Hello everyone. Several of the verses here are some of my favorites as well.
yes you did, I saved them to my groups of verses. I had two of them already. I like this that we are able to share.
I hope I did it right. I added a group of favorite verses.
the other verses add to our group is moms favorite verse that was read at her funeral, a couple of Elaine's that she gave me when I first started this and one that Gloria had posted on face book.
each day I have a different group from the library verses. once I fill up everyday of the month I probably have to advance them further out. I am at about 360 right now.
I had already some of your favorites, I add the ones I didn't have to my list of verse under Paul's Favorites. I do all my verses monthly
that is for sure, I just started with those, any verse you want to share will be welcomed.
Thank you Carol. I got mine added now. It's hard to pick just a few favorites.
I guess only the person who starts the group can add and delete unless you add the other members as admins.
I was able to go into members in group and add you and Elaine as admins, now you are suppose to be able to add and delete verses.
hello trying to still figure this group thing.