Select Verse Collections to memorize with this Group.
Happy Independence Day -- July 4th! Have a blessed day, everyone!
Good morning to everyone! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy Resurrection Sunday, Everyone!
Last month's verse collection on SERVE was such a challenge for me... I'm still working on perfecting them. This month's collection is on LOVE -- so all the verses are fairly short... this will give us time to work some more on last months. :)
Happy New Year, everyone! I hope you'll join in. Please, please don't give up. Let's keep the ball rolling.
We wouldn't let our dirty laundry sit around in a pile for months and be content without clean clothes to wear because it's important to us to have clothes to wear. It's worth the effort, right?!
So, let pick up the ball and keep memorizing God's Word. It cleanses our hearts and minds!
Whoohoo! December is here...almost another year complete! Do you have special plans for this month? I know we usually try to keep everything simple for Christmas. I look forward to my mom's fruit salad, a little bit of eggnog and pie. :) Above all, I will be happy to spend extra time with family. :)
I want to welcome Samantha to our group. Thanks for joining! And I want to encourage you all to keep in there trying to work on our memory verses. I know I've been extremely busy lately, so I just try to come in and catch up on reviewing my verses when I can snatch a few extra minutes. That's okay... as long as we don't quit!
I'm in Kansas! The flat land. lol (It's my husband's homeland.) I was born in Iowa and raised in Missouri... and loved all the abundant snow. Over the years, because my husband's favorite season is fall, it became mine as well once I really realized the true beauty of the season's beautiful colors. I guess I just didn't appreciate it as much in my youth...the cold wind always gave me ear aches so I hated fall as a child. lol
Hi, I´m doing well and trying not too get too far behind (I know.. :-) I love fall also. I do miss the color change and Indian summer but not the cold snowy days. Where are you?
How is everyone doing? Can you believe it's October already? The fall season is my favorite season! :)
It's okay! Don't worry about being "behind" this can be at your own pace...and so I will be adding them one block (category) at a time. So when you finish one you can then just start a new section.
thank you! I see them. I'm behind this month 😱
Sarah, under the "Memory Verses" tab for our group there is a new collection called "Faith" That's where the new verses are located for September. This is suppose to be public I think?? Can you see this group?
hi, I can't see mew verses. I saw one on Facebook but not here. thank you.
You're right! I find it challenging to type them out without help. I do believe this tool has been a huge help to me, though... I'm a visual learner... and also a little "hands on" approach as this has been PERFECT for me. :)
Yes and what a great feature, otherwise I would forget what I need to go over :) I added a couple of verses that are on our church wall, have been reading them for a while now but it was a challenge to type them without help. These are adding up quick!
Yes, I understand what you mean. If you check out ScriptureTyper's "Review" link it shows you when you need to review certain verses over a period of time. I really love that feature!
Thank you for answering. I'm not going to tackle extra verses, it would get confusing. This gives me tome to review them and hopefully they'll be there for a long long tome :)
Sara, It's truly helping me a lot as well. I work on my verse every morning. I'm planning to do a "theme-based" choice each month. So, I'm already praying about the theme verses that I choose for September. This month's theme was all about "why" we should memorize God's Word...because I felt that it was important to understand the "why" so we would be motivated to try harder. If you're wanting more verses to work on you can check out the verse library on ScriptureTyper's site...or look to join an additional group. For me, I want to be careful to not overwhelm myself because life gets pretty busy as you know. lol
Hi, I'm enjoying the app very much. It certainly makes it easier to memorize the verses. I was wondering, how do you choose verses to post? thanks