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Resting in Green Pastures - Round Rock, TX

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-1  Verses in the last 7 days
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-1  Verses in the last 7 days
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Resting in Green Pastures is a Facebook group focused on slowly appreciating God's Word. Each week we will have a small section of Scripture to enjoy. We will have a few application questions which we encourage you to answer. If you don't feel like answering any particular question, that's okay. The goal is to get you into the Scripture every day and appreciate it for all its worth. Even though a new set of Scripture is the focus each week, we encourage you to read the same Scripture passage each day. The goal is to linger and appreciate the section. We see this group as a supplement to, not a replacement of, a small group. While this is Scripture focused and community-based, face-to-face interaction is greatly encouraged. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. Graze to your heart's content. ♥

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