Hi everyone! Please join my group called Truth Be Told!!!😊😉👍
oops sorry look like my keyboard isn't compatible with this one
hi Guys
I'm joining from South Africa!
It looks like you guys have lost interest? No post since Nov?
Don't give up! Remember the Word needs to be on our lips. Be excited that the Holy Spirit is in us and His Word is in us! revealing truth! He will sustain us! Looking forward to hearing how you all have done in memorising 1John!
how does one change their profile picture?
Only have one more chapter to go! then I've finished my first book
Doing my one hour *Bluie activity*
Hello Scripture Typer has been very helpful for me. My father-in-law put a bride price on marrying his daughter of memorizing 1 John before I married his daughter and at our 1 year anniversary. This would have been a lot more difficult without this incredible app. Thank you so much
Hello from Ireland. I just started a group called Friendship with God. You are welcome to take a look and join.
I have to leave this group
hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi
hi guys hope your having fun doing scripture Taiper
hello everyone I am inviting everyone in this group who is active to my group I just made named Active members ONLY. I am hoping to make a very active group. I am a very active person and I go on multiple times a day. I wan to have this active group to be able to share stuff and get answers quickly and that when questions are asked they get answered too. we can memorize together in a healthy environment of people from all around the globe!! I would gladly promote anyone who has verses to add or just them for you if you tell me which ones. thankyou for your consideration for joining my group!! may the Lord bless you all!!
really? I'm having a hard time believing you.
URGENT!! I seriously have to WARN YOU!! The KJV BIBLE has been CHANGED! (Look up the #MandelaEffect) The Lords Prayer in the KJV is not correct anymore in the KJV (how we remember "tresspasses" changed to "debts" and "those who tresspass against us" changed to "our debtors" and "ON earth" in Mt6,10 changed to "IN earth" - look it up!!!) and John8:32 has changed, as well as Isaiah11,6 changed from "Lion and Lamb will live together" to "Wolve(s) and lamb will live together"
Check out the Mandela-Effect-Wiki for more Information! http://mandela-effect-wiki.tk
See here the page concerning changes in Bible-Translations: http://mandela-effect.bplaced.net/doku.php?id=changes_in_bible-translations_overview
PS: i'm not joking, i'm totally serious!
PPS: even wikipedia censors this topic... (see discussion on startpage in the wiki)
I have a lot of Jonah memorized by accident, and I FINISHED ALL MY VERSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HI!!!! CAN you tell rainbow to remove me off his prayer registry list please because I don't know this person because it's showing that i have 2 prayers in profile, and i don't know it's this person!!
You are welcome Lucy! (If you are having a hard time placing me, I stood next to you in line for everything it seems like.)
Do you have any studying advice, perchance?
Congratulations Lucy for placing 2nd in the Senior Division!
Good job to everyone who participated!
Carissa is a very pretty name, by the way.
Thanks, Hannah! You didn't spell my name right...but it's okay...nobody normally spells it right. It's spelled: Carissa.
Congrats Carrisa! (Sorry if I spell your name wrong, I misspell SavedByGrace's too. And did I misspell misspell? It doesn't look right... :D)
@Hannah: I qualified. ALL GLORY TO GOD!
Thanks Lucy. You can just call me Hannah.
Thanks 'Bible Bee' and Jordan! Congratulations everyone who made it to Nationals. May the Lord be honored as we continue to study his Word!!
oh christian did too. and Karthmin.
Who else made it? I know Jordan did (Congrats!!! Looking forward to meet you!) and so did Lucy and Audrey (Congrats to you, too!)
@Lucy: Well done to you and Audrey! Looking forward to actually meeting you in person this year after so much study with Nathan and all!
Thanks Bible Bee! We have prayer meeting @ 7:00 too but we are in PST so we find out 4:00 here :D Hope you make it!
I like the milliseconds on the countdown! So cool! right now... 0 days 4 hours 31 minutes 15 seconds and I can't type fast enough milliseconds. :D
Same here, Hannah! soooooo nervous but excited as well. I'm pretty sure I improved over my horrible 409 ranking from last year. Sadly, we have prayer meeting that just so happens to start at 7:00 PM, so we'll have to wait till at least 9:00, if not 9:30, to see. :(
Here is a countdown!! :so nervous and excited at the same time: :)
No, that's not exaggerating at all!
The test was like the 1&2 Timothy test from nats last year.... except it was a thousand times harder.. Okay that's exaggerating a bit! ;)
How did everyone's local bee go?
I might have accidentally changed a setting. Try it again... it should work now.
It says the set is protected and only availible for people on Quizlet. What should I do?
That really helps, Lucy. And thanks also, German Cello!
OH THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here you go, Cake Decorator, I hope that this is helpful.
Thanks Lucy and German Cello! Don't go to the trouble Lucy. I wouldn't mind, though... :D
Thanks though. GermanCello could you make a set for ESV? Thanks!
@Cake Decorator: Feel free to join us. If you want me to add 1 John verse by verse, I could do that... Would all you group members find that helpful?
You're welcome. I made this set to help me and others.
I bet it is. I never thought of that before; thanks! I'll have to try that!
Memverse is very helpful for 1 John because it has reference recall, which is really great. It will give you a verse and you type the reference.
I'm joining this group because I'm memorizing 1 John. I won't use your verse collections, though, because I want to memorize it verse by verse. That's okay, right?
@jbbaby: I guess you have a couple options. You could contact Bret (the creator of Scripture Typer) and ask him to add those versions.
You could also create your own collections of 1 John by going to 'Add or import verses.' Then find the passage you want in GNT on the internet. Select it, copy it, and paste it into the box that says 'verse text.'
If this is confusing, let me know and I'll try to explain it more clearly! :D
You can type whole chapters at once if you select a collection (for example, 1 John 2) and choose the option that says 'Review all verses combined together.'
Sorry that you didn't know about this option before!
@jbbaby~ You can contact the ScriptureTyper administrator and ask him to add those versions.
Hello, I am new and want to memorize this letter in two other versions...Dios Habla Hoy and the GNT. These are not among the options. What do I do?
@Administrator~ I have a verse collection that contains the entirety of 1 John. You might want to add it. (So you can type whole chapters at once.)
Hey guys! I'm finally in! Who's doing the cross-references? Anyone?
Sorry, I'm Matt Cooksey and I saw you on quizlet and you also friended me here on scripture typer and I just wondered who you were.) :)
First. answer two questions. Who are you, and why do you want to know who I am? ;)
@colossians3 22 24, who are you?
Using ESV for Bible Bee? Then these are for you!!!
I think they must have taken the When Bible Bee Families Come Together Group down, and replaced it with the local Bible Bee groups. If you click on the Bible Bee shield at the top of this website, you will see a list of the current Bible Bee groups. Hope that helps:)
Does anybody know why I can't get into the when BB families come together group? Can't fid it in the list, unless I'm really missing something!
By all means we can add 2 and 3 John. (Extra credit :D ) I'd actually thought of that myself. Count on me getting that done by today or tomorrow, okay? Congratulations on finishing! I'm right behind you.
Can we add 2 John and 3 John? This group is just for 1 John, right? Too bad we can't merge this group with "Memorize 1, 2, 3 John" group. :)
I believe I am a little behind on the schedule, but will attempt to catch up!
Way to go memorizing, everyone! We are 35th on the list of groups! Keep it up!
I've been pretty busy. (I'm sure you all can relate!)
Okay everyone, I have finally added 1 John 5! Thanks, all, for your patience!
If your still confused, you could give me a call and I could probably explain things to you, or I could show you when I see you next
Thanks! I am now starting to figure things out!
Hello there Jordan; hopefully this link will help you figure things out! :)
Actually, I was hoping you could help me figure out how to use it next time we get together... I'm really confused!
Welcome Jordan:) I'm glad you found Scripture Typer. I hope it will prove useful to you.
Maybe I'll give it a try! I was just talking to a friend about it today...
That's fine, but I would encourage you to go ahead and memorize using Scripture Typer! It's a great program!
Hey everyone! I joined this because I'm doing Nathan's 1st John study... not sure if I'll use Scripture typer or not though
@ His Servant: You can select your version when you select the verse collection.
So, what version are the 1 John sets in? I use ESV. Thanks!