it’s Sunday, you know what that means! New verse is up. Let’s go!
Another new man jumping in! Welcome Chad!
Thank you for the privilege gentlemen!
New man in the group! Welcome to it Jason!
where's everyone at? 🇺🇸🦅💪
All the previous verses stayed in my app for continuing review which is great!
Psalm 46 loaded. Lets go!!!
Let me know if you want an email with the list of the previous verses
Brothers, We have had this group for a long time now. 45 verses locked in! A good run. Time to change the game. I’ll be launching a new memory challenge built on memorizing a section of Scripture. Stay tuned & lets go!
Brothers, I got stomped but climbing back on top now. new verse up!
Hold the line! Keep going!
A couple more people added to the group! Keep these verse of memorize, more on the way.
I was coming here to ask the same question!
Thanks Men- appreciate it
This is why I’m Jiu Jitsu we leave the teaching to the higher belts… thanks Jim!
Thanks for your patience, just getting back to this now. I’d sharpen Dave’s explanation by saying Paul is referring to things that a Christian has total liberty to do, but are not profitable for godliness. For example, eating meat that was offered to idols. There’s no sin in it, but it could be offensive to Christians recently saved out of the pagan sacrificial system. In that case, Paul would gladly set it aside, so it is not to cause anyone else to stumble.
Kev, I think, Paul is writing to the Corinthians in this particular chapter about sin. Although they are believers and have salvation they continue to sin, there is sexual immorality, idolatry, adultery, drunkenness, etc. Paul is telling them that grace is given (making it lawful) but you have been bought and paid for and such behavior is not pleasing to God (does not build up). Jim please feel free to let me know if I’m way off base.
Pastor Jim- can you help explain that verse? all things are lawful but not all things build up? Thanks!
I got knocked out from a lot of things going on, but crawling back up the leaderboard now. Let’s go!
to all the guys in the group, yet to get their first verse, let’s get going!
I love how this app keeps us challenged to memorize the word, keep going brothers!
Not that it matters, just curious.
I also don't understand how I'm at the top of the board when you have the same amount of verses current and higher points than I do. 🙌
Same here Kevin, I'm surprised at how well I can remember these verses but if I just have the reference only I struggle to remember which one it is. Something to work on for sure.
Welcome to the new men in the group. Start one verse at a time & enjoy the adventure!
I’m doing OK at remembering the verse- but when I try to do the reference test (bottom left of the verse) - I can barely remember what verse it is… would like to get better at that
I got knocked out for a couple weeks here, but getting back on task now. Don’t quit, just keep pressing one verse at a time.
idk how I didn’t see this contest
The contest was extended a few days. Congrats to those with 25 points, a gift is coming your way!
Starting now! Anyone who can keep at least 25 points on the board till July 12 is going to receive a really good Bible commentary. Who’s in?!
New verse is up! Let’s go!
don’t give up men. Just get one more verse.
mornings or whenever I’m on the toilet- haha
What time of day do you find yourself reviewing verses?
Going to hold off on adding another verse. Let’s keep working on what we have, and get some points on the board!
Whew got some work to do!
New man in the group! Good to have you with us Nate. You are in for a great adventure!
Welcome Nate! Class 5 representing!
let’s keep this going! One verse at a time, keep pressing forward. No retreat, no surrender.
Tebo in the lead! Got to catch up. Lets go!
The next few verses will be from Eph 6, the armor of God. Stay ready for daily battle as we store up God’s Word in our hearts.
New man in the group. Welcome Jeffrey! Let’s go!
Whether you’re new to the group or have been with us from the start, don’t give up. Just knock out one verse today, minimum and follow up with another one tomorrow. Press on!
ok got it, i deleted some of the ones i added, so we should be back to normal.
I think Pastor Jim has to add the verses for this group. When you or I add them they are personal. And there's a glitch where it counts some people's personal verses. Either that or I have a glitch where I can't see all the challenge verses. Either way you're crushing it!
but i added some right? i didn’t know how it worked so i added a few verses.
New verses up. Get after it!
New year & a new verse. Press on!
I finally got out of last place. I’m on the attack, look out!
fell off on vacation but I’m staging a come back
lots of verses getting memorized!
welcome to the group Brian!
BTW - “Beth” starts many of the verses found in Psalm 119
let’s add Cap! Kevin Tobia (949) 246-7573
haha- i thought Beth was some lady I’ve never heard of! thanks
I don't understand how I'm in the lead when I have so few points!
If you want to add anyone, just send their # to me & I’ll text an invite their way.
Beth = house in Hebrew (ie. Bethlehem). It’s the idea of making your heart a home for God’s word.
let’s go! Tebo your going down!
can we invite other Fire Up Program guys to the group?
Hello men! I just realized there was a message wall in here. So I wasn't ignoring you guys, just hadn't seen any of this part of the app.
Andy! Stoked you’re in. Where is Nole?!
Whats up boys! Thanks for having me! I’m looking forward to getting into the good word with you all!
Couple new guys joining this challenge! New verse going up tonight. So many new things!
A new verse to remind us all that we have a choice to make every day, be thankful.
found that doing some research on the verse. I nominate that verse also. Not sure for what though.🤔
This is why the writer of Hebrews references the idea of being "trained," from the Greek word gegymnasmenois, which literally refers to "vigorous exercise." God's use of discipline, though unpleasant at the time, is much like the training of an athlete. The athlete's exercise "seems painful rather than pleasant" as it's being done. But, afterwards, the athlete sees growth and development as a result of those experiences. Faith, in that way, also grows as we endure God's discipline, helping us to produce "fruit of righteousness."
check out Hebrews 12:11 - I nominate that verse
I think it’s funny. The company had no idea that could happen. It took a bunch of renegades like us to figure it out. I call that genius.
didn’t even know I was cheating.
good to know. was feeling like I’d never catch up.
About 1 month since this challenge started! Humbled to tackle these verses with y’all. Keep treasuring God’s Word! Lets go!
looking forward to this. thanks for the invite.
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