Meditation, you are coming on up! Great job. It takes me a while to add more verses to my memory list.
Hi everyone!!! Please join my group called Truth Be Told! Hope to see you there soon!!!😊😃
Justin, you are almost there!
Scott, you did it! I looked it up, and that is the number of verses in Romans. so 2 have done it. Way to go!
Elisabet - you are doing great!
Thanks Tante. I am just going about it a different way.
Hi Polly, it’s been a long time ago, but I think I just added it chapter by chapter. success with your groups and with your memorization!
Tante, I saw how to do it, but it did not accomplish what I wanted. so I deleted it.
Tante, how did you add the chapters to this group? I tried setting a group up for 2 Corinthians, but it made it subfolders.
I will be in an online study starting this week and wanted to work on them but not have all those chapters on my "wall."
When I tried, it started making subfolders. So I deleted it.
Many of the groups, except yours, is only select verses instead of the whole book.
Going to try Youtube, but the ads are frustrating.
Thanks - and sorry for the long post.
Meditation. glad to see you are active.
Glad to see you are still active Tante! I am working on other verses, too.
Hi, Polly! I’m still plugging along with Romans among other verses. Glad you’ve joined the group!
Wondering if any of you are still active. I am going to see if I pass anyone if they will come back and pass me :<).
Romans is a book I have learned a few verses, but not bigger chunks.
I am also working on Jude, because I wanted to learn a whole book.
Jude is rich and not as easy as I thought.
I started a group for Jude. Only one there so far.
Hi! I'm looking for people to join my group, Questmasters, I'd love it if you'd join! ty!
Lisa, thank you for your prayer, and amen to that, may the Lord be glorified!
My prayer for each of us is that we may walk worthy of the calling with which we have been called -- that is the UPWARD calling of God in Christ Jesus -- bringing glory to Him in all things! Blessed Resurrection Sunday to all!
hello everyone I am inviting everyone in this group who is active to my group I just made named Active members ONLY. I am hoping to make a very active group. I am a very active person and I go on multiple times a day. I wan to have this active group to be able to share stuff and get answers quickly and that when questions are asked they get answered too. we can memorize together in a healthy environment of people from all around the globe!! I would gladly promote anyone who has verses to add or just them for you if you tell me which ones. thankyou for your consideration for joining my group!! may the Lord bless you all!!
join my group named JOINusANYone