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@WordBird. Pls don't tell me ur an Astros fan!
if there are no new messages by July 15, i will delete this group.
Imma leave this group, I may still text every once in a while though...
Hey, welcome... but, this is a bit of a... inactive group... 🧐
hi I am al done reviewing my verses!
I like Steph as well though
can't find it.. Are you a big Steph fan?
This group has 116 verses current... and that is only one person!!! Come on guys!
I think you can delete your one text!
I need to be able to delete comments
I play golf, tennis, football, soccer, and track
I play baseball⚾, basketball🏀, and golf🏌🏼♂️.
Do you guys play any sports? If so which one(s)?
you guys can come to meet me again btw
Sorry for the length... 🤪
I just think they are both not really following God’s directions completely I only would prefer Trump because Biden is for abortion LGBTQ which I personally disagree with, but don’t want to get into that especially if some of you disagree with me, and he supports vaccines wilhich again it’s personal and I can base it if you want!
oh, sorry, I read it wrong lol
thebot didn’t say he was always rude.
I don't think he is always rude
why do you disagree with thebot?
actually, I disagree with you thebot
BTW how do I load a profile pic? I am on a PC.
I love it man!! totally agreed!!
Trump is honestly pretty funny. Biden, nah he's boring. I'd rather have a funny president then someone who makes me to to sleep
I’m a Mariners fan, so I’m just gonna enjoy the series
oh boy, I have a friend who is a huge Dodgers fan so... not soooo crazy about them lol
Are any of you following the MLB World Series by any chance? #go dodgers
oh, thats what I thought but Marilyn said opposite
good thing Marilyn isn't here, you (thebot) would not be here if that were so, because she doesn't like anyone advertising groups. (although she did advertise herself)
Haha! I Love that Lne513!!!
I am in favor of Trump for sure. "Sleepy Joe" is not fit to be the president of the USA.
the reason why I think he is evil is for example, this is just 1 of them but... he supports abortion which is evil itself
uh, no. I don’t support any political party. I just don’t think that Biden is evil/misled. If you have reasons, please explain them to me.
let me guess, Biden supporter
Well everyone has so go ahead and say what you were going to say
I don’t agree, but I don’t want to get into political conversations on Bible Memory.
yeah, he is a evil person
Yeah, he’s done that more then once lol
thats why he was alert and answering some of the questions lol
I know it sounds crazy but thats what happened
yes, it wasn't inside his ear, it was hidden behind his ear
Did you look at his ear at all? lol
really? I watched the whole thing and didn’t see it.
they posted a pic on social media
He's wayyyyyy to old to be president, even in last debate, Biden had a microphone in his ear
although I truly think that if Biden gets elected then he won't be president, Harris will be, Harris said it
I just want it to be peaceful, whatever happens.
I think if its a FAIR election then trump will win but if there is cheating then.... not too good for our country
and anyone is welcome to answer too
okay, thebot, what are your thoughts on this coming election?
maybe me and thebot could have a discussion and then it will be active again, we are having a discussion on a group and have mid 80s text messages with just the 2 of us in like a week lol
Well the name better be changed then 😂
Well there’s no active boys on this group, and it’s a boy group 😆
I will come on every day and try to activate this group 😆😆😆
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