Select Verse Collections to memorize with this Group.
Memory verses for today: 1 Peter 4:16, 19 KJV - "Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf. Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to Him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator."
The devil never lets up. He does try to "wear out" the saints with continuous oppression. I have been having pain in my left eye for 2 days. It turns out that I have a clogged oil gland in my lower lid. Now I have to get on a prescription and do hot and cold treatments, etc. So, when I am tempted to become depressed, here are some good verses I like to remember. James 1:2-4 KJV say, "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing."
Sabbath is here in the Great Northwest! I really cooked up a storm today. I made lasagna, a green bean dish with potatoes (fresh pole beans from my garden), a tuna salad, corn on the cob and a veggie burger dinner for us three (my son, husband and myself). I picked tomatoes off of my vines today, and with the ones that I had already picked, I made a homemade sauce that cooked for almost 5 hours. We will try it out on friends who are coming over for lunch tomorrow. Happy Sabbath everyone!
Happy Preparation day! Before I awoke this morning, I was dreaming about cooking down some tomatoes to make spaghetti sauce. I am planning to make a lasagna with the batch. I guess I had better get to it. 😄
Thank you for your prayers. The BM developer and I have exchanged several emails back and forth between us. Things are almost back to normal. He has worked very diligently to restore my site back to normal and I am very grateful.
I believe that my phone is under a demonic attack. The only app that is not working on my phone is my personal Bible memorization page. But it works on my husband's phone and my computer just fine. I had been praying for my group, Final Events SDA, and the devil has left that alone. I have removed most of the KJV Bible from my phone to help improve how it syncs, but to no avail for now. And it is not just the syncing that is not working; other parts of it do not work as well. It is acting like it has a virus.
Joe is better. Had some new procedure on his heart, and it is running like a well-oiled machine. Clydia is now permanently situated in a group home, but she likes it. My friend Margie is now in a facility awaiting a permanent placement somewhere. Her husband has to sell all their belongings, and then he wants to join her. I think that is best. People go downhill faster when their loved ones are not around.
Hello Marilyn, yes all is ok thanks! This year for me in ministry has become a very busy one so far, but the Lord is good and no excuse to keep on memorising the Word and to keep in touch!! I will try to do better in that area here. :) Hope you are going well and thanks for the sharing about your neighbors, I will put them in my prayers, sounds like they are in a serious situation. Please keep me updated as things progress.
@Everyone: LBJ or Shannon is trying to locate SIRI. Does anyone remember those names, or have any contact with them? She posted an email address on Final Events.
My friend Charlie is back to normal as far as I know. My neighbor Joe is still in and out of the hospital. And my husband's sister Clydia just got off a ventilator and is in a rehab center. She also has kidney problems. She and Joe have pretty critical health issues. They could each go downhill overnight.
An ambulance and fire truck just came to our neighbor's house next door. Joe was taken to the same hospital that my friend Charlie went into yesterday. He has had a probable heart attack. She has sepsis. They both need prayer right now. Can you pray? And if you know of other praying people, or if you know of a prayer chain, can you let them know?
Please pray for a very serious situation. I cannot explain the details on here. Let me just say that Satan is in the middle of it wanting to destroy multiple families. God knows the details. Just come to Him in prayer asking for His mercy, deliverance and protection. 😮
Here is something you can share with other groups. This is a great message from a Sunday pastor with a PHD! 😄
Hi, are you still wanting this group to become active?
Hi everyone. Hope you and yours are well! This series is starting tonight at 7:00 p.m. (PST). You can catch it on YouTube after it airs. Pastor Doug Batchelor always is very interesting:
Words of wisdom from my review this morning: Proverbs 2:10-11 - "When wisdom entereth into thine heart, and knowledge is pleasant unto thy soul; Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee."
That is a wonderful promise if we will believe it and take hold of it! I do still memorize a lot of scripture texts. I encourage the members of my group called "Final Events SDA" to keep putting the word of God in their hearts. Come look us up if you have not joined. I do not mind occasional SOP quotes on there. 🙂
here is the quote: "The prophets and apostles did not perfect Christian character by a miracle. They used the means which God had placed within their reach; and all who will put forth the same effort will secure the same results." SL 83.3
Put up a new topic called Perfection of Character. The quote in SL 83.3 I read recently in my devotions and it really inspired me, so though to memorise it and share it to you all! Happy memorising!
Hello Marilyn, I am ok thanks! The group is still active - at least I am :) The last year has been a rough one in various terms but we are moving ahead, and still memorising. How are you going?
As Preparation Day commences, this is my prayer before we head into the Sabbath Day. Psalm 141:2-4 says, "Let my prayer be set forth before Thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips. Incline not my heart to any evil thing, to practise wicked works with men that work iniquity: and let me not eat of their dainties."
Hi. Is this group still active?
My husband and I listened to the entire story of Joseph on Bible Gateway Audio tonight for worship. It's a wonderful story of lessons in patience, God's watchcare over His people, of forgiveness.
@Everybody: Time is very short. Things are wrapping up in the world very quickly. The devil is accelerating his agenda like never before. Make your peace with God and decide Whom you're going to serve. I'm talking to myself as well. Don't wait! 😔🙏
We just watched the powerful testimony of Dr. Phodidas Ndamyumugabe, originally from Rwanda. He has a PhD from Weimar University. His testimony is called "The Power of the Story." This was the second sermon for the TRIALS TO TRIUMPH program for the AFY Amazing Facts Youth Conference Day Two on YouTube. He wrote a book called "Preaching from the Grave," a book about the genocide of the Tutsis, and how he survived the slaughter only with prayer, and the powerful answers from God. It's on Kindle as an e-book for $7.99 or you can visit to order it.
1 John 4:2-3 says, "Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world."
A new series by Pr Doug Batchelor begins tonight. He wrote the book THE RICHEST CAVEMAN. The series is on Amazing Facts TV on YouTube. It's called "Inspiration: The Bible's Greatest Stories!" The series is going to be held at Paradise Church in Las Vegas.
Hi Henry. We haven't heard from you for a while. Hope all is well with you and yours. I had covid in Sept and Oct. Got over it without hospitalization, but it was hard on me. Experiencing serious hair fall. Yuck.. Am encouraged though by the word and SOP.
Just added a new collection on issues of religious liberty. These statements are a must to consider as we see our world rapidly changing for the worse!
Just added a new collection on the life of Enoch, such an inspiration to us! His example is so important to consider today in the crazy world we are living in.
Hello all! How are things going? I have been loving my memorization of recently, so encouraging in my own personal life. Does anyone have any statements they would like to memorize? Happy to put them up!
Wonderful Henry, congratulation 🎉
Psalms 24:7 (NIV) Lift up your heads, you gates, be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. (Herald of light activity from The Bible Brigade)
Hi folks! I just wanted to let you know that my Final Events SDA group message wall is back up and running! Thank you so much for all your prayers and patience while we endured such a long process to get the broken issues fixed. Like I've said before, we wouldn't develop patience if we didn't have situations like this to exercise our patience! God bless you and yours! 🙏🖐😃🙏💕
Just posted some new quotes in the health section for those would like to memorize on what God says regarding health reform!
Hey Marilyn, glad it is all figured out!
@Henry: I finally figured how to upload SOP quotes. I can only do it on the computer though.
Hi! I just rejoined your group after accidentally removing myself on Wednesday. Haha! We've been having a challenging time for a few weeks on my group, Final Events SDA. Troublemakers.. I've undergone some stress over the situation. You are welcome to join us to spread the news of Jesus's soon coming. Let me know if you find us. You can Email me at: --- Marilyn, Admin
Good day Marilyn. I am not sure how to add custom passages via the mobile app, but I see it's quite easy if using a web browser on e.g. the laptop.
login to in browser
Click "My Verses"
Click "+" icon and Add a new verse
Set the Bible version to "Other" and then you can just add/paste the text and reference into the form.
Click "Save Scripture"
Hi. Can you help me with something? I want to learn how to input my own SOP passages. I'm mainly interested in inputting short passages that are easy to memorize. But I don't know how to do it myself. You can find me at FINAL EVENTS SDA. Thanks in advance! 👋😄
Happy Sabbath everyone! 😊
@Everybody: As the Covid-19 virus continues to be found around the world, a couple good verses to remember this morning are Psalm 34:7 which says, "The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them." And Psalm 37:3, which says, "Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed." Have a good day! ☺
For some reason, I can't update my prayer requests. Things have changed for the better for my daughter, but worse for my son. I'll check back on here tomorrow to see if you got this message, and the one prior about creating my own SOP group. Thanks. -- Me :)
Hi Henry, I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving. We did it differently. Had the get-together with family and friends the Sunday prior. Went out to eat by ourselves so family could do their own thing on Thanksgiving (per their request). Cousins was just okay. My husband told me last night that Denny's was so much better! Anyway, so sorry to not have responded until now about making my own SOP group. Busy, busy, busy! Anyway, yes I would like to set up my own group with SOP quotes. So, if you could pass on that info to me, I would be grateful. I didn't find any kind of PM posting about it. Please, just send the instructions to my email address. I don't get on the computer that often, and when I do, it's for everything else. :) My email address is Thanks in advance for your help!
I would be happy to teach you how to import SOP verses if you'd like, see my last PM to you it contains I believe the instructions on how to do it.
Hey Marilyn, sorry for a slow reply. I've just got both of them up (one in Faith the other in Salvation). Appreciate your input on the length of verses, I do admit some of mine are on the long side. I try to have an approximate length of around 100 words/per post but realize that may be long for some to memorise. I would be happy to create short/long versions of the same quotations if that would help just let me know which you would like shortened.
Henry, I found another good quote. Please add, "Through faith, every deficiency of character may be supplied, every defilement cleansed, every fault corrected, every excellence developed." AA 563.2. I would also like to know how to set up my own SOP quotes in my own group. Some of your quotes are just too long to learn, and would be easier to learn if broken up. Or, you could add me as a Co-Administrator on here, and I could help you with that. You can join my group called FINAL EVENTS SDA and see how I have set it up. As you could tell, I like efficiency, and would not damage what you have already done in your Spirit of Prophecy group. Thanks ahead for considering my requests. 😄
Sorry. I meant to put that message on another group message board. You can delete that and this one.
Let's welcome Siri to our group. 😀
I found another great quote, this time on Facebook. "The way of the cross is an onward, upward way. And as we advance therein, seeking the things that are above, we must leave farther and farther in the distance the things which belong to the earth." 1T 278.3. Please post it.
all up, in the collection called Salvation!
Hello Marilyn, great choice! I'll get it up today for you!
Henry, my husband found a good text that would be good to learn. It is from the Desire of Ages, on page 25. It reads, "Christ was treated as we deserve, that we might be treated as He deserves. He was condemned for our sins, in which He had no share, that we might be justified by His righteousness, in which we had no share. He suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which was His. With His stripes we are healed."
No worries, just noticed you had some on your personal profile that you needed prayer for. Please read my message to you on your encouragement wall on how to import SOP quotations into scripture typer and start your own SOP group. :)
@Henry: I'll have to go get on my computer later (I'm sorting seeds right now) and see what you mean by prayer requests. I know I had put in some a long time ago. Things may have changed. Also, I was mainly asking about a Spirit of Prophecy group. I have started my own regular group and it is called FINAL EVENTS SDA. But I don't know how to start one to upload quotes from E G White. I mainly just curious.
@ Marilyn, no worries, I've just sent you a few messages! All the best in your memorisation journey, and keep strong for Jesus
@Henry: Yes, I will be making some suggestions. I was thinking of one in particular the other day, but now I'm going to have to go back and try and remember which one it was... I'm not far from 70 anos. Ha! I also have a couple questions for you: Does a person have to be given special permission to have a group like this? And how is the group set up? I'm not necessarily going to start my own group because you graciously said that I could suggest some quotes. I'm just curious how this comes about. You could message me in the personal Encouragement area if you want. Thanks. ☺
Hello Marilyn, welcome to our group. Do you have any quotes you would like to memorize? I can put it up for you to work on if you'd like, so long as it is not too large. I suggest about 100 words per quote although I think my biggest one is about 115 or so.
Hello Isa66:23, thanks for sharing the MH quotation, very powerful! Would you be able to choose a portion of that quote as it is a very long one to import into Scripture Typer. If the quotation is too big, it becomes impossible to use the flashcard feature on the App. A suggested guide would be around 100 words max per quote, unless we break it into 'verse' sections. Let me konw what you'd like
Hi everybody. I just joined. ☺
(paragraph 3)
Through the right exercise of the will, an entire change may be made in the life. By yielding up the will to Christ, we ally ourselves with divine power. We receive strength from above to hold us steadfast. A pure and noble life, a life of victory over appetite and lust, is possible to everyone who will unite his weak, wavering human will to the omnipotent, unwavering will of God. MH 176.3
(paragraph 2)
God has given us the power of choice; it is ours to exercise. We cannot change our hearts, we cannot control our thoughts, our impulses, our affections. We cannot make ourselves pure, fit for God's service. But we can choose to serve God, we can give Him our will; then He will work in us to will and to do according to His good pleasure. Thus our whole nature will be brought under the control of Christ. MH 176.2
(paragraph 1)
The tempted one needs to understand the true force of the will. This is the governing power in the nature of man - the power of decision, of choice. Everything depends on the right action of the will. Desires for goodness and purity are right, so far as they go; but if we stop here, they avail nothing. Many will go down to ruin while hoping and desiring to overcome their evil propensities. They do not yield the will to God. They do not choose to serve Him. MH 176.1
Happy Sabbath, Henry! May I suggest a passage for the Victory Over Sin collection? It's from Ministry of Healing, page 176. One of the elders from my church snapped a pic of this page and posted it to FB. It's kinda long, but it really rocked my world! [to be continued above....]
Hi, brothers and sisters in Christ! I found a little gem of a group near the bottom of the group list; I'm inviting everyone to come and take a look 😃 You are invited to the Seventh-Day Adventist Bible memorization group:
Dear brethren, if you want a certain quote memorized, let me know and I'll put it up on here.