Select Verse Collections to memorize with this Group.
Hi everyone! Please join my group called Truth Be Told!!!😊😉👍
also join Jellyfish! the group is for prayer requests
Hey! Join my group called Swordfish
may you please pray for me I lost my brother please
please join my group memorize Gods word. Thank you
Just joined the group. wanted to say hi to everyone
Would you please pray for the Dolce/Glaze family? My 1st husband and of 26 years and father of my 9 children went to be with the LORD in 2013. My adult children have been upset that I remarried someone who was a friend of their Dad our family. Recently they've spoken lies about us to Children's Services in order to get custody of the 3 remaining minor children. My youngest was 2 years old when I married this man and thinks of him as his dad. The 3 youngest were taken and placed in foster care while 2 adult siblings try to get custody. This is a very sad and stressful situation. Thank you for your prayers.
Mary Glaze
please join my new group called help in difficult times
You need to make sure you press the save button, I’ve experienced it if you press back or exit it won’t save it
Hi guys! I need some help. I have not been able to add any type of photo to my account and my Mom's photo that once was there disappeared. Do you know why this is, or have you been having the same problem? Do we have to pay for a premium account for a photo? Thank you!
Heyyyy, where's the Word Hand pack??? I don't see that it has a category in the group but are the verses listed in another pack?
hello Electra, great you see you!
Hello! I just started Bible Memory today! I am so happy that I found you guys. I am so excited to start memorizing all types of verses!
hey Elisa! yes its the Proclaiming Christ Pack :)
is there a pack with all the verses for the bridge illustration?
Btw I recommend joining the group, Legends of God-defeat bosses it is rapidly rising in verses current and it has many great people, this group has everything!, Especially active members if you say something it is almost guaranteed someone will say something within the next four hours usually less! What other group is more active then that? There is exiting challenges called bosses, you need to memorize or do some fun bible related challenge, there is always a little something to do! It is great in verse collections as well. If you lack verses, say something and one of the admins will likely put them up! It would be much appreciated if you join, chat and above all memorize! If you like the group please advertise to other groups to get more amazing people on! Just search for Legends to see all the Legends groups. Thanks!
Hi everyone!! Please join the "Prayer Requests" group where we will be displaying prayer requests on the Message Wall. Please join, add your prayer requests, and pray for others(!!) ...see you in the group 😀
could you guys join group JesuSaves and dogs for Jesus? Group JesuSaves is known for Bible trivias. So if you like those you should join! It is a group for God. And both groups are clean of bad words. Group Dogs for Jesus is known for bravery and kindness. The group has been deleted by someone mean, but it just made another one. My brother was so sad because that was his group, and it had about 2,000 group verses current. So if you could join Dogs for Jesus we could make the group great again. If you say "Hi, I joined." then I will almost guarantee you will be welcomed. So If you are looking for a kind, welcoming, active group please join either one. PWEEZE😇 I want to make my brother happy.
Please join MemorizeGod'sWordTogether, it is a very encouraging and active group. Thanks for the consideration!
hello group. I just want to say hello.
I use the NKJV. Is it possible to add the verse decks to this group in NKJV? If not, its okay.
hello everyone I am inviting everyone in this group who is active to my group I just made named Active members ONLY. I am hoping to make a very active group. I am a very active person and I go on multiple times a day. I wan to have this active group to be able to share stuff and get answers quickly and that when questions are asked they get answered too. we can memorize together in a healthy environment of people from all around the globe!! I would gladly promote anyone who has verses to add or just them for you if you tell me which ones. thankyou for your consideration for joining my group!! may the Lord bless you all!!
I'm really proud of ItzMyBoiVince. He's really getting those verses down! --ncivy1