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I have my youth camp this weekend
no js licenses for the work machines like forklifts nd stuff
licenses? soo u can drive now?😃
naw it was busy lol cs I’m learning a bunch of new stuff and I’ve got licenses and keys for stuff so lots of ppl want my help
how's work going for ya??
they've been in like every picture 😅
u like those sun glasses don't ya?
your wrist, it's completely healed right?
oh I guess I missed u by 1 minute😅
I’m learning how to play cricket
I’m turning 16 next month
for excellent customer service👍🏼
six awards? for what...???
I just got SIX awards after only two months!!!
I am gonna hang out with my bestie every Monday🤣
it’s only over the summer tho
oh yikes that is really busy 😥
I get up at 7, leave for work at 8:10, and get back home at 9:05 pm ish
yeah I’m very busy with work nd stuff and today was my day off, sorry I haven’t been on
you've been distant for awhile
hope it's treating you well
nothing to stressful right?
hope work is going good 😁
i wanna travel somewhere this year
it’s been a very interesting year
it's already next year in a few hours 😭
I bought clothes and AirPods yesterday with the gift cards
a bunch of gift cards lol and chocolate and protein stuff
some boxing stuff and nail tattoo art stuff
what did you get for Xmas?!?
I forgot to check this group 😭
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