FACT: The Bible is not a type of bee. Your welcome.
@Brianna, Yes, absolutely!
Is everyone all right with me replacing last years verses with this years?
Please join God Gives Good Gifts it has 289 verses right now, thanks.
Please join MemorizeGod'sWordTogether, it is a very encouraging and active group. Thanks for the consideration!
Come and join my group called everyone loves the bible!
hello everyone I am inviting everyone in this group who is active to my group I just made named Active members ONLY. I am hoping to make a very active group. I am a very active person and I go on multiple times a day. I wan to have this active group to be able to share stuff and get answers quickly and that when questions are asked they get answered too. we can memorize together in a healthy environment of people from all around the globe!! I would gladly promote anyone who has verses to add or just them for you if you tell me which ones. thankyou for your consideration for joining my group!! may the Lord bless you all!!
please join my group named active members only! thankyou for your consideration!!
Hi Everyone!
As you are aware, the Qualifying Test is coming up and will be available this Thursday through Saturday. In order to keep test content secure, please donβt post anything on the Participant Community, Scripture Typer, Quizlet, Memverse, Hangouts, or other social media about study/test-related content during the testing window.
You can also refer to the NBBC Qualifying Test Rules and Procedures here:
If you have any issues while testing, please call NBB Headquarters at 210-489-7311!
Press on!
Hmmm... let me guess... fourteen?? xP
Well, now *some* of them are showing. xP
I can only do that if I remove them and add them again, because I'm the one that added them. xP
That's really weird!!! Sorry, but I don't know how to fix it (unless you selected the collections while they were empty, in which case you need to un-select and then re-select them).
It's weird...none of my verses are showing up on any of the groups. xP
Hi guys I just made a group called memorize Genesis 1-3 it is specifically made for Bible Bee contestants you guys are all welcome to joinπ
Here's a group for 2017 Bible Bee: https://scripturetyper.com/group/view/c540179458/
I finished them, but this is a little late :P Sorry I didn't see it sooner!
How's studying going for everyone? Who has finished all the verses?
Is anyone going to add the Nationals passages and 1 John?
I think I agree with you there, though it is absolutely best to qualify and go. XD My studying is going pretty well. I've hardly started on my 1John study though, I've been too busy with vs. But after I finish them I'll spend all my time on 1John. XP
I got my wish/hope!! :D And we're going this year, which was actually what I was hoping for more than to qualify. (I would rather not qualify, but go, than to qualify and not go. :) But I got both wishes!!! How is everyone's studying?
National BB Google Doc link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Jrzdf0rHkTsDX0cqL2o-ug1P8_grSw5unEfrYVuFKZk/edit
Who all on here got their wish("hope")? I did! :D
@Noah from a while ago.. sorry I never saw it- We live in Greece so it's... pretty far. :D
There - I don't think that is quite all the CR's(I know there was at least some in Revelation) but Sarah made that collection for another group so I added it.
Everyone keep studying hard until the test!!!! :)
Thanks! I'm feeling mostly better. =/ Still stuffed up and with a sore throat, but I'm up and about. :) x) Yep I guess so. =)
I prayed for you! How are you feeling today? Thanks; I thought that the picture might be appropriate :).
Thanks so much! You can pray for me too - Yesterday I was feeling like I might be getting sick, even though Mama's "soaking" us with supplements, but I woke up today and am feeling quite a bit worse. =/ ...Cute picture:)
@Brianna: I'm glad to hear that! :) I'll continue to pray for their healing.
She was doing pretty good yesterday - her cough was not quite so croupy, if you know what I mean. We are still giving Taylor breathing treatments a couple of times a day, but he is doing well as well. x)
Good! How is she doing today? How is Taylor?
Mama left a little while ago to pick up Daddy and Jubilee! I'm so happy! xD
Thanks Anna! Yes I will. Mama thinks they're going to keep her overnight and then depending on how she does tonight(croup is a lot worse at night), maybe she'll be able to come home tomorrow. I sure hope so. :)
Oh no! I will pray for her. Please let us know how she's doing.
Okay - I'll try that. Everyone please pray for my little sister Jubilee - she was hospitalized last night for croup because Mama and Daddy took her in and the treatment they gave her there was not working.
Sorry! I don't think I have time, I'm so busy! Maybe you should make TornadoZach admin; since he generously volunteered to help?
SO sorry! I'm like, argh! =/ :P Grace(Wanliss, 'cause you're the one that asked), would you have time to add them if I made you admin?
That is kind of weird. :P I might do that - thanks for offering!
One of them calls me mommy which is really weird because I am a boy
Our chaplain on base has 12 kids
Although I am the oldest in a family of 5 kids
If you make me an admin I can help
Sure! - Trying to hurry! =/ But can you imagine how it is being the 3rd oldest in a family of 11? ... ;P
Could you also add Psalm 69:4, Psalm 41:9, Psalm 35:19 and Psalm 109:3? Thanks!
Thanks! I'll try to get those and some others up today or tomorrow. :)
Philippians 2:5-8, Ezekiel 11:19, John 12:23-28, Hebrews 9:13-14, Ephesians 5:1-2, 1 Corinthians 5:7, Mark 1:17, 1 John 3:16, 1 Timothy 1:15, Romans 10:11-13, Romans 8:6, Matthew 11:29-30.
There are many other important ones I haven't included.
If anyone has any suggestions of most important cross-references, I'm sure I wouldn't choose all the same ones! x)
I'm working on getting more CR's on here! Sorry about the delay! =/
Yes - we should! I'm sure we can figure it out! ;D
Although, when, I don't know. :P
I know! I miss you guys so much :') We should do a video call ;D
lol! xD *sigh* In a way remembering makes me sad. :)
Brianna: Fun memories! We were all laughing so hard. xD And she was telling us her "alphabet"... =D
Okay so I added a different locals collection because John 14:2-6 didn't seem to be in the other one. :)
@Grace: Sure - I'll do that ASAP. ;D I don't know if they're going to or not. They had said they were probably going to...but I haven't heard anything about it recently.
Also, do you guys know if the BBHQ is planning on releasing Early Release Passages?
Hi Brianna,
Could you please add some more major short CR's for us to memorize? Like Philippians 2:5-8.
Thanks so much!
xD haha! I remember that now! I think once she called Carissa "Dada". xD
Aww, Jubilee is so adorable ^_^ xD I remember how she was giving us all names and called Bethany "sissy"...I don't remember what my name was, though. x)
I like that picture, but I don't think I remember her name... :)
How's this one? ;D We still call her one of our 'babies'. xD
Haha, I'm teasing ;) But I did like seeing a happy baby whenever I looked at this group XD The sunrise is beautiful though!!
Away. ;P I like switching pictures. xD Maybe I'll put it back up later. xD This one is a sunrise out our backdoor. xD <3
Brianna! Where did you cute baby picture go?! ;D
Probably not for long! :P
Wow, Grace! You're ahead of Emily and Everett! ;P xP
I'm not exactly sure what you mean... ? (about the memory part...)
Did you know that the Primary review maps have key verses written in them? For John 13:1-20, it says the key verses are John 13:14-15. (And no, I'm not a primary...) I wonder if our memory passages from each chapter are supposed to be the key verses?
Yeah, we're pretty blessed. =) xP
we are about 5 hours away...
flying for us is very expensive... O.o. xP
Haha, lucky for you ;D I wish Nationals was 45 minutes from _my_ house. XD Got your email, thanks! Will respond soon ;) <3
xD I think so. (Of course, I live here, but I think I can feel for you. xP)
Flying down to Texas last year was especially expensive for me (being from Alaska) but it was worth it.
xD Yes! I smile every time I see it! =) I know! It's so great! Me too! (for both of us; I will be "at" Nat's either way, since I live here, but... x)) Miss you too! xD Yes! I think it was your turn... however long ago. xP
@Brianna: I love it too, it makes me happy to look at it =) I know, I can hardly believe we are more than half way to November!! Just praying I am at Nationals! x) Miss you, girl! We need to email again ;)
Well I think on ch. 13 it might be verse/s 14-15... I think it's pretty obvious on ch. 15(vs. 4-5), but I don't really have any ideas for ch. 14.
Do you guys have suggestions on Key Verses for each chapter of John 13-15?
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