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I will mention that to her.
She may have a real medical condition like angina that they are overlooking.
My mom says that she's had issues the doctors could not do and said worse things. She prayed for these issues, and they recovered. She has been praying and she says that she has discerned this pain might be unconfessed sin and she is praying. Since these doctors have not really been helpful, she will just rely on God.
She may have angina. I think she really needs to get a second opinion.
It seems a little better today. But what's the problem?
Oh my, Kitty Lover. I am really beginning to wonder whether her care provider is competent. 😳
Hi, so it really does not seem like much improvement for my mom's chest. She's scheduled an appointment, but it's in February. It got to the point where I prayed that the pain would be taken from her and given to me. Keep praying for her.
Some of my review verses: 2 Timothy 4:3-5 KJV - For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.
The info I have written has had an impact over the years, but now it may be short-lived with complaints about me. All of this began with the evil that crept in with JJ, and others, who spread their corruption throughout the groups. All I can say is what the Apostle said, I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. The Truth will continue to be shared by many, irregardless if I am able to help share it on here, during these final days of our journey. May God continue to be with us.
I sent another message to the Developer before I found a reply from him, which was lost among all the messages, warning me not to proselytize. I know that the days are short and I should not be concerned about this, but apparently people have been complaining about my witness on Final Events. So the days of our group activities may be shortened. The Group Description area which I use as Guidelines has been a great place to witness. I asked a long time ago for them to open up a study area, but they have never done that. And my Announcements area has never worked.
Please pray for me that I will have peace through the whole debacle with JJ. The people who follow him are stirring up trouble. I explained on Final Events SDA the best I could about why the Developer resorted to banning JJ permanently from Bible Memory. He was not willing to admit that he was wrong. And he rubbed shoulders with people who hated the Truth (former Seventh-Day Adventists). I hated pointing the problems out, but the damage he was doing to influence young people for evil can affect their salvation as well as his. I know that the whole problem with these wayward people and children will not be over until God says it is over. Thank you in advance for your prayers.
Yes, you are very welcome Kitty Lover. You are very beloved by God and He will be with you through everything. ❤️🙏🏻
Kitty Lover, think of this message as if Julina and I were giving you a big hug! And you are greatly loved by the Lord Jesus Christ. Never fear, knowing that the Lord has you in the palm of His hands. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
Thank you all for praying for me. I feel so much better.
Yes, one of the top deceivers! I am sure we could make a long list of wicked men and women.
On the list of deceitful people in the Bible, could you add Haman the Agagite? He used deception in his plot to kill the Jews, but later when he thought that the king wanted to award him, he gave put rewards for himself, only for it to go for Mordecai who he hated. Haman was later impaled.
You all have Admin so that you can delete posts if you need to make changes in your message, etc. I am going to invite Dori as well (by email). She is a God fearing SDA woman whom I would trust with my life. A real friend.
I just joined Warrior Princess again. Maybe Emma will come back to that one. But I think this group will be a safer place for now to talk privately.
Hi. I am still in Warrior Princess. And I was made admin a long time ago. It doesn’t seem active anymore but I I opened it to the public so you can join.
I just need a break from there.
She says she'll pray, and put ice. I researched it and it's probably just a torn muscle.
Being courageous does not mean that we are not afraid sometimes. Real courage means being willing to lean on the Lord, suffer along with Him, and trust that He knows the way through the darkness. All I have to do is hang onto Him by faith, the green cord that will get us safely through until the end.
I am glad that we can talk here. The situation on FES has been very stressful for me, but I cannot give it up or they will win. And I will leave the ability to post up for everyone knowing that another JJ, or Mario, or Spammer, or whoever else will come in time. I want to be like the armies of the Lord who went into the battle by going into the Red Sea. The water did not abate until their toes touched the water. Or how about the army of Gideon that was scaled down to just 300, the ones who did not fully kneel at the edge of the water, but kept alert for the enemy.
Kitty Lover, I cannot guarantee that FES will ever be a positive place. You can ask your mother about it, but the SOP says much about how our names will be dragged through the mud before the end. She also says that we cannot make friends with the world. I am not surprised by what is going on there. Peace comes and goes there because I am giving a straight testimony. I am sorry it is uncomfortable for you. I hope you do not go; I am trying to clean it up. But you will be one of the first to know that I felt it best to ban JJ. I hated to do it because I wanted to help bring him to repentence, but my efforts were just denied. I am truly sorry that it had to come to that. I can only take so much stress. But I want you to know that I do value your support.
Kitty Lover, how is your mother doing? Did she go get a second opinion from a different doctor? Sometimes doctors overlook things that may be caught by a different practitioner.
I'm leaving the group until it becomes a more positive place.
I think it may be gone. I could not find it.
Are you still in the group Warrior Princess? If so, can you open that group to me? I want to rejoin.
Thank you for your support. I need that right now as all these problems with them are really getting me down.
I did report both JJ and Mario to the Developer. I am probably going to ban JJ as well. One follows the other in their mischief all over the groups.
I know, but I am finding comfort in singing some verses from hymns. Like THE LORD'S MY SHEPHERD on page 546 in the new hymnal. They are such comforting words.
But sad to see an SDA act so rude. It offends me more than it was a non SDA because I expect them to do better.
I believe it's Mario who is copying your profile because he advertised for his group, When Love Broke Through, with your name. It's Mario who is doing that because he later changed his picture back.
I suspect that it is either Mario or JJ.
I am mystified though by the deceit and lying that is happening in these groups right now. Someone is copying my profile and saying things that I did not say.
I was surprised at myself after I posted it. But you are right.
My reaction was because I grew up with the idea of "Bless those who curse you" and so I wasn't expecting that.
It is okay. Righteous indignation got the best of me. I think I understand how David felt in cursing Joab for killing Abner. Mine was much milder.
Ok, sorry for what I said, please delete that!
Did you just curse Mario? Not using bad language, but hoping that God will remove his ability to speak? I hope that was a fake Marilyn because, I say respectfully, doing the same thing back is wrong. "Vengeance is mine, I will repay" says the Lord.
I just threw up 5 times, but am fine now, and drinking hot chocolate. I feel that I am being harassed by an evil spirit. You can see why I feel that way by looking at the evidence on the groups called 28 Fundamental Briefs and on Missionaries. Please keep me in your prayers and let others know as well. I have posted the following info which may have the enemy and his cronies scrambling: Go to to receive guidance on how to empower your mind against spiritual warfare.
That was completely unacceptable and unnecessary.
I thought he was just acting childish, but that was a huge problem.
Yes I know. He actually got banned from Missionaries. I hope that the group called 28 Fundamental Beliefs will ban him as well. What he wrote was disgusting.
The situation with Mario has gotten worse. He's using your name and your pfp!
One last thing.. I know people like to blame others, but we are all responsible for our own relationship with Jesus Christ. If people left Christianity for a flimsy answer like someone made them mad, then they were not really His. When people tell you things, turn the question around and look at it from a different angle. Sometimes that will give you the best answer.
There must have been something that I saw in the character of Mario that made me realize that all he was bringing to the message wall on FES was poison. Usually I do not react that quickly in making a final decision. But I will be more careful in the future.
Also, I have said before that some of the people who claim to be youth and children on here could actually be demons. Please look at this former SDA with a different lens. What if that is a ploy of Satan to get people to look at the Seventh-Day Adventist Church as something awful and weird. Satan will do tricks like that to deceive. Especially on this type of platform, you cannot take everything as people telling all the truth and nothing but the truth.
You might look at it another way. Yes, people want to blame Seventh-day Adventists, but what if they are just looking for problems to blame us for because they do not want to commit their lives to God? After all, God asks a lot of us, and we know it requires a great sacrifice to be a Seventh-Day Adventist in this day and time.
I meant to say that many non SDA hate SDAs because of their doctrines, but some probably had bad encounters and as a result, left them? Like how many people left Christianity because they saw how awful Christians acted.
I'm not attacking you at all. Mario's comment just saddens me.
I saw 28 Fundamentals.Mario was acting rude, but his final comment saddened me. He said that Noah was curious about FESDA, but after encounters with some SDAs he was completely shut down. Makes me wonder why are so many non SDA hating SDA? Yes, many hate SDA because of the doctrines, but is how SDAs respond causing many non SDAs to turn away? I keep wondering if the lady who made Former Seventh Day Adventists group was a lady who was mistreated by the church into leaving? If SDAs responded gently, wouldn't more people become SDA? I have seen this first-hand with my dad. My dad at first hated SDA. He would even fight with my mom over this. Every time mom would tell him "don't do this on Sabbath" or "don't eat pork" he'd cause a fight. My mom decided to stop trying to reason with him and instead pray for him. Now he is an SDA deacon! I'm not trying to say let non SDAs push their doctrines of FESDA. Maybe be gentle, warn them first, remove them, and if it happens three times or more, ban them?
I just had a talk with my husband about JJ. I told him that I want to keep working with JJ to bring him to repentance so that he understands that lying and cheating are sins that will keep him out of heaven. Please pray about this, that I, or someone else, will be able to reach him. I do not want to ban him.
Kitty Lover, I indirectly am trying to reason with JJ on Final Events. If you feel up to it, you can go in there and read it. Please keep JJ in your prayers, and myself. He has been the hardest nut to crack. But I want to give him space to repent. Mario is sore because he was so disagreeable that I felt I could not bare his attitude anymore, so I banned him. I probably should have warned him first. 😔
Today is Ten days of Prayer, so I will fast screen time. I won't be in here much! Bye!👋
Anyway, to change the topic, have you heard of Sight and Sound Theaters? It's a performance company that does Bible stories on stage, and they are really good!
I was just saying that Noah actually knows how to respectfully disagree unlike all these people.
I think one thing that shocks our non-Adventist friends is that I am pretty straightforward about things that are happening in the world and how Christians are involved in the end time scenario. They are not used to hearing anyone speak out so forthright.
And I do not even discuss the Lord of the Rings anymore. More Adventists are making excuses for it, so I do not even want to touch that argument with a 10-ft pole. Liberalism and worldliness are really making inroads into the Seventh-day Adventist church.
One of the problems is that Mario does not know me like your friend knows you. As I said, he got caught in the fallout which is too bad.
I've known Noah for a while on here, and he's a great example of a non SDA who knows how to disagree respectfully. I remember the Lord of the Rings debate we had on Friendly Discussion, and although he still didn't agree that it wasn't something a Christian should be reading, he stopped promoting it. He didn't attack anyone. He just said what he thought and left it there.
For instance, if he said, "I think you could've said it a little nicely" instead of "you are wrong" it would have worked. I'm not trying to side with him or anything. I'm just saying we all need to disagree respectfully.
It kinda upsets me that people just cannot agree to disagree respectfully. My friend is non SDA, and she knows where I stand on the Sabbath, unclean meats, etc, but it's our love for Jesus that's unites us and we're still good friends. We have some differences, but we don't tear each other down. I remember telling my friend that I couldn't attend several events on Sabbath and she was completely ok. She even sent me a text on Sabbath saying "Happy Sabbath!" And I do think that Mario has some valid points that would have worked if he came RESPECTFULLY.
If you go to the group called 28 Fundamental Beliefs, you can read a conversation you might be interested in between Mario and I. I do not know what else to say, or that anything else could help. 😏
I thought of an interesting study and posted it in eight parts on Final Events SDA. I thought it went together well.
Welcoming in the Sabbath:
How wonderful to remember that date! How long ago was it? 🙂
BTW, December 28 is my Spiritual birthday, the day that I was baptized (born again)
I have learned a lot of scriptures and see this same theme time and time again: Psalm 55:1-3 - "Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide not Thyself from my supplication. Attend unto me, and hear me: I mourn in my complaint, and make a noise; Because of the voice of the enemy, because of the oppression of the wicked: for they cast iniquity upon me, and in wrath they hate me." It encourages me that I can bring anything before the Lord at any time.
🎉 Happy New Year! Time is short. Get ready! Get ready! Get ready! Jesus is coming soon.⌛ ❤🙏
🌺 Happy Sabbath friends! May you be blessed on this sacred day of worship, our gift from God. 💝🙏❤
🎆 Merry Christmas! May the love, of our Father in heaven and His son Jesus Christ, dwell in your heart and mind both now and forevermore, amen. 🙏❤
If you have heard of Steven Gundry He is a cardiothoracic surgeon who is famous for his wild claims (i.e. rice is bad🤦🏾♀️, tomatoes are bad🤦🏾♀️, alcohol is good🤦🏾♀️) So he made a claim saying that smoking has health benefits and can keep you from developing Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Turns out, there is no proof that it's true and like Dr Mike said, people didn't develop Parkinson's because they died of other diseases caused by smoking. Dr Mikhail Varshavski, "Dr Mike", a doctor on YouTube (neither is religious, for your information), told him that smoking has health problems and it went like this:
Gundry: You're wrong!
Mike: But how?
Gundry: You are wrong!
That's not the big issue. The big issue is that Gundry sent Mike a cease and desist telling him if he didn't delete that post off Instagram, he'd sue Mike. Mike said that it's ok for doctors to make mistakes, but it's not ok to continue spewing misinformation and silence those correcting it. Anyway, Mike didn't delete it off Instagram but instead reposted it on YouTube. But it's a problem when someone not only insists on incorrect things but tries to silence those who speak the truth.
I am not focusing on pictures right now. They have improved their displays. What is the Dr Mike/Dr Gundry incident about?
As people grow closer to God, they find more what is God honoring. Like my dad used to watch garbage before SDA, he is SDA, and he still occasionally watches stuff that's not right, but most of his old movie are now covered in dust.
Just a suggestion, I honestly think "God honoring pictures" is a little too vague because depending on how people are raised, they may not all agree what is God honoring. Maybe be more specific. I.e. no violent or graphic pictures, no immodesty, no rpg pictures, etc.
It honestly feels like the Dr Mike/Dr Gundry incident.
I just wish people could learn to just respectfully disagree! They do not have to agree with everything but at least show respect. At least my non SDA friend actually knows what I believe about the Sabbath and she respects that. (I tell her I keep the Sabbath because I just love Jesus.)
Kitty Lover, I would like for Final Events SDA to be a safe place for Bible believing Adventists at all times, but Satan would not have it that way. Anyway, I am taking it back, and banning Mario and Angel for the sake of everybody else who comes on there. It will be back to normal on there shortly. Please continue praying for me while I am engaged in this skirmish.
I meant to say that Satan would cause us to say or do things that we would not ordinarily say or do.
I wish that it was as simple as issues like clean and unclean meats, but things are heating up about the Sabbath, which will lead into the Sunday law. Everything that has been said about the attempt of Satan to gain the worship of the whole world in The Great Controversy is now coming to pass. Jesus is coming soon!
We have to stay prayed-up and put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). The battle gets intense when you talk about things like the Sabbath. That is my main focus on there because issues about Sunday now being holy are already being addressed in the background right now.
I do not think they mean to be that way. But that is what Satan wants. He does not want the Truth to be clearly understood. If Satan can make any kind of headway with an individual, he will do it. That is why we cannot leave any kind of opening for the devil because he will cause us to say or do things we would not ordinarily not say or do.
If you read what I put on Final Events, I think it will lead to an opening to share the Truth with them. Yes, some people come on there with a fighting spirit, and there is not much we can do to help them except to be patient. I am trying to develop that kind of patience, but as you said, it is hard to not see the message wall as a place to fight.
Why can't Non SDAs ever come to the group and respectfully disagree? My best friend is a non SDA and she knows where I stand on the Sabbath. unclean meats, yet what unites us is our love for Christ and we're still good friends.
FES kinda saddens me because frequently it becomes a debate group. And not a healthy, respectful debate either. I'm not accusing anyone of anything, I just don't like what FES is turning into a fight group.
@Everyone: I hope your Preparation Day is productive as you prepare for the true Sabbath day of rest. Do not let anything distract you from getting ready to be in the presence of the Lord for the sacred hours of the Seventh day Sabbath. The devil has already tried over the last several days to cause me grief and stress, and steal my blessing. However, a special blessing is in store for me tonight. I get to participate in a sing-along Handels Messiah! How I miss those days when I sang the long score every Christmas for years with our local Symphony Choir and Orchestra.
Some of my review verses this morning: Romans 10:12-14 KJV - "For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?"
Oh I remember that now! Joab is not a character mentioned a lot so it is easy to forget him.
He also supported Adonijah, who many people wanted on the throne, instead of Solomon who God had chosen to be king. That is why, after Solomon had Adonijah killed for wanting his throne (Adonijah had attempted a coup) he also had Joab killed. Joab could not be trusted.
After Joab murdered Abner, David declared a curse over him and his descendants: 2 Samuel 3:28-29 KJV - "And afterward when David heard it, he said, I and my kingdom are guiltless before the LORD forever from the blood of Abner the son of Ner: Let it rest on the head of Joab, and on all his father’s house; and let there not fail from the house of Joab one that hath an issue, or that is a leper, or that leaneth on a staff, or that falleth on the sword, or that lacketh bread."
He disobeyed David in keeping Absalom alive.
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