? That can be a wonderful way to pass the time, and not be a cause of steering you away from the Lord.
@Marilyn: Squatting is one thing, but this is more than just taking advantage of a parent. This is assault! He should be jailed for this!
Kitty Lover: If you do not want to wind up like me (feeling very much alone in my marriage), make sure your bond with the Lord is strong before considering a life partner. Let Jesus choose for you because we do not really know what we want. He knows who and/or what will make us happy. Otherwise you cannot enter into a marriage with safety; it will feel more like a curse than a blessing.
@Marilyn: you are right about computer games. I still play computer games occasionally as a way to spend time with my brother but that's after I checked the games fully and confirm there's no bad stuff in them. But I don't watch screen often. I mostly like knitting and crocheting.
I have been hard pressed by the enemy for years, and am now struggling with some TV addiction. Jesus is still not the center of our home. That alone has played the largest role in destroying the faith of my husband and our kids. I wonder if he has ever been truly converted. I hate what I did or did not do that contributed to my children losing their faith, but my husband claims no responsibility for their loss of faith. I brought up the subject of my TV addiction with Fred the other day at the mall, but he was totally non-committal.
I managed to keep the TV out of our home for a while when the kids were young, but Jesus has never been the center of our home. So it was a struggle trying to control the type of entertainment that influenced my family. My husband has never been anti-TV, so it has been back in our house for a long time. It and the computer have influenced our kids for evil. Computer games started out fairly benign while the kids were still at home, but one could see how they promoted evil more and more over the years.
@Julina: There was spiritualism on a nature show? How is that even possible?!
Since you both are parents, how did you handle tv with your kids when you went outside the home, and there happened to be a TV playing? After lots of nightmares, I don't look at what's playing anymore if it's bad. If good, I look. Just asking.
@Julina: So glad that you are doing the best for your children. Before my mom became SDA we watched all the toddler shows on Nickelodeon and Disney and PBS Kids, some of which we good, others ok, and some just bad. She later told us to stop watching those bad shows. I didn't like the change, and it was not easy at a place where there was a tv outside the home. I ended up suffering lots of nightmares that subsided when I gave my life to Jesus and watched better shows. We later made the switch to Smile and 3ABN kids. I still watch few secular shows, but ones that I have known to be educational and good.
Sometimes we just have to try our best to be an example and pray that they will come around and that God’s will be done in their lives as well as our own. We need to remember to make Christ our constant companion, especially when dealing with loved ones who try our patience. We can all slip in our walk and need extra help or encouragement. So as Christ is patient with us while we grow into Him, we also need to learn how to be faithful in forgiving and edifying with love toward others. My heart is often heavy for my loved ones that they be ready for heaven. So I pray that the God who loves them even more than I ever could will soften their hearts and that they will gain a desire to follow Him where He leads. We need to be sure to keep oil in our own lamps and be there to uplift one another on our way to the celestial city. Blessings ❤️🙏🏻
It is much harder now with cell phones on top of everything else. It seems it has slowly crept in again with watching Hallmark with my mom, and YouTube, and Facebook. Media is everywhere. But the verses that help me are “The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light” (Romans13:12). “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour” (1 Peter 5:8). Memorizing verses on here really helps me instead of using my time on less profitable things. It can be extremely hard though in a household where not everyone agrees, especially a spouse. We can only pray for them and try to be a good influence. Talking can help if they are open to it, but that is not always the case.
Yes, I believe that Satan will be using any distraction he can to keep us from getting ready and so that we are not always on full alert against his deceptions. I was raised in a pastor’s home but even then we had television. My parents were strict about not letting us watch many of the shows out there, but not as much as they probably should have been. They were gone a lot during a lot of my childhood so we would watch hours when we got away with it. We moved usually about every three years to a new church. My mom was a Literature Evangelist for several years and away in the evenings and my dad would be out visiting or at board meetings until late most nights. So we kids took care of ourselves a lot. I believe we would have been better off without a TV. It wasn’t until I was married with a young toddler that I decided to stop watching television. I wouldn’t let my son watch anything except nature or kids praise so why should I watch anything either. I completely gave it up when a popular show I liked started having spiritualism. I was done. And one of my brothers also gave it up at that time. But it was hard around the rest of the family who always had the television or movies on. It crept into my children’s lives but never at home when they were young.
I will be praying for her, Marilyn. I believe in families helping each other, but to not only take advantage of but to try and harm her as well is just awful. I believe everyday that we are that much closer to the end of this sinful world. And I am so sorry that I have been busy lately and am now just answering everything. I was wondering about The Truth of Jesus and am glad to know that is you Marilyn. I went and closed the group after you said you didn’t want anything shared. But now I know it’s your group so of course you can open it if and whenever you like.
One other thing you ladies should know, is that her son who is about 50 (and a big guy), hit her on the head when she did not cooperate with him about something. And he proceeded to walk her (a 78 year old woman who walks with a cane) backwards until she was out of his way. She wanted to inspect the bag that he was taking to the dump or for a donation. I just want you to know how serious this situation could get if he decides that because she took no action, he has permission to do it again.
Kitty Lover, it would be nice if simple answers took care of everything in this life, but that does not usually take place. The enemy so complicates things, so much so that it almost leaves you in a fog. I am done trying to fix the issues Scharon is dealing with. She has not listened to us, but maybe our agitating the issue is starting to arouse her interest in her own future. She has been my best friend for years, and is now a bestie to Charlie. So we can only hope, and pray, for the best for her.
I confided with my friends who are convinced that the only way her issues will be resolved is if Scharon stands up for herself. She has not yet done that, but I hope she can figure out what she wants, and then relay that information to her family. I have not heard her say that she wants her family to stay, but my friend said she told her that is what she wants. That she likes their company, but not that she likes them removing her stuff. It is a puzzle that God will have to figure out, because Charlie and I have been too invested in this situation, and are now hearing different answers from Scharon to others. To keep my sanity, I am going to step back and let God part the waters. This mess is too big for me!
Of course we have told her that, but she does not seem to understand the seriousness of the situation. I believe they mean to have her placed in a nursing home and take over her home. The daughter of the woman is especially putting pressure on her. She may be lying about things as well. Scharon needs people to pray for her safety and for this situation to resolve.
Tell her to get legal action.
About my friend that I took to the ER... She had been having blood in her urine for 3 days. She has a UTI and will be on an antibiotic for one week. Please pray for Scharon. She has three squatters in her house, two of whom moved in when she was away on a 2-month visit with her brother in Missouri. They are her son, his wife and now her daughter who moved in recently. They are causing her all kinds of stress and basically infringing on her privacy. They do not even pay rent! And this has been going on for 2 years now.
He used the cheat verses until he got up to 6 million. I guess he thought that was high enough. He wanted to be first on the Rankings list and on the Leaderboard. Just admitting it is not true repentance, because it was a sin that influenced others. And he has never apologized to me for the grief that he caused me. All of his friends came after me because they could not understand why I was pursuing this because he had made them believe that he was innocent. My relationship with Emma ended when I tried to reason with her about his cheating. She got so upset that her mother took her off of all the groups. JJ was the cause of all the turmoil.
He admitted it on Truth Be Told actually. He said that he used cheat verses, but once he found out they were cheat verses, he quit.
I shared what I told you two with three ladies at a breakfast today. We meet once monthly and they are women I can also trust. They gave me some advice and said they would pray for me. So, I got the courage to have a talk with my husband. We walked at the mall, and when we found a quiet place, we sat down so we could talk. I will continue more later. I have to go see my friend at the ER down the street. Possible UTI.
It was okay to say what you said on FES, Kitty Lover. Your comments were not rude. I appreciate your interaction which is more than I can say for others. Most are mute observers. And I was surprised to see JJ boldly show up right after your comments, and with his own name. I appreciate his apology, but he has never admited to his cheating of which there was much evidence. I do wonder if he will ever acknowledge that he did that.
If my comments just end up sounding rude on FES, then please delete them. I don't want it to be a war zone.
I'm trying to tell everyone not to be on attack mode!
I just wanted everyone to just be respectful on FES. I just needed to tell everyone, especially the Non SDA trouble makers to be respectful.
Good points, Kitty Lover, but also easier said than done. And I am not saying I am without sin, Kitty lover. All of us sin. Also, I need some scriptures and words, Julina, that will help back up an argument that I am sure is going to arise. I want peace in my house, but I am sure it is going to disappear when I seriously address this situation.
We habe a rule in my house that on Mon - Thu that we only watched educational videos. For one hour, and that was at dinner. On Fri- Sat afternoon we'd watch a Christian movie, and on Sun we'd play games that are good. It helps.
Maybe control your addiction and they'll control theirs? It's easy to say about their problem but do nothing about yours. Maybe if you control your addiction, it's possible that they'll notice and want to do the same.
We are now so addicted to the TV that it is totally out of control. So also are YouTube videos and Hallmark movies. I mention fairly often that we should not be doing watching as much as we do, but it goes nowhere. I do not want a war in my house but am unsure of how to move forward without making a big fuss. I realize I need to control my addiction but do not know really how to help my husband and my son. Eric stays in his room watching videos and playing games on his computer all day long.
When we first got married, I had strength to withstand the infatuation with the television. We did watch silly sitcoms that they made in those days, but they did not affect my commitment or personal relationship with the Lord. Eventually I did get enough strength to not allow a TV in our house. I knew it would control our lives and did not want our children to witness all the evil while they were very young. Fred was not happy about this the whole time. But as they got older, computers came into the house, and then cell phones.
I just reviewed Psalm 50:16-23. It gave some food for thought. I need some counsel although I probably know the answer. But I want to hear what you both have to say regarding the following.
Thank you for praying. My husband Fred is a Deacon, but he needs the power of the Holy Spirit in his life. He has no fervor. And he balks at doing Superintendent remarks once a month.
@Marilyn: I will be praying for you. My mom, a Catholic, married someone who was not a believer. Then when she became SDA, he wouldn't allow it at first, and tried so hard to stop. Now he is an SDA elder, and he preached a sermon last week! I am praying God can do the same.
One more thing.. The Truth of Jesus is me as well. 🙂🌺
I know it is late, but I just wanted to say that I do not share my story a lot because it is sad. But the only way I have dealt with the hard things in life is through the mercy and love of God. And without the promise of a future with real happiness I would be a truly miserable person. God has helped me all along the way to find bits and pieces of joy in spite of my situation. I will tell you more at a later time. I have got to get to sleep. Love to you both. 💗😔🙏
Marilyn, I will be praying for you and your family. And to both of you — I haven’t shared much of my personal life on here because I have experienced a lot of betrayal in my life. And also because I have family that are in high places of responsibility in the Adventist church who are personal friends of many of the well known Adventists. So I don’t want to give any indication to others so that there isn’t any negative reflection back on them. Maybe I need to start sharing some things. But yes, who we choose to marry will have an impact on our happiness in this world. Marriage can be one of God’s greatest blessings or it can be very disheartening for others. We have a God who loves us though and He can be our greatest companion through anything. We can also try to make the best of any situation through God’s help. And even the best of marriages go through hard times and require work. Choose to love through everything and put the other first as Christ would. I would absolutely counsel all the youth to wait until they are of an age ready to marry before they even date. “Keep your heart with all diligence” (Proverbs 4:23). Some versions say guard it. God Bless. ❤️🙏🏻
Our kids are a mess! Both were raised in the church, but we were not good parents. Because of poor guidance and choices, our daughter got into drugs and is pretty much a pagan. Our son has PTSD, mostly from 2 tours in Iraq. He has antisocial issues, and lives at home with us. He will not find a job. He does not want God in his life, and we cannot talk with him about politics. He is a diehard leftist! If I could do over my married life, I would change everything, starting with seeking the will of God at the getgo. Because I did not know the outcome, my children may be lost, as well as my husband. And I can only hope for the best for myself. God willing. Anyway, please do not share any of this with anyone, but we can discuss this on here because I trust Julina.
I have been married for over 50 years, but I have always thought that I missed a lot of joy due to marrying the wrong man. He is a nice person, but I do not think he is the person God had in mind for me. I have had a lot of grief in my marriage due to not waiting on the Lord. My husband is not a strong SDA Christian, and does not follow major SDA health laws. I homeschooled some but without his moral support. And I have always had to be the morally strong one in our marriage. My married life has been mostly a disappointment. I did not know what I wanted until it was not available. I did not divorce him because I kept thinking things would get better, but they only changed a bit.
Kitty Lover, I think your mom is wise about you not dating until after high school. I am answering that way because of my own personal experience. You may sacrifice your future happiness if you do not consider certain serious issues regarding a relationship. You want to be settled in your faith and have asked all the questions of what you want in a husband. I did not do that. And I had a pastor tell me that I was going to sacrifice my happiness by following through on marrying someone who did not honor God.
You can also put a cold ice pack on your jaw to relieve the pain. Lastly, I do not know if you are old enough to take regular aspirin, but that can help as well. Take baby aspirin otherwise. All those measures can help reduce the inflammation and reduce the pain. I will pray that God will be with you through this transition.
Kitty Lover, having a wisdom tooth come in can be very painful. I presume you saw my suggestion on FES. If not, I will repeat it here. Swish your mouth with some warm to hot salt water and spit it out. If you have powdered charcoal, stir it into cold water and do the same as the salt.
🌺 Have a restful and happy Sabbath folks. 🤗
I love this chapter. Lamentations 3:22-26 KJV - It is of the LORD’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in Him. The LORD is good unto them that wait for Him, to the soul that seeketh Him. It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.
Some favorite review verses this morning: Romans 8:26-28 KJV - Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. And He that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because He maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.
Isaiah 41:10, 13-14 KJV - Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. Fear not, thou worm Jacob, and ye men of Israel; I will help thee, saith the LORD, and thy redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.
Some thoughtful verses to contemplate as we enter into the Sabbath: 1 Peter 2:19-21 KJV - For this is thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully. For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? But if, when ye do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow His steps.
Praise God, Kitty Lover!! 😊❤️🙏🏻
My mom's chest is so much better! praise God!
I just finished listening to this video about the compelling case for Ellen White as a true prophet of God on YouTube. This perfectly sums up my feelings about her: https://youtu.be/-xVAyk5JjrE?si=v7C71agkm0qy7tNL
🌺 Happy Sabbath my friends! 🙏❤
She's taking herbs to help this condition because herbs are medicine.
If things don't improve next month, I will try to get her to go.
She seems to have more trust in God than I do. I pray that whatever she has, God will take care of it.🙏🙏🙏
❤ May the will of God be done, and may her faith be strengthened. 🙏😔
My mom keeps saying that she won't see another doctor. She read Ellen White's book on health,and she says that she will just rely on God. She discerned that this chest pain is spiritual, not physical. She says that whatever she has, God will take care of it.
I will mention that to her.
She may have a real medical condition like angina that they are overlooking.
My mom says that she's had issues the doctors could not do and said worse things. She prayed for these issues, and they recovered. She has been praying and she says that she has discerned this pain might be unconfessed sin and she is praying. Since these doctors have not really been helpful, she will just rely on God.
She may have angina. I think she really needs to get a second opinion.
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