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I see this is really sinking in
the pope rules lands although he has no army of his own
to resemble the “bow with no arrows”
the pope’s scepter or crucifix was curved in the cross part to resemble the first horseman because they believe he is Jesus Christ
you see,the first horseman of the four in Revelation had a “bow with no arrows”.
also,the Roman Catholic Church was split in 1054
this is current what he made legal
The Orthodox Church had been out of communion with Rome for >500 years before the Jesuits were founded, and those books are in their Old Testament. Also, the pope did not do anything that could reasonably be characterized as making same sex marriage legal. You very plainly do not know what you are talking about.
the. pope just made same sex marriage legal,does that sound like Jesus?
“and there shall be many saying I am the Christ”
look,I know more of the Catholic doctrine than anybody on this group and I can tell you that the pope is the antichrist with scripture.
it was actually the jesuits who tried to put them in the King James Version but failed.
"Apocrypha" is the term that the reformers, who - and I cannot stress this enough - printed those books with their Bibles and regarded them as useful and good to read, used to refer to the books that I'm talking about. I think that term is a misnomer, but if it's the one that you're familiar with, then yes, those are the books that I was asking about.
he wanted to let us go to heaven through Him!
why did Jesus die on the cross?cause he felt like it?
I mean the ones that were canonical for many Greek speaking Jews at the time of Jesus, the ones that are canonical for several churches that broke communion with Rome 500-1,000 years before Luther did, and the ones that the reformers printed with their Bibles and regarded as useful and good to read.
But really, I was just asking if anyone knows how to use a text field instead of a closed picklist when adding verses, and I'm not sure why you felt the need to be combative and rude in response to that. For anyone who is curious about the answer to my question - It turns out that you can use a free text field when adding verses on the website, but not on the mobile app. Some people will find this useful for memorizing the names of the books of the Bible. Catholics and Orthodox Christians can use it for memorizing verses from the parts of the Greek Old Testament that are not included in the Protestant canon.
you mean the man made books?
How do you upload verses from the Deuterocanonical books? When I go to add a verse on my account, I’m given a picklist that’s limited to the 66 books in the protestant canon.
I follow the Bible and God,not the sinful pope
do you know if you’re going to heaven?
that includes Mary and the apostles
church?constantine started it to trap the real Christian’s!you don’t know about. the Inquisition?
I recommend checking out the Counsel of Trent podcast or the website Catholic Answers. I am not Catholic yet, but most of what you said is untrue historically, biblically, and theologically. If you want to disagree with the Church, at least know what the church is.
Millions have been sent to hell by this twisted tool of the devil!
are you going to let Satan control you?
get your mind right people! some Jesuit priests were demon-possessed!
it is very possible the Roman Catholic Church is the Great Whore of Rev. 17
Mary said she was a sinner in Matthew 8 and Romans 3:10 says “As it is written there is none righteous,no not one
the Catholic Church is Satans phony church that consists of idolatry.the founder of the Roman Catholic Church worshipped Sol the sun god(Nomrod)
Yes there are prayers to Mary
without the catholic church there is no bible
The truth about the Catholic church:
I don't think that it is a good idea to put what you want in the Bible and take out what you don't like. That's God's inspired word! Where in the Bible does it say the the Church supercedes God?
So you would change scripture if it went against your beliefs?
also to anyone who is curious about this group. Read about the primacy of Peter and the Papacy. Christ established a church that precedes the Bible.
also how do we get the full Douay Rheims on here?
Matthew16:18 is why this group exists
Thank you Grace, and merry Christmas!
I'm asking because I do know that you did change the Ten Commandments a bit, and you don't seem to go completely by the biblical standard. I realize that you may have some disagreements about this, but I do want to know what your view is of the Bible.
So do you guys not TOTALLY go by the scriptures, or do you believe that every verse is true.
i am a catholic and i am trying to memorize the Scriptures
haha sorry this probably is unrelated to everything this is what my church has taught me as well as all of my catholic friends. my parents aren’t religious so I don’t talk to them about it (sorry if any of my info is wrong this is what I know and idk if it’s right)
so I know I’m kinda late 😂. personally I’m catholic and I have been for all my life and I plan to forever be a catholic. we believe most things that other Christians believe, but we mostly believe that only we know the true meaning of the Bible etc. I believe Catholicism with all my heart as well as I follow the guidelines. we also believe that we have to believe in God as well as be a good human etc to go to heaven. idk how that works in other Christian religions but this is what we believe. also during the 40 (technically 46) days of lent (the time from Ash Wednesday to Easter) every friday we abstain from meat and we can only eat fish, but no meat. we also must give up stuff etc during lent like Jesus gave up many things for us. there’s a lot more things you should consider before joining Catholicism but this is just an over view. I really love Catholicism and I feel you should give it a chance
So do you actually believe Catholicism in your heart, or just follow guidelines?
I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about the Catholic faith. Hope the quarantine is treating you well!