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I'll send you a pic when its done
Im going to get a haircut rn
carston said he might try to bring it
when are you going to call me
Yo canyon try to bring the wi u to organ pls try
my mom said the reason why I can’t taik on the phone is because I have to keep up on bm and homework
dude that means that maybe next time I come over to your house I can play
i played LOZ BOTW last night and got halfway to Zora's Domain
btw i finally got unbanned from videogames
and for some reason I still can’t taik
because I was behind in school
why couldn't you talk on the phone???
my mom wouldn't let me take on the groups when I was behind
you need to catch up on your schoolwork
you haven't been on in 2 days
plus, if the game you want is multiplayer, Cemu supports that as well. (Cemu is the name of the emulator)
me and my dad just researched the whole "BOTW on PC" thing, and we found out it IS possible. basically you just install a wii U or Switch emulator and tranfer all your game data from the console to it. you can configure up to 8 controllers on 1 keyboard and mouse
horrible because i saw your face
So how have you been doing
Ya I kinda figured the out
sry my mom said i can't talk to you while im practicing anymore
i will but first carsten is gonna call weston
it also has a mg on top like the jeep
The APC spawns in elite units to help, 4 come out at a time
what’s the apc and I will try
try to get more cards for the APC, the rocketeer, and shock troops
dude its silence be cause you dont talk because you ignore this group
I was going to say that rabbit is reAlLy bad
thats some random online rabbit
and also those are swords
and also i can't take u up on that bet bc i have no Guns Up acc(no duh)
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