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Hi everyone. New here :) The vaccine is far from safe:( I thank God that he gave me the wisdom to know this 🙏
Wow. Finally finished the entire book of James. It’s been a wild ride with all of you OG members, even though you aren’t posting anymore. The entire reason I have been on this app for the past 3 years was to memorize said book. Throughout that time so many crazy things have happened across all the groups that have been woven into an epic and poetic story. I just want to say that I’m proud I got to experience all this with all of you. So thank you. For guiding me, for being a fellow christian and being someone who I had the privilege of talking with. For giving me clarity throughout the pandemic. Whoever you are, if I know you, you’ve probably been someone who has been a trustworthy person and a light in the darkness in a world that is ever increasing becoming hostile towards christianity. And no, this was not generated by ChatGPT.
Yes but there is something I must say. Even for all the inactive people and accounts.
The vaccine is dangerous and it is killing people. actually it has killed more people than the actual bio weapon did. all those deaths during 21 and 2020 were deaths by doctors. I'm living proof you can survive it no matter how sick you are and still stay at home and be fine
both my brother and I had covid and he had the vaccine and I didn't .so it doesn't matter if you get the vaccine or not you can get covid. with this being said I think with pushing the vaccine it shows the government who will easily give into the government and at the endtimes might take the mark of the beast.
Well Adrian, to answer your question my brother types 85 wpm but I would rather not say anymore
I think it was the Wikipedia or something that said that.
Fun fact, covid 19 actually didn't start in 2019. It started several years ago before that when someone was messing around with bats. Something or other said it is called SARS, it says. "it is the first identified of the SARS cronavirus ( SARSr-CoV). The first known cases occurred in November 2002 and the syndrome caused the 2002-2004 outbreak." It also says that in 2010, Chinese scientists traced it something or other to cave dwelling horseshoe bats. It says that SARS stands for Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
The fear of some people that don't know the truth about covid or the vax, will probably stay around for quite a bit. There probably won't ever be an official "end" to this as if if had never existed. We might have to tell our next generation what it was like before the start of covid.
@Adrian. I haven't flown anywhere or anything so I don't thing I know. I don't think there were vaccine passports. A relative of mine flew to somewhere a while ago and it didn't require the vax. If I were to fly somewhere though, and there were vaccine passports everywhere I were required to show a vaccine record, I would say "No, I didn't take it and I never will!"
@Adrian. Yes, I have heard several stories from other people about people going to hospital and having covid and/or a disease or something. They end up dying just because they won't take care of them properly and (I think, if I remember correctly) because they won't let anyone in to take care of them or something.
I don’t know we used to live in Tennessee but we just moved
I am wondering, how did ECS-Kaden get over 24 million points?
Also did they have vaccine passports where you ppl live
Auto correct, I meant how fast
what do you mean by how cast do y’all type and I am sorry about your grandpa
On another note, how cast do y'all type?
And I am not vaxed either
And then my grandpa for civic and went to the hospital and they weren't taking care of him, they wouldn't even help him to to the bathroom, and he ended up dying
I live in a small town, only ~50,000 ppl, but every time someone died of was almost like the medical officials celebrated it, like the person who died just helped to further their cause, if they were not vaxed they made sure everyone knew that they werent, but if they were vaxed and died, you didn't hear about it
my dad is a nurse and was forced to get the vaccine but nothing bad happened my mom got it to and she was fine
you are so lucky I wish I never have to get another shot but please pray that I will be brave because I will have to get my blood drawn soon
you have never gotten a shot so lucky 😉😉
do you all get regular shots for like chicken pox’s or the flu
Same here I just went for some brain tests thats it. I think it was 2 EEG's and 1 MRI. they thoubht i was having sezures. but no, thankfully
And I’ve gone to the hospital for any sickness the only times I did was when I broke my arm.
I’ve never gotten a vaccine in my life!
@avery same here we don't get vaccines anymore. :\
There was some lady on CNN, and of course, she was obviously vaccinated. She nearly collapsed on camera! Probably related to the jab.
The Covid vaccine is proven ineffective.. also proven (by the CDC) of many health issues after getting the shot.
I know 10 people that got the Covid Vaccine and now are facing life altering illness.. 2 of those people both got blood/bone cancer a year after the shots!!!
Hi @SaveByMercy don't condemned or make people guilty because they took vaccine, because it not a sin to take the vaccine,don't make people mislead ok! and to those have vaccinated don't be afraid if there is another booster don't get it,me for 2 years i don't have vaccine, my boss told me 2 times,but I refuse and I said my faith is difference and I stand it,and I always say the Psalms 91:3 ..just pray to God to protect you and rebuke and renounce that vaccine that enter into your body in Jesus name! some vaccine are trap from the witchcraft in our places the witchcraft are exposed and we are not afraid of them,must be burn them by the fire of the Holy Ghost.I'm from Philippines.
Glad we got you fighting for the truth
Second, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with spiritism, which is another reason I believe you didn't even watch the thing. Spiritism is the belief that the spirits of the deceased can come back as ghosts or whatever, or communicate with their loved ones on the earth thru a medium. That is completely different from someone being demon possessed and the demons speaking thru them.
@Rob, first, did you even watch the video?? It doesn't sound like it. Also, to answer your first question, there are several instances in the Bible where the demons tell the truth. I'm not saying that they do not lie, bc obviously they do. But that does not mean that demons never tell the truth. They most certainly do many times. Plus, in this instance, the exorcist was using the authority of Jesus' name, in which case the demons MUST speak the truth, bc Jesus' name has power over them. That's even illustrated in how the demons in the demoniac had to tell Jesus the truth when he asked them their name. Other instances of demons speaking the truth are Luke 4:34 and Acts 16:17. Are you going to say that JUST because they're demon possessed ppl, what they said wasn't true? Obviously not. So it's exactly the same here. Besides, if you were going to say that the demons here were lying, that wouldn't even make sense. It's obvious what she was saying was true (e.g: that ppl open doors that let demons into their lives thru unforgiveness, hatred, and fear.) That's obviously true.
Also, how is that not spiritism?
Jesus says satan is a liar and the father of lies, so how can you use the testimony of a demon to support your argument? Their word is not grounded in truth.
Wow, wow, @everyone. This is a very urgent, major piece of evidence that shows the jab is a tool of the enemy. For all who love the truth, pls watch and consider! 🙏🙏 In this video, a demon-possessed person is asked questions by an exorcist, and the demons speak thru the woman and reveal what the vax is all about. For all the critics that will balk at this right away, first WATCH THE VIDEO to see for yourself before you say it's false.
i got the vaccine and i am disabled for life so i am suing the J&J co $9000000000 my life is ruined!!!!!!
Here are a couple vids I wanted to post on here. There are many videos being captured lately of ppl appearing to suffer some kind of demonic assault before dropping collapsing into paralysis and death. It's extremely appalling, and I'm sure you can guess what that's caused by. Here are two videos that show what I'm talking about. Several of the clips will be shown in both videos. Just a warning, some of these are disturbing. ;
@MichahJustus. Go to the blog SBM said.
so wait SavedByMercy am i supposed to repent for getting the vaccine? im confusion 🤔
i agree real news today took my words out of context
babylon bee vs real news today which one is more trustworthy
why is nobody answering me :(
Please go to the Masters Voice Prophecy Blog on ytube, Bitchute, and Rumble, there is a true servant of the Lord Jesus warning us about the vaccine and the New World Order to come, the final beast system, also about judgement that is coming to the Church first, then sinners after. we are in the end days and the vaccine is VERY DANGEROUS, do not take it, if you have, repent to the Lord, He has promised to be faithful and cleanse it from us if we repent for it and never accept it again, the govt wants to cull the population they aren't hiding that fact anymore
probably over 80% of everyone on this app is inactive...
Second, there's other surrounding evidence that shows something is up. For example, "unexplained" deaths are now the #1 cause of death in Europe, as well as in Alberta, Canada 🤔🤨. Also, my dad has a friend over in Uganda, and he told my dad that ppl are dropping dead left and right over there. And just recently, the vaccination rate has gone up over there 🤨
Well first of all, this news wasn't just gathered from a life insurance CEO's word of mouth. These things we also shown in the life insurance company's annual statement for 2021. And it's being seen across many other life insurance companies, that the amounts that they had to pay out in insurance claims in 2021 as compared to 2020 has gone up drastically. In the case of the one company, Lincoln National, that amount went up 163%.
life insurance salesman has a motive to say 40% more people are dying. just saying 🤷♂️ not saying he’s a lier.
And while the news reporter in the video doesn't get into speculation, it's quite obvious from the data that these deaths are being caused by the jab.
For all of the skeptics out there who don't like "right wing" news sources and think they're biased, this video is for you. 😏😉 It is 100% pure facts, no bias, opinions, or speculations. It's about how a life insurance CEO has revealed that deaths are up 40% among working people compared to 2020.
@roger, please join Spammers Galore: where we can talk freely about anything and everything! Join now! currently we are talking about the vaccine
@Roger: Some groups have gone silent, so I have just shared the following: "Many of us are grieved, and some are very disillusioned because of the school massacre. It was very sad, and is heavy on our hearts. I encourage you to hang onto your faith in God. We can't fully understand God's ways and why He allows Satan to do these kinds of things, but we can trust that He knows the end from the beginning. Satan is being allowed to show what kind of leader he would be on the Earth before the close of time. He knows his time is short and his leadership has been seen in many occultic events for a while now. God is asking people to choose whom they will serve as their leader. We must make the right choice. Please don't let Jesus have to ask you, "Will you leave me also?" Choose for you "whom you will serve this day." "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." When God's people are sealed, then Jesus can come and take His people home."
📰 - Pocket News: June 3, 2022 - Period I, Article II: THE LOST MANUSCRIPT HAS ARRIVED!!! What if you've found an ancient parchment where only two words are recognizable, but the rest is gone in the tunnel of time... How would you recompose this ancient verse? What if, alongside it, you found two complete verses, which may lead you to the solution to this mystery? But wait! One will lead you to the wrong path, while the other one is the key to the mystery, sadly you don't know which is which.. Help your team to sort out this puzzle in the new exciting activity, starting today in the KINGDOM COME group, but hurry, only NINE people will be selected. (At first) Do you have what it takes?...- Stay tuned for more news!- BM W-A-S Publishings.. 📰(Sponsored by KINGDOM COME)
@Everybody: Time is very short. Things are wrapping up in the world very quickly. The devil is accelerating his agenda like never before. Make your peace with God and decide Whom you're going to serve. I'm talking to myself as well. Don't wait! 😔🙏
We stayed home today from church because of my husband's scratchy throat. Anyway, we just watched the powerful testimony of Dr. Phodidas Ndamyumugabe, originally from Rwanda. He has a PhD from Weimar University. His testimony is called "The Power of the Story." This was the second sermon for the TRIALS TO TRIUMPH program for the AFY Amazing Facts Youth Conference Day Two on YouTube. He wrote a book called "Preaching from the Grave," a book about the genocide of the Tutsis, and how he survived the slaughter only with prayer, and the powerful answers from God. It's on Kindle as an e-book for $7.99 or you can visit to order it.
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