Select Verse Collections to memorize with this Group.
Psalm 120:1-7 KJV - "In my distress I cried unto the LORD, and He heard me. Deliver my soul, O LORD, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue. What shall be given unto thee? or what shall be done unto thee, thou false tongue? Sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals of juniper. Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar! My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace. I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war."
Mario, why persecute and stab in the back one of your sisters in the faith? You both have become sullen like the accuser of the brethren, Satan. And you will not abide by our Guidelines! You have temporarily made this Message Wall into a war zone! Well, I am taking back this safe place for myself, as well as for other Bible-believing Adventists. You have attacked my character, and have become troublemakers. You both are not welcome on here any more.
@Angel and Mario: I give myself permission to delete your posts because you have taken free speech to a whole new level. You are bullying me, yes, your posts have become personal forms of disrespect towards me. You say you do not mean to disrespect me, and then you go ahead and attack me!
I will be writing down all of your questions and comments. Then I will delete some of your posts that do not align with what the scriptures say. If the points coincide with the scriptures, for the sake of those who are just learning the Truth, I do not leave on this Message Wall discussions that will cause confusion. I will address everything in due time. Those Adventists who would like to address these issues may do so in the meantime. It would be a lot of help to me.
@Everybody: Yes, it was a bit tiring as Latte said. But I was not willing to give a flippant answer without much thought and prayer. This is a different me than I used to be. This site is helping me to grow in spirit and in truth. And I want to give you answers that will help you grow in Christ as well. I am thankful for all your interaction even though it is not always comfortable. I will eventually answer all your questions. In the meantime, read down through the Guidelines where I have already answered many of your questions. I want us all to go to heaven and do not want anything left unsaid that would help us on our journey. Thank you for your prayers.
yes thank you Marilyn, I am sure it is very tiring.
Thank you for continuous answering to ppl’s question. God Bless!
@Macie: Where do you find in the Bible that it says, in your words, "the Bible literally says that the Sabbath is on Sunday?"
PART SEVEN - God is going to allow the Sunday test because He needs to know who is truly loyal to Him. His children will recognize the truth when the test, the Sunday law, is enforced. You see, the presence of God is as a refining fire. He loves us too much to see His children destroyed at His appearing. No sin will stand the fiery ordeal by the presence of God. He is giving us time to change our ways and to accept Him and His Truth. It is not our truth; it is His Truth.
PART SIX - God raised up our church to carry the message about last day events, in the hope that people would come to the light that God shared throughout His Word. He inspired men of old as he inspires people now-a-days to share the knowledge that we know. I am saddened by the fact that many fellow believers in my church will leave, but am excited about all of the brethren in other denominations that will take hold of the Truth, and finally understand about the 7th day Sabbath.
PART FIVE - Satan is the author of confusion and the father of lies. He is also called the prince of the air. His chief desire is to destroy as many of the believers in God as he can. This explains why there are so many counterfeits in this world. He wants to mar every good and pleasing thing that God has created: counterfeit religions, counterfeit preachers, counterfeit lifestyles, and so on. Probably the greatest counterfeit of all that Satan is behind, is a counterfeit day of worship.
PART FOUR - We can all agree that Satan is the chief instigator of pain and trouble on our planet. He has helpers which were once Holy Angels that were kicked out of heaven along with him. He used to be called Lucifer, but became Satan, the devil, that old serpent, and so forth, because of his rebellion in heaven. Please see Revelation 12. That chapter explains the history of the world.
PART THREE - Now go to the very end of the Bible and look at what Revelation 14 says in chapter 14, verses 6-7, "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come: and worship Him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters." This again refers to God as the Creator.
PART TWO - Have you read Genesis 2:1-3 at all? They explain something you may be overlooking. "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made." The seventh day is the true Sabbath of God. He made it holy, to be kept by His followers, forever.
PART ONE - We have no problem with what you said about Jesus Christ dying for all. When we repent and accept Him as our personal Savior, He forgives us and we can claim the hope of salvation. BUT, He asks us for our loyalty, and commands us to keep His Commandments. The two Commandments that He summed up the Commandments of His Father, did not replace or cancel the Commandments of His Father. All 10 still stand. That includes the fourth Commandment of which few Sunday-keepers understand.
@Macie and Angel: I will try to explain some things to you and to the others who may be confused. By the way, I have explained the things addressed many many times on this Message Wall, and they are also explained in detail throughout the Group Description/ Guidelines area if you care to investigate.
@Kitty Lover: Once again, thank you so much for your support. It blesses my soul to know that there are people on here who truly understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ and and what true loyalty to Him is. I agree wholeheartedly with you about everything you said.
@Angel: I can see that you are confused. That is okay. I cannot stop sharing the Truth and will continue because it is my purpose in life. You can leave if you are sore with me. I just understand something that you do not.
Angel, I love the truth from God's word! It may hurt me, and at times I may not like it, but us worth it. Honestly, it feels like YOU are the one not who doesn't like the truth. I'm not even quoting Ellen Whit or anybody, I'm only quoting Scripture. I hear people who are not even SDA, they aren't even any denomination, but through just reading the Bible, they found the Saturday is the Sabbath. You can choose what you want to believe. I will respect that.
Angel, it's not that I don't like the truth. The truth hurts. But I would rather be hurt by truth than comforted with a lie. And it's not always easy to accept that we have to rest on Sabbath. But it is worth it, we are healthier, and we spend a date with God! Its not always easy to accept the truth, but when we love God, we do anything for Him.
Macie, Angel, that is not what I said. I didn't say that Jesus will come when everyone accepts Sabbath on Saturday nor did I say that everyone will accept Saturday as the Sabbath. And where did I say that you will go to hell because you go to church on a different day? Firstly, the Sabbath has nothing to do with what day you go to church (I can go to church on any day), but what day you rest, give to God this day to Him. Let me shock you and say that they are many people who will be in Heaven though they worshipped on Sunday! My point is that people will know that Saturday is the Sabbath and they can still decide whether or not they will obey. It's not about the day, it's about your loyalty. The Sabbath is Saturday because the Bible says the Seventh day is the Sabbath in the Ten Commandments from evening to evening. It's not Sunday.
but also ihnc where u guys got the idea that the sabbath is on saturday. i mean the bible LIT says that the sabbath is on a sunday "not that i care when it is, only that i worship and go to church that day" sooooooooo....yea i'm very confused at where u SDA's stand at bc u believe in the bible and say you do but then you cotradict urselfs and do whatever you lthink is best and then tell the rest of us that we r going to hell bc we go to church on a different day dosen't that sound......stupid? i mean i respect wht u beleive but i can't find anywhere in the bible tht says the sabbath is on a saturday and then u say you follow God's word so honestly? it's pretty confussing when you say that and then contradict urselves but i'd LOVE to hear wht u hav to say abt it tysm!
ty i appreciate that but your saying that jesus will come when we all except that saturday is the sabbath??? bc if you are the bible clearly states that no one knows when jesus is comming for he comes in his own time also i've never read anywhere in the bible abt tht happening i respect ur believes but i can find no evidence supporting what you say except your own beleifs which can be flawed: again no disrespect just asking for more info tysm!!
Macie, I respect your beliefs. I will say this that many people who go to church on Sunday will be in heaven. And yes, we are saved by God's grace. We do not keep Sabbath to be saved, but because we are saved, and that the Sabbath is a day to spend time with Him. We keep the Sabbath because we are saved, and because we love Him, so we do anything to please him and obey the Ten Commandments. Sunday Worship is not the mark of the beast yet. It will be soon, but the ultimate test is not what day you esteem, but the side of loyalty you are on. Because you are really saved, you will pick the side of God. And it's not here yet until everyone has no doubt that Saturday is the Sabbath. I respect your beliefs.
😁once again i mean no disrespect God loves you! hav a blessed day
Those that continue in the Sunday-keeping churches will receive the mark of the Beast, and will be lost forever.Marilyn: i mean no disrespect but since i go to church on siunday i'm going to hell??? ast time i checked God's word it said: Those who believe in my son that he died and rose again shall NOT perish but have eternal life. The bible explains that whoever you are you go to heaven if you beleieve that Christ died for your sins. This is THE truth and once again i mean no disrespect i am just defending my faith and asking a question thank you!!😁
not saying that the sites u r reccomending r bad but if we hav questions we should go to God for them
Marilyn@ i mean no disrespect but don't you think that we should find our answers in the bible? because some websites and sources can be unreliable and not the full truth whereas we know the bible is God's word and the truth on which we stand on. Plus isn't it better to ask God for the answers instead of websites i mean God is all knowing and knows whats best for us.
ok.....well i'm pretty sure this is not a group sor debating so if u wanna do tht u might wanna create a group for that oh!! i kno u should call the group debating sparkles!! whos with me??!!
I do not believe EG White was a false prophet nor has there ever been a doubt in my mind that she was not a true prophet of God. She met all of the qualifications of a true messenger. I have read many of her writings as well. Have any of you? Read Steps To Christ, or The Great Controversy, or The Desire of Ages, or Last Day Events (a compilation), or any of her 80+ other volumes. You will see how great a connection she had with her Father in heaven.
Mario, you need to ask yourself what camp you are in if you cannot stand up firmly for the Truth. You seem to not be firmly committed, but that may be because you are young. Jesus is coming back soon, and He will be looking for courageous soldiers who will be able to give the loud cry of the three angels message before His 2nd coming. Are you going to be among that number?! 😳
I do not allow questions or comments that allow the contamination of doubts to mature on here.
Thxs for ur answer, Marilyn!
I will tell you that when I first became a Seventh-Day Adventist, I read the book called The Prophet of Destiny by Renee Norbergen. It was very clarifying to me that EG White was a true prophet. It detailed the 10 or so tests that a prophet has to meet before they are recognized as a true prophet of God.
To answer your question of whether God chose her, here is a link: media-library/storacle/e/5347/t/proving-the-prophets
She meets all the criteria of a true prophet. You can go to to find all of the info that you need about Ellen G White as the true end-time Prophet of God. You can ask the question, is Ellen White a true prophet in their search bar. I do not have to reinvent the wheel. I direct people to where they can find the answers to their questions.
Here is a good description of the role of EG White within the Seventh-day Adventist church.
I am respectfully curious. How do we know she is a prophet?? Did God say so?
@Bible Learner: Yes, she is the one true last day prophet. Why do you ask?
Is Ellen White a prophet!?
@Angel: I will not leave up what we believe as error on this Message Wall. Also, I do not encourage ordinary chatter on the wall as it tends to stall any topics we are sharing or discussing. Scripture also disappears! That is why I delete unimportant comments after a short while. It is not personal. I hope you and the others who get on this wall will understand. Thank you.
I am cool with that Angel!! That is what everyone calls me.
Thx Marilyn and I am glad u are well!!
@Bible Learner: Just fine, thanks! Welcome! 🖐🙂
Hi Marilyn! How are you??
@Angel: Please do not keep pressing me. I do not want to ban you as well. If you want to understand why we Seventh-day Adventist christians (millions of us) believe what we do, then read through the Group Description/ Guidelines area. Have your mom or dad go to to ask your questions. Go through the group Collections that I have put together. Check out the ABCs Collection in particular. Those are just scripture texts, but they spell out answers very clearly. You can also look at our Spirit of Prophecy Collection which has much to say on the subject.
@Mario: Here is a suggestion to help your sentences look better. Do you see how the words "here is" are not abbreviated with an "apostrophe s?" That is because the algorithm puts 5 symbols between the abbreviated area. If you see this happening in other places, writing out the complete word will clean up your sentences. You will now know what the reason for it is.
@Angel: You asked for an answer. I gave it. Your hypothesis is wrong. Not everyone who says they are a believer will go to heaven. Only those who do the will of God. We must fear Him and obey Him. Sunday keepers will have the chance to accept the Sabbath of the Lord before you receive the mark of the Beast. The image is the false sabbath, Sunday. This site is here to warn those who do not keep all ten of the commandments of God (Exodus 20:8-11 to be precise). Time is too short for me to not give a word of warning to Sunday keepers. I used to be a Sunday keeper, but am glad that God saw fit to warn me. I have been giving the warning ever since. Signs are all about us that reveal that the time of trouble is almost upon us. That is all I will say about this for now.
Matt has been banned. I have explained that this type of behavior is not acceptable on here. He is off of here for good.
@Matt: I am an SDA and I understand that you don't agree with Marilyn but calling her a Karen does not solve anything. Calling her a Karen might escalate things because she might be to upset to reason. That said, let's try to disagree without name calling the next time you have a debate with anyone, unless you are incapable of disagreeing without calling. If that's the case, you should not have any because you just sound childish.
Matthew 7:21 KJV - "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that DOETH the will of my Father which is in heaven." Luke 6:46 - "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and DO not the things which I say?"
@Angel: I share with everyone the info that comes from the true last day prophet of God, Ellen G White. And personal opinions have no value if there is not a "Thus sayeth the Lord" to back them up.
@Angel: I hear you, but your theory is not correct. And that gentleman is not giving a right message. Your blood will be on his hands. I am telling you how to prepare so you can be saved. I answered your question, but you did not like it and now you want to argue. Arguments are not allowed on here, Angel.. 😯
I have updated all of the CHALLENGE TITLES and have put an additional statement again about bullying and debating on this Message Wall. I wish you all success on your memorizing! Let me know if you are having trouble learning any scripture texts, and perhaps I or someone else can help make it easier for you as we share techniques we have learned. I have even divided a long text into 2 or 3 parts to make it easier to learn. Then after refamiliarizing them in my review, I will join the parts together, and review the whole long verse.
1 John 3:18-21 KJV - "My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him. For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God."
@Angel and Mario: I do not allow arguing or debates on here. If you come on here again to argue about Sunday keeping, I will ban you. I am sorry to have to make this decision, but your attitudes will stir up a whole nest of problems which I have encountered too many times on here. My decision is final. If you come here to learn, that is great! Then your comments will be welcome.
@Sabbath keepers: People do not like to hear the Truth. Every now and then people will come on here to argue because they cannot believe that one simple item like Sunday keeping could cause them to be lost. They need to understand the scriptures for themselves and not follow the commandments of men. The once saved always saved belief will keep many out of heaven.
Mario, I will meet you tomorrow afternoon or Sunday on Friendly Discussion. Okay? 🙂
❤ Happy Sabbath everyone! I hope you experience a much needed rest after a busy and/or stressful week.
Let us keep the flow of conversation on subjects of interest about the end times and the soon coming of Jesus Christ.
@Mario: I cannot address your question for now. Too busy. If I banned her it was for a good reason. I do not take banning lightly and have used the option only once.
@Everyone: I hope your Preparation Day is productive as you prepare for the true Sabbath day of rest. Do not let anything distract you from getting ready to be in the presence of the Lord for the sacred hours of the Seventh day Sabbath. The devil has already tried over the last several days to cause me grief and stress, and steal my blessing. However, a special blessing is in store for me tonight. I get to participate in a sing-along Handels Messiah! How I miss those days when I sang the long score every Christmas for years with our local Symphony Choir and Orchestra.
@Mario: I am glad you agree with what I said to Latte. It is the Truth and will come to pass. Those issues are being agitated right now in the background by the Pope and his cronies. It is too bad you cannot email. I do not understand what the letters BTS means. I have only banned one person for continuous insubordination. I cannot remember who that was, but I have not banned JJ. I will share some scriptures (rather than my own opinion) later that address these issues.
@Latte: You are welcome! ☺
Thank you for explaining that Marilyn, that answered by question.
PART SIX: So, in answer to your question.. God knows our hearts. He knows who will understand these things when they will come to pass. His loyal children, that love Him with their whole heart, will see the validity of the true Sabbath of God. They will leave the Sunday churches in droves. Sadly, many SDAs will leave the fold. Those that continue in the Sunday-keeping churches will receive the mark of the Beast, and will be lost forever.
PART FIVE: But, there will be a very small remnant of followers that are faithful until the very end. God raised up the Adventist Church to help people understand this great controversy that is raging in the background. There is a movement, people who are trying to set up a worldwide rest day. It is a ploy to eventually bring about a Sunday law, which will be enforced just before Jesus comes the second time.
PART FOUR: Just as God placed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, there will be another test right before the very end to test the loyalty of His followers. The Lord is not arbitrary, but He knows the end from the beginning. Because Satan wants men to worship him, God is going to let him try, just as he allowed the serpent to try to deceive Eve. He was successful then, and he will be again.
PART THREE: We believe as Seventh-day Adventists that Satan wants men to worship him, and what better way to do that than to change the ten commandments of God. Past Catholic leaders changed the order of the commandments and came up with their own version. Hence, the Catholic bible of today. It is wrong and corrupts what God planned for mankind.
PART TWO: Since the ten commandments are still applicable to us, then it behooves us to understand their importance. They are the moral law of God, a transcript of His character. Without those guidelines, the world would be in worse chaos than it is. And the devil is really beginning to show his true hatred for God and his people. It is only going to get worse.
@Latte: I will answer your question in PARTS. PART ONE: You probably want to honor Jesus with your loyalty, and the best way you can do that is to study His word. His plan for how to live in obedience to Him includes the Old Testament counsels. He said to keep His commandments. He is God, one and the same in spirit with His Father. He kept the commandments of His Father, and He expects His followers to do the same. He did not change them, just summed them up in the two commandments He mentioned.
@Everybody: I have encountered these issues on here many times. I do not address them because I do not want this group to become a debating platform. You can email me to ask those questions. And as I have said, these kinds of issues will not stay on the Message Wall for long. Also, your questions are already answered in detail in the Group Description (guidelines). Thank you for your cooperation.
Sorry if I’m starting a debate or argument or something like that. I just always wondered about this.
Hello Marilyn! I don’t mean to be rude at all, and I’m sorry if it comes across that wat. But if I worship on Sunday do you believe that I will still go to heaven?
Also, the devil works through individuals at times, and likes for scripture to be stiffled by arguments and debate. So, we should get back to the scriptures and quit singling me out. Okay?
@Angel: If frowardness does not apply to you or him, or any other for that matter, that is great. However, I trust the word of God more than any person, and believe this is an interesting and helpful study for all. I believe it is good to trust the counsel in Psalm 118:8, "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man." These comments are because there is still much dishonesty on Bible Memory.
If you do not understand what froward means, I found this really good definition through a Google search. So what does Froward mean biblically? The words translated “froward” speak of crookedness, perversity, deceit and perversion. Thus, a froward person is a crooked or deceitful person. Having turned aside from the path of the Godly the froward person is on a crooked path, for Proverbs 22:5 says, “Thorns and snares are in the way of the froward.”
@Mario: People turn away from the Truth because they do not want to follow it. It means change and inconvenience. You do not want to be spreading rumors that are not true. Satan got angels kicked out of heaven through subterfuge.
Here is an interesting study. Psalm 18:26 KJV - "With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward." Proverbs 3:32 - "For the froward is abomination to the LORD: but his secret is with the righteous." Proverbs 6:14 - "Frowardness is in his heart, he deviseth mischief continually; he soweth discord."
@Mario: Read down through the Group Description guidelines and you will find the info. I do not care to go into it again on here.
We can see the direct occultic interference Satan is having over education. He is deliberately infecting the educational system with his ideas and agenda. But however bad this all seems, we know that it will not go on forever. The devil knows his time is short and is pulling out all the stops while he has the opportunity. His influence is almost over. Jesus is coming soon!
@Kitty Lover: This truly is a sad situation. The dumbing down of students in America has been going on for a long time now. And I know what you mean about phonics. I had taught my daughter phonics, and she was doing very well. Unfortunately she had a teacher that did not encourage the children to write correctly. She did not correct their mistakes while journaling. I believe that teacher was partly responsible for my daughter not knowing correct sentence structure and punctuation. And forget about syllables! Like you said, proper penmanship is obviously not important anymore.
About the public school. Not only is it morally terrible, but it also slowing down our kids learning. Kids are no longer taught phonics, instead they are taught to cue of words. I.e. instead of teaching kids that k-i-t-t-e-n is kit-ten which is kitten, they are taught to see the arrangement of letters as a kitten. This is why so many people are illiterate. Not only that, but if you look at children's books then and now, not only is the content of the book morally awful, but it is poorly written. Poor vocabulary, copycat writing, oversimplifying, almost assuming that kids are too dumb to understand. It's probably just me but I think with such this people can't understand more complex works, including the Bible.
Some of my review verses this morning: Romans 10:12-14 KJV - "For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?"
❤ Brethren, let us make good use of the few hours we have before us to prepare for the blessed Sabbath day of the Lord, the day of rest that God made for man. Genesis 2:2-3 KJV - "And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made." Happy Sabbath! 🙏🙂🌺
Part of my review this morning: Isaiah 40:28-30 KJV - "Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? There is no searching of His understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might He increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall."
I am home schooled as well!
There are 24 bean toss bags to make (three different designs for three different players). Eight are ready for the filling when it arrives. I may finish getting them ready by tomorrow, Thursday at the latest. The filling will not be here until Sunday (via Amazon).
Now that Thanksgiving is over, I can get ready for Christmas. We do not do a whole lot though. I am going to make some Bean Toss bags for my young grandkids. I cut out fabric that I found in a second-hand store yesterday. I also bought a cute red bucket with cut out hearts in it which will be really fun to throw the bags in. This game is a classic. Have you heard of it?
I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving! We had Thanksgiving meals three days in a row! Thursday with 4 good friends in our home; Friday with 2 good friends and their family and guests in their home; and Saturday night with our daughter and family in their home. We are grateful for the blessings of good friends and fellowship, and that the Holy Spirit is our constant companion, guiding us on our way to heaven.
@JJ: Public school is a menace to our children now-a-days! Home schooling is 100 times better! You will be smarter as the result, and you may receive moral guidelines that you will not get in the public school system.
Happy Thanksgiving yall too
I'm homeschooled Marylin Public school is bad.
🌺 Happy Sabbath, everyone! 🙏❤
I hope everyone who participates in the American holiday of Thanksgiving experienced a wonderful time with family and/or friends. We should be very thankful and grateful to God for our many blessings in this country.
I am thankful also for our good health, a loving church family, the blessings we take for granted such as plenty to eat, my sweet cat Pepper (14 now!), and God the Father Who loves us so much that He gave us Jesus to die for our sins so that we will not have to. And I love and appreciate all of the beautiful creation that God gave us to enjoy. Be blessed everyone! God loves you.
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