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Scripture Typer App User's Manual


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  1. How to Enter Your Own Verses
    1. Login to the ScriptureTyper app.
    2. Select the "My Verses" button.
    3. Select the "New Verse" button at the top left of the screen, which will take you to the Verse Editor screen.
      1. You can also select "Add a Verse" under the My Verses list at the bottom of the screen.
      2. If you want to add a verse to a collection, go to the collection and select either "Add a Verse" or the "New Verse" button at the top of the screen.
    4. Select the Book of the Bible and fill in the Verse Reference.
    5. Choose a Bible Version.
      1. If the version is one of the 8 listed, Scripture Typer will attempt to import the verse from the internet.
        1. Be sure to proofread any imported text before saving it. Some translations include text headers or other text that you probably will not want to memorize.
      2. If the version is not listed, you can select "Other". Then you will need to either copy and paste it from the version you would like to use, or type it manually in the Verse Text box.
    6. Select the "Save" button at the bottom of the screen, and your verse will be added to your collection!
    7. The app will take you to the screen to memorize the verse.
      1. To return to the category or your list of My Verses, select the "Back" arrow button in the top navigation bar.
      2. To change memorization modes from "Type It" to "Memorize It" or "Master It", or to alter your memorization settings, select the "Typing Mode" button in the top navigation bar.
  2. How to Select Verses from the Verse Library
    1. Login to the ScriptureTyper app.
    2. Select the "My Verses" button.
    3. Select the "Verse Library" button at the top of the screen. (You can also select "Select from Verse Library" under the My Verse Collections list OR the My Verses List.")
    4. Select any of the 60 collections you would like to add to your My Verses page. All of the verses in each collection will automatically be added, as well. You can preview the verses in any collection by selecting the red arrow.
    5. You can also choose individual verses from any collection without selecting the entire collection by selecting the red arrow, then selecting individual verses from the collection.
    6. You can also remove individual verses from any of your collections by selecting the red arrow, then de-selecting any verses you would like to remove.
  3. How to Create Your Own Verse Collections
    1. If the verses have NOT been entered into Scripture Typer yet:
      1. Login to the ScriptureTyper app.
      2. Select the "My Verses" button.
      3. Select the "New Collection" button at the top right of the screen. (You can also select "New Collection" under the My Verse Collections list.)
      4. Name your collection.
      5. Select the "Save" button.
      6. Select "Add a Verse" or select the "New Verse" button to start adding verses to your collection.
      7. Follow the steps on the Verse Editor page, as outlined above in the How to Enter Your Own Verses section.
    2. If the verses HAVE been entered into Scripture Typer:
      1. Login to the ScriptureTyper app.
      2. Select the "My Verses" button.
      3. Scroll down to the My Verses list find the verse you would like to add to a collection.
      4. Select the small "Edit" button next to the verse.
      5. Select the "Collections" button.
      6. Select the "New Collection" button.
      7. Name the collection and select "Save".
      8. Your verse will be added to your new collection!
  4. How to Edit a Verse.
    1. Find the verse you would like to edit, either in a category or under your My Verses list.
    2. Select the "Edit" button next to the verse.
    3. Change the verse reference, Bible version, collection, or verse text on the Verse Editor screen.
    4. Select "Save", and your changes will be saved!
    5. You can also edit a verse from the memorization screen in the "Type It", "Memorize It", or "Master It" modes by selecting the "Edit" button under the verse text. It will also take you to the Verse Editor screen, where you can edit the verse as described above.
  5. How to Delete a Verse.
    1. Find the verse you would like to delete, either in a category or in your My Verses list.
    2. Select the "Edit" button next to the verse.
    3. Select "Delete" at the bottom of the screen, and the verse will be deleted from your account.
    4. You can also delete a verse from the memorization screen in the "Type It", "Memorize It", or "Master It" modes by selecting the "Edit" button under the verse text. It will also take you to the Verse Editor screen, where you can delete the verse as described above.
  6. How to Edit a Collection.
    1. Select the collection you would like to edit.
    2. Select the "Edit" button on the top navigation bar.
    3. From here you can edit the Collection Name.
    4. Select "Save", and your changes will be saved!
  7. How to Delete a Collection.
    1. Select the collection you would like to edit.
    2. Select the "Edit" button on the top navigation bar.
    3. Select the "Delete Collection" button at the bottom of the screen, and the collection will be deleted from your account.
  8. How to Use the Three-Step Memorization Process.
    1. Explanation: Scripture Typer is based on a three-step memorization process. First, you type a verse (in the app, meaning the first letter of each word) in the "Type It" mode. Then you memorize a verse by typing it with every other word missing in the "Memorize It" mode. Finally, you master a verse in the "Master It" mode by typing the entire verse without any assistance. You can skip any step or repeat any step as many times as you would like. A verse is not checked off as fully memorized until it has been mastered. Once a verse is mastered, it will be entered into your review system.
    2. Select the verse you would like to memorize, either in a category or under your My Verses list.
    3. The memorization screen will appear in the "Type It" mode. To change typing modes to either "Memorize It" or "Master It", select the "Typing Mode" button in the top navigation bar, which will take you to the Memorization Mode screen.
    4. From the Memorization Mode screen, you can also control the following features:
      1. Turn the Illustrations feature on or off.
      2. Turn the Vibration for errors freature on or off.
      3. Turn the Beep on Error feature on or off.
      4. You can also access Flash Cards.
  9. How to Review Verses.
    1. Using the Automatic Review System.
      1. Explanation: Once you have mastered a verse, it will automatically be entered into your Scripture Typer review system. Scripture Typer will remind you to review each verse you have mastered. The number of times you have reviewed a verse by mastering it is the number of days until Scripture Typer will remind you to review a verse again. For example, if you have mastered a verse 2 times, you will be reminded to review the verse again in 2 days. However, only one successful "master" attempt will be counted each day, so only one day can be added to a review cycle per 24 hour period. This means you can review a verse as many times as needed in one day with only one day being added to your review cycle. This system is designed to encourage more frequent review right after memorizing a verse, and gradually less frequent review the more you have reviewed a verse. This also helps in memorizing larger quantities of Scripture, keeping Scripture memory sustainable long-term.
      2. Login to the Scripture Typerapp.
      3. Select the "Review" button.
      4. Verses highlighted in red are due for review.
      5. The number of days until a verse is due for review is in the far right column. A negative number of days means the verse is past due for review.
      6. You can select the "Start the Review" button at the top of the page, and it will guide you through reviewing all of your verses, OR you can simply select the verse you would like to review.
    2. Manually Reviewing Verses.
    3. You can review any verse at any time by selecting the verse, which will take you to a screen to type the verse in "Type It" mode.
    4. You can change the typing mode to "Memorize It" or "Master It" by selecting the "Typing Mode" button in the top navigation bar.
  10. How to Receive Review Reminders.
    1. To receive weekly or daily e-mail review reminders
      1. Go to your My Account page from the main menu.
      2. Turn weekly and/or daily e-mail review reminders "ON".
    2. To receive daily or weekly review notifications directly on your iPhone and/or iPad
      1. Go to the main menu.
      2. Select "Settings".
      3. Select "Review Notifications".
      4. Choose a review frequency, either "Daily", "Weekly", or "Never".
      5. Choose whether to play sound with your alert "ON" or "OFF".
      6. Specify a time of day to receive your Review Notification.
      7. Select "Save" to save your changes and start receiving review notifications!
  11. How to Use the Audio Feature.
    1. How to Record a Verse.
      1. From the main Scripture Typer menu, select the "My Verses" button.
      2. Select the verse you would like to record.
      3. Select the "Rec" button and follow the prompting to "Start Recording".
      4. Select the "Rec" button again to stop recording.
      5. You will be asked if you want to record the reference separately. This is recommended for review purposes, but not required.
      6. You can re-record a verse, re-record just the reference, or delete a recording by selecting the "Rec" button again and selecting the appropriate button.
      7. Once a verse is recorded, a small microphone icon will appear to the left of the verse in your My Verse List.
    2. How to Review Verses Using the Audio Feature
      1. From the main Scripture Typer menu, select the "My Verses" button.
      2. Select the verse you would like to review.
      3. Select the "Play" button. The verse will start to play, and the audio screen will appear.
    3. How to Review More Than One Verse Using the Audio Feature
      1. From the main Scripture Typer menu, select the "My Verses" button.
      2. Select the verse you would like to review.
      3. Select the "Play" button. The verse will start to play, and the audio screen will appear.
      4. Make sure the "Play Entire Collection" button on the audio screen is turned "ON".
        1. If you selected a verse from your list of Review verses, the audio will play your selected verse and then will continue playing subsequent verses in your Review list that have also been recorded. It will skip over verses that have not been recorded.
        2. If you selected a verse from a specific category, the audio will play the selected verse and then play through the other verses in that category.
      5. You can choose how many times each verse is repeated by using the -/+ toggle button labeled "Play Each Entry".
      6. You can specify the range of verses you would like to play in a collection by using the -/+ toggle button labeled "Play Only the Next".
      7. You can choose whether to play each verse reference by selecting "Yes" or "No" under "Play Reference" on the audio screen.
      8.  You can slow down or speed up the Playback Rate by adjusting the level of the "Playback Rate" bar on the audio screen.
      9. A verse will be considered reviewed after it has been played.
    4. How to Use the Reference Drill audio feature.
      1. Once you are on the audio screen by following the steps above, make sure the "Reference Drill" is turned "ON". Only a verse's reference and the beginning of the verse will be played so you can focus on connecting and memorizing a verse with its reference.
      2. You can select whether to play references before a verse or after a verse by selecting "First" or "Last" under "Play Reference".
      3. You can shuffle verses in your Reference Drill by switching the "Shuffle" button "ON".
    5. How to Add Background Music to Your Audio Verses.
      1. Select a verse that has been recorded.
      2. Select the "Play" button. The audio screen will appear.
      3. Select the "Music" button on the audio screen. This will take you to your iTunes account.
      4. Select songs from your iTunes account that you would like to play in the background while you review your audio verses.
      5. Select the "Done" button when you are finished.
    6. How to Delete Background Music to Your Audio Verses.
      1. Select a verse that has been recorded.
      2. Select the "Play" button. The audio screen will appear.
      3. Select the "Music" button on the audio screen. This will take you to your iTunes account.
      4. Select the "Done" button in the top navigation bar.
      5. A popup will appear asking if you want to "Keep playing previously selected music". Select the "NO" button, and your music will be de-selected. This is an all or nothing feature; you cannot pick and choose between songs to delete from Background Music.
  12. How to Use the Illustration Feature.
    1. Explanation: the Illustration feature is especially helpful for visual learners. It enables you to draw a picture to represent a verse. This picture will appear on flash cards and behind the text of the verse, as long as the Illustrations feature is turned on by following the steps below.
    2. Select the verse you would like to illustrate.
    3. Select the "Draw" button located right beneath the verse text.
    4. Select a color.
    5. Use your finger to draw on the screen.
    6. You can change your brush size making your lines thinner or thicker by adjusting the level of the "Brush Size" bar in the middle of the screen.
    7. Select the pencil eraser and use your finger to erase any part of your drawing.
    8. The "Undo" and "Redo" buttons are also available at the bottom of the screen to edit your work.
    9. Use the "Clear" button to start over.
    10. How to Zoom In, Zoom Out, and use Copy/Paste.
      1. You can zoom in or out by selecting the "zoom in" or "zoom out" buttons.
      2. You can move around on the screen by moving the arrow button in the box.
      3. This is especially helpful if you want to copy something you have drawn and paste it elsewhere in the same illustration or in an illustration for a different verse.
    11. You can reference the verse you are drawing by pushing the "Verse" button, and the verse will appear.
    12. When you are finished, be sure to "Save" your work at the bottom of the screen.
    13. Select the "Exit" button at the bottom of the screen to go back to your verse.
    14. Select the "Typing Mode" button in the top navigation bar and make sure the Illustrations button is turned "ON" for your illustration to appear behind the verse text.  The illustration will also appear on your flash cards.
  13. How to Use Flash Cards
    1. To Review a Collection.
      1. Select a collection you would like to review.
      2. Select the "Flash Cards" button, and it will take you through each verse in the collection.
      3. Scroll up and down to move from verse to verse.
      4. Scroll right to left to turn a card over front to back and to flip between cards.
    2. To Review Individual Verses in Your My Verses List.
      1. Select a verse in your My Verses list.
      2. Select the "Typing Mode" in the top navigation bar.
      3. Select the "Flash Cards" button in the top right of the screen, and it will take you through each verse in your list of My Verses.
      4. Scroll up and down to move from verse to verse.
      5. Scroll right to left to turn a card over front to back and to flip between cards.
    3. To Review Your Review Verses.
      1. Go back to the main Scripture Typer page.
      2. Select "Review".
      3. Select the "Start the Review" button at the top or any of the verses in your list.
      4. Select the "Flash Cards" button in the top right of the screen, and it will take you through each verse in your list of Review Verses.
      5. Scroll up and down to move from verse to verse.
      6. Scroll right to left to turn a card over front to back and to flip between cards.
  14. How to Change Your Account Settings.
    1. Go back to the main Scripture Typer menu.
    2. Select "My Account" at the bootom left of the screen.
    3. From here, you can change your e-mail address, display name, or e-mail review settings, or logout of your account.
  15. How to Change Accounts.
    1. You can have multiple accounts using the same app, meaning multiple people can use the same app. To change between different accounts, select "Settings" from the main Scripture Typer menu.
    2. Select the "Change Accounts" button.
    3. A list of every account that has logged on using the app will appear. You can either select one of the accounts from the list, or if the account is not on the list, select "Other Web User".
    4. If you selected "Other Web User", follow the promptings on the Login screen and either "Sign In", or "Create a New Account".
  16. How to Give this App as a Gift.
    1. If you would like to give this app to friends or family, simply select the "Gift this App" button at the bottom of the home screen.
    2. Select the "Gift It" button on the pop-up menu.
    3. Sign in to your Apple account and follow the promptings. It's that simple!
  17. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. What are the benefits of having a Scripture Typer account?
      1. Your verses will automatically sync between your Scripture Typer account online and on your iPhone/iPadapp, which means you can memorize and review your verses anytime, anywhere. Progress made on your iPhone or iPad will sync with your account online, and vice versa.
      2. If your phone breaks or if you change devices, your verses will be backed up and can easily be synced to a new device simply by logging in.
      3. You can install the Scripture Typer app on multiple devices, such as an iPhone and an iPad and your progress will be synced between the devices.

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