How many verses does your group have?
hello everyone I am inviting everyone in this group who is active to my group I just made named Active members ONLY. I am hoping to make a very active group. I am a very active person and I go on multiple times a day. I wan to have this active group to be able to share stuff and get answers quickly and that when questions are asked they get answered too. we can memorize together in a healthy environment of people from all around the globe!! I would gladly promote anyone who has verses to add or just them for you if you tell me which ones. thankyou for your consideration for joining my group!! may the Lord bless you all!!
Hi Everyone!
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Press on!
join my group named JOINusANYone
I wonder if it's a problem on Scripture Typer's end. The "Top 100" collection says that it has only 99 verses.
Hmm... I wonder if I accidentally deleted one, because I only have Lamentations 3:1-26 left, and it says I have 173 verses current. I checked from the list you sent out, though, and I couldn't find any missing...
I'm not sure what the problem is. I don't think that any verses are missing. it's possible that I could've miscounted, but I counted several times.
Do you know if there is a verse missing off of this collection of Scripture Typer? I can only figure out how to add them up to 199.
Welcome to the group, Elizabeth! I hope that you will be encouraged by the verses that you memorize!
Hi! I joined. I probably won't be memorizing all the verses, but I will memorize some of them.
sorry guys, but I'm not going to memorize these verses for awhile. maybe I'll join later... bye
I haven't memorized it so I can't answer that question.
Yes, but it's actually not as hard as it sounds :).
you memorized that?????????
For some reason, I only get six points when I review Lamentations 3:1-26. Has anyone else been having the same problem?
but you can only see how many verses current we have, not how many we memorized in all.
Aaaah, good to know! Thanks for the tip, Anna! :)
Good job, everyone! Now maybe we could shoot for 250 by the end of the week :).
guys, we did it! last time I checked, we had 202 verses!!!
we actually have 185 verses current right now... so if you guys have any due verses in this group.... REVIEW!!!!
I need to make a correction to one of the references. Matthew 12:26-27 is actually supposed to be Matthew 12:36-37. Sorry about that!
@Sarah and Katie: If you go to Bible Memory Groups ( and press Ctrl and F (at least on some computers), and then type in the name of this group, you can see how many verses we have.
@Katherine: I would recommend doing three verses a day if you want to finish by March 31st, but it's completely up to you.
Good job, everyone! This group now has about 180 verses, so I think that we'll get to 200 tomorrow or Friday!
@Anna M How do you tell how many we've done?
@katherine, I don't think there is a time limit.
Can someone remind me how many verses we're supposed to memorize per day?
Ok! Is there a place to see the total amount of verses memorized by this group, other than in the "group leader board"?
happy MLK guys! @anna, that would be fun
Let's see if this group can have 200 verses memorized by the end of the week!
I fixed mine and I think it works.
Uh-oh. I corrected it in mine as well, but I guess everyone else will have to do it them selves. Sorry about that.
2 Corinthians 4:1-18 was entered as 2 Corinthians 4:1-13. I was able to fix it in my own collection, but I don't think that it changed it for everyone else's collections.
Good job! I'm enjoying getting to see everyone's hard work on here :).
First three passages memorized!
ok thanks for the suggestion!
I copied and pasted Proverbs 16:33 from BibleGateway into the verse text, and it's showing up on the group leaderboard that I memorized it, so I guess it works.
I emailed the Bible Bee Off-Season memory group, and I also sent invitations to a few people.
oh and, I have the same problem as you guys with the proverbs verse. what do you suggest I should do?
how did this group get so many members soo quickly?
I noticed that, too. It will let me edit that verse, but not in that collection, which means that it won't count toward my verses on this group. Oh well! :)
I re-added the verse, though the same thing happened. It said "vs 33 not found" so I copy and pasted it from Bible Gateway again. Maybe it's because I added it in my version (KJV), and since it doesn't recognize it, it can't translate it to your version. (You use ESV right?) But that's just my theory. :)
Hmm, when I was adding that verse it gave me the same message, so I just copy and pasted the words from Bible Gateway. I'll try to redo it, but I don't know what could be wrong. :/
I went to work on Proverbs 16:33 and the text says "vs 33 not found." (There is a vs 33 but the passage in the collection doesn't show it.) Thanks!
hi Katie! thanks for making this group!