I actually don't like minions
Oops, MP, the greatest enemy of minions was not defeated
Okay, I was MP. now I am this
Sauron, the great enemy of Middle-Earth, was defeated.
Sauron's form started to glow. A wind swirled around him. And with an explosion...
And Isildur took up his father's sword, slicing it right through Sauron's finger with the Ring.
was everyone in the eruption of Mount Doom?
I guess. I don't know how many groups he made
hey, join my group called School is boring
you will find out more next time I'm on
Elendil was thrown into a rock face, and was killed. Isildur, his son, rushed to him, only to see Sauron stepping closer.
Elendil charged at Sauron, but his Ring was to powerful. It broke Elendil's sword, Narsil.
Sauron used the Ring to throw people, and to kill them.
And Elrond, with Elendil attacked Morder! But they were met with much resistance.
who can read these without laughing
Mario, I need to add more verses
Well... more in the silmarillion and Rings of Power
Wait is this also in lotr
He attacked village after village with his orcs. Middle-Earth would soon succumb to Sauron if he met no resistance.
Sauron forged a Ring, of immeasurable power, and poured his spirit into it. Then, the conquest of Middle-Earth began...
And, Sauron, the servant of Morgoth, came, and ruled in Morder.
Morgoth was defeated, and his army was scattered.
In the beginning, Eru Illuvatar created the void. And then, he created the 8 Valar. But there was one who turned... Morgoth, who was Melkor, turned to evil, and defied Eru Illuvatar. He had all the others' power. Eru made Middle-Earth, and Morgoth laid waste...
Okay, I will try to post the Middle-Earth verses
Okay, the Valar were godlike beings, created by Eru Illuvatar to govern Middle-earth.
Join my new group "Books Rule!'
Go read them, they give some early Middle-Earth history.
I was adding verses to the collection "Middle-Earth".
Well, I knew he was the first king of Numenor
that's what I meant, he wasn't as tempted
Thank you for all the questions!!!
I'm not sure what Elrond's brother's name was
I hope these are correct... I am the starter of the group, but I don't know EVERYTHING!
Elrond is like a great great great great great great great great great great great uncle to Aragorn
Aragorn was noble, and didn't get a chance to have the Ring. Isildur was not very noble, because he was really tempted by the Ring.
Aragorn was a descendant of Isildur
I don't know the year that Gondor started being ruled by stewards.
*was the leader of the last remnant of the faithful
the first king of gondor was elendil, father of ilsildur.
The first king of numeanor was elrond's brother, son of eariendil.
Eru Illuvatar is essentially God in the Tolkien world
Hey, anyone can answer this: who is Eru Illuvatar?
I think that "JSYK" is an expression...
for some reason it’s not showing…
The "Genesis" verse is a hint
which is very hard for me🥱
Oh, don't want to do trivia stuff
oh I don’t really care I just gotta use my brain for a sec
if you don't want to, then just tell me
read the verse Genesis 1:1 on group verses for a hint
yo I didn’t know this was trivia😯
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