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TCM, bro why are you saying I am mean on FESDA?😟
and sometimes x-box or football
mine r playing piano and guitar,singing,writing songs,playing chess, reading,play with my siblings,watching tv, drawing,and playing avatar world.😁😁😁
So what r your guys hobbies,if u don’t mind me asking?
pro is easier to get and it has everything you need
@Pluto:ultimate is the best package of Bible Memory.Idk the specs,but I know it’s expensive
Does anyone here have Chesskid?
Took a littttle bit longer than I thought tho 😅
finally you figured out how to chat!😁😊😉
ok,you have ultimate or something
@Pluto:if you get pro and I get to know and you do 10 verses,sure,but I don’t know y ou very well
@Angel:yes,you have to get pro
Comeeeplay chess withe me
yea I've watched it its great
Like HTTYD and other great movies
you’re polluting all of are groups with goofy faces…I mean,can’t we all ACT mature?none of us do😔
Pluto,can you stop with the weird pictures?
is it Christian,family friendly(like actually),and uh…
yo Ben, have you watched Need For Speed?
It should give you the option to leave this group.😁😉👍
go to the main page of this group and tap the three lines on top of one another.
can someone teach me how to leave groups 🙏
I don’t want to leave this group or anything but I don’t know how to leave any group
you are leaving every single group
I'm sorry I have to leave this group. I cannot tell u why. I'm sorry😞
because that’s not how a Christian should act
this group grew from 3 people to …
hi kitty lover!thanks for joining my group
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