Select Verse Collections to memorize with this Group.
Welcome to everyone that is new! I am just starting my annual review of Christmas verses. I hope you find joy and comfort in learning and reviewing them as I do! May you be blessed in your doing!!
Welcome, Ma! Glad you are on this journey with us! May you be blessed in the doing! I began this yearly journey on Dec 1, 2015 and I joyously revisit the paths every Dec since!
Yeah! Christmastime again! May it be a blessed season for each of you!
WELCOME, walter, so glad you joined us !
Congats, Nattie, keep up the good work! It's a labor of love but so rewarding! Merry Christmas!
I have added a few more groupings of the verses in some of the passages to aid in the reviewing of the larger passages.
Merry Christmas, Dot and Ann. Hope you have started or will soon start reviewing these wonderful passages. May you be blessed in a special way as you do. And may others join us and be blessed!
Charlotte, it truly was a JOY to spend time in Luke; memorizing the Christmas story this month! I’m excited to report that on Christmas morning I was able to share it with my husband (who didn’t know about my goal). My hope is that in the years to come, it will be a tradition to tell the Christmas story to my grandkids.
WELCOME, Ann! May you receive a special joy as you learn these Scriptures!
Welcome, Ruth, this is a great time to memorize these passages!!
Have a Blessed December!! I have just added the Collection: Song of Mary (The Magnificat). Hope you will join me in learning it this Christmas season!!
Merry Christmas! I have added a few more verses to the Preamble Collection and revamped the Prophecies Collection. I am now reviewing all verses every week; but in a few weeks, I will delete the individual verses from my own review and only review the sections and complete passages. Has the Lord laid a new project on your heart? I just finished 1,2,3 John and am working on Jude, James' brother and so plan next tp go back and work on the rest of James, after learning the first chapter in the "Taste and See..." Group! Have a Blessed Holiday season!
NEXT CHRISTMAS SEASON, I will add some verses to learn under the "Prophecies & Promises" collection. Until them I will just be under "maintenance" reviewing these verses every three months! I am starting a new group " The WORD and His words in the book of John". ANYONE is welcome to join!!
I added some more verses under "Prophecies & Promises" that are an expansion of a passage from "The Messiah" ( Isa 35:5,6). I bought myself several inexpensive book-size spiral notebooks to use to write out meditations and explanations of the passages I have memorized.
I have added another collection from Luke 2. You can save it to learn during the NEXT Christmas season!
Yeah!! I have successfully reviewed TWICE the whole portion of
Lu 2:1-20, so I know now I can do it! Now to work on being able to verbally share it! I say it as I type it BUT I GET SO SHY BEFORE OTHER PEOPLE THAT IT IS HARD TO GET INTO THE FLOW OF IT. Maybe, I will get to visit you, Dot, and we can say it to each other! SO GLAD you had the opportunity to share it with a group of ladies!
WELCOME, Jill, if you are new to ST and we can be of any help, let us know! I you are a seasoned STer, hope you will enjoy doing this as much as we are. Dot learned her in KJ as she thinks it is easier version because we've heard it most. Also you can change mode betw Typing Speed and Accuracy on your Preference page.
Dot, have you finished learning Isa 11:1-10? And do you want me to add the Isa 52 & Jer 33 verses from Days 6 & 7 from our FB list?
Yeah, what I like seeing on my own Verse Page is the bold red checks on a completed section!! whew! the Malachi 3 verses from the Messiah group were HARD for me! I'm still working on the PROPHECY portion here and there are more verses that we might
want to add from the FACEBOOK list.
I took out the "Messiah" scriptures and am forming a new group
Handel's "Messiah": NOT Just for Christmas so I can print and send
invites with my Christmas cards!!
yeah! Welcome ...hope you enjoy these as much as I do!!
i would like to add a couple of more verse collections that I am interested in learning. You may not chose to work on them this year and I may not complete at this time either. I was working on some of the verses from the first part of Isa 40 after I finished our Taste and See Group verses and realized why they were so familiar .... I loved them from Handel's "Messiah" and so I would like to learn the verses that are the basis for his oratorio as well as verses of Prophecy & Promise of both 1st and 2nd Coming of the Messiah!
Have a BLESSED Thanksgiving ! MUCH to be thankful for!!
yeah! I have completed mastering the Preamble and will start Monday on Luke 2!
I know keeping up with the reviews as well as learning new passages takes extra effort. I will let my indiv verses get up to monthly review but I've been keeping sections ar weekly review until I master the entire passage. I always click on the verses to be reviewed on my verses page FIRST and read them OUTLOUD and sometimes I have to write them out with pencil & paper esp to get the flow from verse to verse before I type in the review!
I'm doing good. so sorry. I've actually been working hard on verses! I have reset quite a few of my favorite grouped/chapter verses to review every week or every other day. some of these had gotten automatically assigned to every six months! I had almost forgotten some of them!! I'm slowly putting some out further and others more frequent so I can be more comfortable with it all. I often recite some of my favorites just before I nod off at night. gotta see them to review them. gotta review them to stay sharp with them:-) ❤️❤️
Dottie, hope you are feeling OK, I've missed seeing your usual activity in our groups! I will be out of pocket Wed thru Sat also
so you may see my "count" go down as well. Would appreciate prayers on our behalf as we travel much rain of late but promise of a few sunny days ahead!!
we have had 12 people that have prayed for out new group prayer request! And speaking about seeing POSTS... if you have time to go to the group page and click on any group, you no only see the number of members they have but also the boxes for their top 4 AND YOU CAN CLICK ON THEIR MESSAGE WALL AND SEE THEIR COMMENTS ... very interesting and encouraging to read !!
i agree; i want to tell everyone about it as I wish i had found it years before but I know the timing of the Lord is always right! This past month I've been tearing out pages from my "Our Daily Bread" of scriptures that I want to add in to learn! Before that I've used several spiral bound index cards that I labeled the covers and hand printed verses to learn of different topics like Scriptures that Encourage or Praises and Prayers, etc, But this system is so well set up. I just wish I was a better typer ...I have to do a lots of backspacing!!
the people who put ST together are amazing!
also note here we have a tab for prayer requests... when I found out how to access your profile and left you a message about praying for finding a way to invite my church family, i also accessed the ST prayer request and checked that I wanted to pray for others and I got a nice email filled with prayer requests. I recommend doing that if you have time and are so inclined!
yes, IF they access our group page and IF they click on the "Message Wall" ! Our group verses are listed under our group name on our own verse page so some may not know to access the group page and check for notes! But I love being able to communicate with each other
does everyone who joins the group see our posts? I'm thinking they do.
if anyone memorized this in KJV I have a couple of hints...A short study the regions and towns will help with verse 4. also memorize the action words first...up, out, into, and unto to divide up where Joseph went. that helps me every time I say that long verse!
I keep practicing each verse till I can master it perfectly. more points helps to motivate, since that takes more time:-) didn't think the points would matter, but they help me along when I tend to rush through!
this is beautifully arranged, Charlotte!! I'm rusty on this, so I'm moving slowly through...taking particular care with details!
yeah! Thank you! now if anyone does join, they can see that it CAN BE DONE! I didn't want to get too far ahead to be a discouragement to anyone new to this! So I'm taking my time in getting started. I'm also now working on Isa 40 as well as some other Psalms on my own verse page!