Hi Mike,
Thanks for the group. Great verses.
Please consider the following link which you will need to cut and paste into your search engine. It isn't any kind of sales thing, just some information about why its best to stick to the old book, the KJV Bible, and lay aside the corrupted newer so called translations. Although people can still get saved reading them, many verses have been taken out our changed to please the Pope's doctrine and to get a copyrite so money can be charged for use.. and I found out actually stem from corrupted texts. Some newer translations had people helping with the translations that weren't even believers and who had ulterior agendas.
May God richly bless you and yours. (cute kid pic :)
Welcome! I’m Mike. I decided that I needed to be able to speak more word into my daily life. I started this group with no effort, no advertising, and no expectation that anybody else would find it. So if you’re reading this? It’s possible the Holy Spirit is nudging you here. Might as well participate!