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*.*.* KINGDOMCome *.*.*

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🀝🀝 Welcome to *.*.*.* KINGDOMCome *.*.*.* 🀝🀝


The group leader is @Dante, if you want to join this group please follow the rules down below. If you break those rules, I will kick you out of the group, if you come back and still break them, I will report you. Enjoy The lost Manuscript activity! Have a great stay with us! 

"Your Kingdom Come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven..."

 Matthew 6:10

"But if it is by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the Kingdom of God has Come upon you."
Matthew 12:28

And he said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Kingdom of God after it has Come with power.”

Mark 9:1

Heal the sick in it and say to them, ‘The Kingdom of God has Come near to you.'

Luke 10:9

There are countless others!


This group has many books from the Bible, I am planning to add the whole Bible on here! If you want me to add a collection or a verse let me know, I will check this group multiple times a day so I will be able to answer your requests quickly.

If you want to join this group, you need to follow these rules..

  •  Be kind and respectful to everyone 😁
  •  Have fun memorizing God's word 😁
  •  Be a happy guy 😁😝
  • No spamming 🀨       
  • Don't beg for admin 🀨.  
  • Don't be rude, annoying or disrespecful 🀨 
  • Have fun playing The lost manuscript activity 😁
  • Always put the Lord at the center 😁
  • When it's your turn to choose the verse, DO NOT TELL IT TO ANYONE 🀨    


Group Activity - The Lost Manuscript 


THE LOST MANUSCRIPT verse is a verse which is missing all words except 2. The players need to find out what verse  it is following the rules below.

The first time the game is played, Dante will give the first info. Subsequently the player who guessed the correct answer will give the next info. The player who gives the info will be called the ROUND STARTER.

The first piece of info are 2 words ‘remaining’ from the LOST MANUSCRIPT verse, which have to appear in the verse the ROUND STARTER has though about. These words must be keywords and cannot be determiners (that, this, the a, an etc…), conjunctions (how, with, in etc…) prepositions (to, at etc…), pronouns (who, he, his etc..)

The ROUND STARTER must also provide 2 full verses.:

One will be chosen to give a “false” clue, therefore there is no guidelines for this verse. Any verse will do, as long as it will serve to throw the players into the wrong direction. We call this (FALSE CLUE)

The other verse instead will help the players in finding the correct answer (it must direct the players to the solution) , and will have to follow the following rules (we call this TRUE CLUE):

  • It may be in the same chapter of the LOST MANUSCRIPT verse or 
  • It may include one or more words that appear also in the LOST MANUSCRIPT verse or 
  • It may be the same verse number of the LOST MANUSCRIPT verse or 
  • It can be a direct verse cross reference of the LOST MANUSCRIPT verse.

Obviously the players will not know which of the 2 verses is the false or true clue.


  • Each team has a leader.
  • Each team starts with 10 coins.
  • Coins are used to pay for wrong answers (1 coin each) and to buy more true clue verses (3 coins each)
  • If a team requests a new TRUE CLUE verse, the ROUND STARTER will have to provide a new verse which is following the rules above, but not the same option already used for the first TRUE CLUE clue. Obviously since there are only 4 options for the TRUE CLUE, a maximum of 3 TRUE CLUE verse can be requested in addition to the first TRUE CLUE verse given by the ROUND STARTER.


If a player has points, it can convert his points in coins for his team to buy TRUE CLUE verses or to pay for wrong answers.

When the correct verse is found, the player will get 10 points for himself, his teammate will get 2 points each and his team will get 10 coins. 

Before submitting an guess/answer the team mates must converse and decide what is the best answer, then the team leader must tell the ROUND STARTER that the team is ready to answer. If the answer is correct then the points/coins will be given, otherwise the team will lose 1 coin.

All the communication from the team leader to DANTE will have to be in CAPITAL LETTERS.

If one team runs out of coins, they can ask any team to buy a TRUE VERSE for them. You are allowed to communicate with everyone.

When you want to talk to your whole team, post in all caps, "CONQUERORS TEAM MEETING!!!!" (Of course put the name of your team, it doesn't need to be CONQUERORS, lol.)

When you discuss with your team always put "TLMD" Before you say your message. E.G. "TLMD: Ok what do we do team?" 

When you discuss and agree with your team and decide to answer always put before your answer, "The lost manuscript verse is..." 



(✨ Novice 10 pts) (πŸŒ„ Míza 20 pts) (🍩 Próodos 50 pts) (πŸ₯‰Kalós 100 pts) (πŸ₯ˆOuáou! 200 pts) (πŸ₯‡Prótis táxeos 300 pts) (πŸ† Protathlitís 400 pts) (πŸ’ΈπŸ’΅ Ploúsios 500 pts) (πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ Kaígetai 600 pts) (πŸ’₯ Mólis exerrágis 700 pts) (🎯🎯 Prótos skórer 850 pts) (🀴🀴Vasiliás 1000 pts) (🦌🦌 Dynató san vódi 1250 pts) (😼πŸ’ͺ Astamátiti 1500 pts) (πŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž Ápeiro kai péra 2000+ pts)

If you want to play, say on the message wall all in caps, "Register."

Words remaining: SPIRiT, GOD..


Verses beside manuscript:1# Romans 15:20. 2# Matthew 13:15.

Team - OVERCOMERS - Coins (18)

Aliza — (2) 

Hannah — (2) 

Roger — (10) - (Team Leader) ✨

Addie Bradley — (2) 

Team - CONQUERORS - Coins (27)

Lizard — (20) - (Team Leader) πŸŒ„

Bible Bird — (4)

JJ — (4)

Rian — (4)

Team - UNDEFEATED - Coins (40)

Li Amerio — (6) - (Team Leader)

Jewell — (24) πŸŒ„

Haven — (14) ✨

More teams will come if more people register... NEW ACTIVITY COMING SOON...


New articles coming out every day!! πŸ“°πŸ—žπŸ“œ by BM W-A-S Publishings!! πŸ“°πŸ—žπŸ“œ Two types of articles!! πŸ“°πŸ—žπŸ“œ One purpose!! To see our Articles join the group "BM W-A-S Publishings (Articles, Info)" There you will see all of our articles πŸ“°πŸ—žπŸ“œ Enjoy them!! πŸ“°πŸ—žπŸ“œ If you want to be admin in this group you must have at least memorized 100 verses in this group and you must have over 20,000 points in Bible Memory, you must also have commented in the BM W-A-S Publishings group atleast once, if you have done that, I will think about it.. (Remember once you have done 100 verses here, you cannot delete them once I make you admin, or your admin will be taken away 🀨) Current Admins: Dante, Child of God, Lizette, Addie Bradley..

The whole Bible will be in this group (God willing) I have finished adding the New Testament, but I just need to finish adding the Old Testament (Updated 27/4/22) I finished the Old Testament!! Now this group has every book from the Bible!! YAY!!πŸ˜πŸ˜† Be sure to memorize the Bible here!! Make sure to join the groups: The Bible Brigade, Agape Force, Memorize God's Word, Hard Times, The Bible Quizmaster, God's beautiful creation, Love for the Lord, Share your faith and BM W-A-S Publishings (Articles,Info)..

Recommended collections to memorize:

  • "THE BOOK OF 2ND SAMUEL (No first Samuel bc of an annoying glitch 😭)
  • "God's Covenant Way & Promises"
  • "He is Able"
  • "Why memorize scripture?"

How about our Newest collections?

  • "Do you know?: How to Obey God"
  • "Did you know?: God loves you!"
  • "God's Will & Plan"
  • "Do you know?: How to Pray"

More coming soon..


Head admin/Admins: @Dante  Is the head admin of this group, he can add verses, delete verses, edit the group discription, edit the group pic\name, send E-news about this group every week, Make the group Private, and he wil choose admins if they have more than 100 verses memorized from this group and if they have more than 35,000 points, Dante will also delete every post that is offensive or unnecessary he will also add more collections from time to time. Please don't make his work hard by being rude and offensive because Dante already has 4 groups of his own that he needs to manage. Current Admins: Dante, Child of God, Lizette, Addie Bradley.. They can delete posts (If needed) Make people admin (If they ask Me) Take away admin (If they ask me) Edit the group description/Pic/Name (If they ask me) add verses (if they ask me) Delete verses (If they ask me) Kick people out of group (If the person is disobeying the rules in this group) Invite others, Send E-News (If they ask me) Make the group private (If they ask me) And Enter the BM W-A-S Publishings Office..(If they have memorized more than 250 verses in this group)  

BM W-A-S Publishings: New articles coming out every day! πŸ“°πŸ—žπŸ“œWe have two types of Articles, BM FUN FACTS, and, BM INFO, More types will come in the future, Stay tuned!! (Updated 23/5/22) We have a new type of Article called OPEN BIBLE! In this Article I will post Max 50 verses/Passages about a topic! E.G. 45 verses/Passages about Acts of Kindness..STAY TUNED!!!! (All thanks to the website OpenBible.info) πŸ“°πŸ—žπŸ“œ We also have another Major type of article called POCKET NEWS, it's way shorter than the others, and they'll be in this group. See all of our past and present Articles in the group, "BM W-A-S Publishings (Articles, Info) There you will be able to read our articles, read about us in the group description and ask questions on the message wall (If necessary) Please don't plagarize BM W-A-S Publishings. Or use it for your publishing company. Also please do not write an article claiming that it is from our company, if you do one of our employees will deal with you personally. (You might even get reported) Current Employees in our company: Dante (Head Manager) NEWSPAPER MANAGER (Second Manager) Aliza (Employee), Lizette (Employee), Rian (Employee), Joshua Jones (Employee) Haven (Employeeand Paper Boy (Backup poster) Now all Employees get "paid" 

Prayer request: We need to pray for COVID 19 to stop (It probably never will) but let's pray anyway, It can't hurt, because ever since COVID started, people have been losing loved ones, losing their jobs and most people are now on the streets because they can pay their rent. So lets pray for this nosense to stop. Thank you.

Our group symbol is "πŸ˜πŸ™πŸ½πŸ˜‰" And our motto is "For the glory of God!"

Let's make this group very active and big, but let's keep the Lord at the center at all times. 😁 

Rules and regulations: Please do not post mild, disrespectful comments in this group, if you do you will be given warnings, if you still continue I will kick you out of the group, if you still come back and post bad, disrespectful, rude, innapropiate and unpolite comments, I will defenetily report you. Remember, be kind, respectful, loving, caring and positive in this group. I will repeat this again, Dante already has 4 groups of his own to manage, so please dont make him delete many comments and kick people out by being mean. Thank you, God Bless.

These verses are all in ESV but you can always change them to whatever version you prefer. I prefer ESV to memorize in, but versions like KJV, NKJV, HCSB, CSB, NLT and NIV are also nice versions to memorize in. Just STAY AWAY from the MSG translation, The passion translation, and other corrupt versions like that. 

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