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i literally just missed u 😅
Yes, thank you! It really is!
well I hope u have good rest of your day 😊
oh I'm sorry 😟. yea school honestly comes and goes annoyingly 😔. but dating, never a problem 😉
Thx Life is getting really busy because I joined a Varsity team that travels also….plus school and dating.
yea it's fine I understand if ur busy 😉
Sorry that we haven’t been able to have r normal chats. I wish I had more time…..
I've been fine 😁 how have u been?
cause he is on our chat wall….anyways.
Does Matt have a crush on u?
the weather has been quite beautiful these past few days, huh?
Couple of hours….like hour and a half playing…then theirs the break and after wins? I also got on Varsity!
how long are ur football games? like how long do they usually last for?
I'm sure you'll do great 👍🏼
Aorry, but I can’t! I have a football try out for Varsity….wish me luck!
oh. I just missed u by 1 minute
how are u doing today at least? and what time is it 4u rn?
well I think I'll go to bed now.
when do u think you'll be done ?.?.?.?
so how long have u been doing school? sorry another random question
to see if he's changed ...
but I just want to wait a little longer
well he's been trying to get back with me
U don’t need to answer, but how’s life without Weston and stuff if u see him?
And if ur busy we can talk later if u want
sorry u don't even have to answer If u don't want too😅
but how far are u going to be living from Amber when u move?
sorry this is an out-of-the-way question
i would love 4 u to read it. but it's just not working with me. so that's why I've been working on it
um I'm gonna wait till it's finished lol
Do I have a snippet of ur story?
But it’s me who has the best time! cause I am with her!
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