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Lol! I'll let her know you have her in your sights. She'll probably just chuckle and say something about how it is funny how guys can turn anything into a competition! (fyi, I originally got hooked on this app because I was determined to catch her too!) 😉
ok ok... josh i can't catch but MAYBE Ariana... here goes!
Hey Jenny! Welcome to the group!
I'm glad you share the same excitement for this app as me Leif! It has truly been a blessing to me! I'll show you how to upload a profile pic when I see you this Sabbath. Happy memorizing! :)
how did you get profile pic? mine must not allow me
this is the funnest app ever! exhilarating my life with the Word
Blessings TG4C members! Looking forward to memorizing scriptures with you all!
thank you for inviting me