Update: Good news for my husband on 3/12/21. His lawyer was able to get an amazing plea deal which reduced the charges to disorderly conduct. He could agree to that. 2 years probation.No Jail time. He can get his record expunged after the 2 years. This is such a releif because if it had gone to trial and he had been found guilty of the domestic violence and the assault charges they wanted him to go to jail for up to 18 months. I still have to go through the juvenile trial on MY end and may not have the youngest 2 children returned. The oldest son of the 3 children that were taken will be 18 this month. Will you please pray that the lies which have been told will be exposed and that my husband and I can have a chance to at least get my 9 year old son back and for restoration of relationships between all including between this good Christian man I married (that some will not even acknowledge that God 'hath joined together" -Β and its been 6 years since we were legally married an also had a chapel ceremony) and all 9 of my children (ages 34 down to 9) Also for their continued grief management since their dad's/my 1st husband's going to be with the Lord. . Thanks so much!Β
Would you please pray for the Dolce/Glaze family? My 1st husband and of 26 years and father of my 9 children went to be with the LORD in 2013. My adult children have been upset that I remarried someone who was a friend of their Dad/our family. Recently they've spoken lies about us to Children's Services in order to get custody of the 3 remaining minor children. My youngest was 2 years old when I married this man and thinks of him as his dad. The 3 youngest were taken and placed in fosterΒ care while 2 adult siblings try to get custody. This is a very sad and stressful situation. Thank you for your prayers.
Mary GlazeΒ