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Truth Be Told

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22 Members
Latte Y.
Normal admin
277  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
Secondary admin
103  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
wuts ur real name?
82  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
48  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
19  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
15  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
Secondary admin
13  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
9  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
Jason Whitaker
1  Verses in the last 7 days
Ruby Redfort
Secondary Admin
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
Normal admin
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
Lukas W.
the real MP
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
Secondary Admin
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
0  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
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Hi Everyone! Please join, memorize verses, and keep the message wall active! Since this group has been deleted twice don't expect to reicive admin immediatly. 1: NOTE ABOUT ADMIN!!! The Head admin is ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’ŽJJ๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž but since the developers hate him he is undercover most of the time. If you want to talk to him just ask and he'll probably answer unless he is unactive. No one else may be Head admin unless he explicitly states it. If you are an normal admin then you can delete posts with permission and add verses but are not allowed to do anything else. If you are a normal admin for a month and are active nad keep your verses up and follow the guidelines then you may become a secondary admin if the head admin deems you worthy. Your admin may be taken away at any time if you are deemed unworthy. If you are a secondary admn you may update peoples points in the description and add good groups but nothing else. you can delete post with permission and give permission for a normal admin to delete posts. Also you are free to add as many verses as possible and please do. Now if you dont have admin fell free to just hang out and chill here. Not everyone needs admin. 2: This group has a point system on it. If you memorize 50 verses you get 100 points and if you memorize 100 verses you get 200 points and so on. If you join all the highlighted groups in the description you get 1000 points. There are Events at certain times in which you can get points. Events may be started at any time by secondary admins and the head admin. If you advertise this group elsewhere on anactive group or a group in the top 20 groups then tell an admin on the message wall what group you posted the advertisement on and you'll get 250 points. whoever gets 10000 points becomes a normal admin. 2004crf150f:100pts, Mario: 300pts, Latte:500pts 3: Some great groups to join: Cats For Jesus, Dogs For Jesus(the one with the husky pic), Dragons for Jesus, Cars For Jesus and Chickens for Jesus. Thanks and pls Enjoy!!! JJ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’Ž

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