Select Verse Collections to memorize with this Group.
@PBETeen have you taken the test yet cause i don't know if i should tell you...but yes they did have some names from Romans 16 I THINK.....we took the test on Saturday and i wasn't paying attention really to my other teammates questions.
@christian did they have like a whole lot of stuff from romans 16 and like those names or not really?
but hopefully they will study better for the next compitition
my teammates didnt study enough
it was average compared to three years ago
@ariane how was it? was it pretty difficult for area level in terms of details?
We got 1st place at area on Jan 11, conference is on Feb 15 please pray 🙏
we got 2nd place in the 1st PBE competition but we still can move on to the second ....please pray that my fellow team members study hard
yo whats up fellow PBE studiers...pls pray for my group we have a competition tomorrow
🌺 Happy Sabbath everyone! 🙏❤🙏
Fountainview Academy choir and orchestra (from Canada) will be live at the Village SDA Church in College Place, Washington tonight. The program starts at 7 pm and may be LIVE on Blue Mountain TV or the HOPE Channel. You may also be able to see it on Youtube and Facebook. They have excellent music program! Then tomorrow, John Bradshaw will be speaking during the Gospel Outreach program (same church). Hope you can make it!
Sabbath is here in the Great Northwest! I really cooked up a storm today. I made lasagna, a green bean dish with potatoes (fresh pole beans from my garden), a tuna salad, corn on the cob and a veggie burger dinner for us three (my son, my husband and myself). I picked tomatoes off of my vines today, and with the ones that I had already picked, I made a homemade sauce that cooked for almost 5 hours. We will try it out on friends who are coming over for lunch tomorrow. Happy Sabbath everyone!
Irregardless of what the devil does to try to intimidate me (and others), I am established in the faith and settled in my beliefs, just as it says in 1 Peter 5:8-10 KJV - "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you."
Good morning everyone! I think the Developer is making positive changes on the leadership board of our Bible Memory app because many people are falling behind reviewing their memory verses. I would like to encourage each of you to try to catch up, and stay up. Do not lose your interest in this app as it may be the only encouragement to someone who needs something positive to focus on as we enter into darker days of evil just ahead. You could be the very light that inspires them to hang on to Jesus. Stay inspired! 🙏😀
Some friends are still on the road taking the scenic way back from the Camporee.
What were your favorite things at the Camporee? 🙂
Did anyone go to the International Pathfinder Camporee in Gillette, Wyoming? My husband and I held our own watch party for it. I was amazed by all the activities designed for the kids! And we enjoyed the play as well. Are you all back home by now?
you might want to fix that
btw they made an announcement that 2 Corinthians is not going to be apart of the competition.
is this group still active
we are moving up to union level
my team won PBE at our church
If you scroll down on memory verses it is just past John chapters, it looks like it separated them alphabetically so make sure not to selected the whole collection but individual chapters
Can you post the book of Joshua pls for this year for PBE
Can you post the book of Joshua pls for this year for PBE
Its so ironic that every year I tell myself to start studying early and here I am late November, tsk tsk tsk
I will try to be posting new questions everyday that will eventually cover every verse this year.
Hi everyone! Everyone here is welcome to join my club's Quizlet group, where we'll be sharing practice questions for each other. Please feel free to add your own questions as well! God Bless!
hi guys new to this but am excited to do this
Hi Everyone, Have you started back for this year yet?
How is your study going, what resources/websites are you using?
Hello, I’m in PBE for this coming year and I was in PBE last year
Alanna, Thank you. It sounds exciting. Would you be willing to accept help with writing questions?
Alanna, where’s the page with the questions?
Joyful, I checked the website again, and a lot of improvements have been made. You can now see your percentage throughout the entire quiz and choose which chapters you want questions from, and at the end, you can see which question numbers you got correct, how many possible points there were and how many of those points you received, and you can see what your placement was (1st, 2nd, or 3rd). More improvements to the website are going to be made soon. If you connect your computer like you were to be putting up a power point on a screen, you can do the same for this program. You can project the questions onto a screen from your computer.
Is this an active group??
Enjoy your break! The verses for next year are up whenever you're ready to get back at it.
Congrats everyone!! Great job this year.
Our Team got 2nd place at Division! BTW it was our first time!
Congrats to all PBE teams in Division today!!!
Yes Alanna. Do you think he/she would be willing to share or sell a copy of the program? Our PBE team practices with a PP and we would like to be able to keep score as to the correct and incorrect answers.
Hi Avery! I believe “Biblical Discussion 2” is on private. I would LOVE to join!
Our teen got 1st place at Union Level North Pacific,see you at NAD!
Contact? Like who is in charge of the website? Because it so, then yes.
Alanna, Do you know the contact for
PBEAcademy resource looks great for practice but the resources are slow in being posted.
Congratulations to all PBE members and your teams! Our team had first in the area level but didn't make through state/conference. Gearing up for next year tho!
Congratulations to any MAU teams moving on to Nationals in April!
Our team got first as well! See you in conference 😝
Both of our teams for first place in the Area round. We're feeling pretty good going into Conference on the 28th!
What conference are you in, CJR?
Same here. Ours is the 14th. Feeling pretty confident, but obviously still nervous, haha
Our area competition is next week, I’m nervous because our most of our team has never done pbe before. We will see what the Lord has in store for us.
The time for our area round is coming up!! I'm excited but also a little bit nervous
the vaccines isn’t safe. I am warning you. do not take the vaccine
Another great source is:
They haven’t put the new book for this year in yet, but they will soon. It has full 90 question quizzes with randomized questions just like a real quiz!!
does everyone know about
Hello everyone! I hope everyone’s doing well and having fun preparing for the next PBE. Everyone here is more than welcome to join my Quizlet group where I’ll be posting several sets of practice questions and mock tests. Please also feel free to add your own study sets :) Here’s the link:
My husband and I listened to the entire story of Joseph on Bible Gateway Audio tonight for worship. It's a wonderful story of lessons in patience, God's watchcare over His people, of forgiveness.
Please pray for those groups that have gone silent. I have just shared the following: "Many of us are grieved, and some are very disillusioned because of the school massacre. It was very sad, and is heavy on our hearts. I encourage you to hang onto your faith in God. We can't fully understand God's ways and why He allows Satan to do these kinds of things, but we can trust that He knows the end from the beginning. Satan is being allowed to show what kind of leader he would be on the Earth before the close of time. He knows his time is short and his leadership has been seen in many occultic events for a while now. God is asking people to choose whom they will serve as their leader. We must make the right choice. Please don't let Jesus have to ask you, "Will you leave me also?" Choose for you "whom you will serve this day." "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." When God's people are sealed, then Jesus can come and take His people home."
@Everybody: Time is very short. Things are wrapping up in the world very quickly. The devil is accelerating his agenda like never before. Make your peace with God and decide Whom you're going to serve. I'm talking to myself as well. Don't wait! 😔🙏
We just watched the powerful testimony of Dr. Phodidas Ndamyumugabe, originally from Rwanda. He has a PhD from Weimar University. His testimony is called "The Power of the Story." This was the second sermon for the TRIALS TO TRIUMPH program for the AFY Amazing Facts Youth Conference Day Two on YouTube. He wrote a book called "Preaching from the Grave," a book about the genocide of the Tutsis, and how he survived the slaughter only with prayer, and the powerful answers from God. It's on Kindle as an e-book for $7.99 or you can visit to order it.
Hello Bubble. So this is where you've been spending your time. You have a lot of members. That's great! Anyway, hope to see you on FINAL EVENTS SDA sometime. Bye for now. :^)
Great job to all of you this year! The Gospel of John is up. Blessings as you study for 2023!!
Good luck to those who made it to Nationals!
prayers for everyone who has Union today!
is anyone here in the Southwestern Union?
thanks so much! it’ll help my teams greatly. We took Area yesterday and didn’t do great but we get to move on :D
Hey! I just wanted to let everyone know that my PBE leader has created a quizzing website called: It has full, randomized 90 question quizzes. I know it has helped me a lot!
Were looking for team members....
aw man. Sorry about that. ):
My team didn't have enough people wanting to sign up, so our leader just cancelled ;/
I'm doing Ruth and 1 Kings 1-10 this year.
What verses is everyone memorizing this year?
Thanks so much! Here's the new quizlet group that everyone is welcome to join!
Congrats everyone!! You did great this year. Next year's verses are up 😊
Congratulations to everyone who had made it to the NAD round! Good job to everyone, no matter if you got a first place, or a third place, or anything inbetween. I'm sure everyone is proud of you, and most importantly, God sure is!
Good job to everyone who made it to NAD! ...can we have the 2022 verses? XD
Good luck to all who have made it to the National Level on April 17th!
Union level is tomorrow, good luck everyone!
My Team passed the 3rd round for the first time! Good Job everyone who did PBE and good luck to all those who moved on
We passed the MAUC level!!! Thank you for your prayers, and good luck all of you!!!!
good luck to everyone who’s testing tomorrow!
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