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ok good I was not that I'm aware of lol
nah we aren't siblings....just friends
no I was talking about 200crf... and Mario
Ya Mario and christian are siblings not Mario and Nathaniel
who was he talking about lol
Mario was the one invested in the story most lol
I’ll try to be active as much as possible
hey guys I won’t be active that much any more or not at all because me and Mario use bible memory for an event that last from September to the end of February and my mom does not know ab that all the groups I’m in
us all saying meh while angel is plotting world domination while incognito
i won’t do anything crazy
idk he can be weird sometimes
i thought it was a reference to my story cuz the most recent part has Luka getting cooked by the silver being lol
Well u said J fires shots and Angel fires back so that's what I'm doing 😂
also Mario I posted more of the story
(me also in the middle with Nathaniel😑😑)
Jason(fires shots) angel fires back, me in the middle😑 lol
Fyi I do understand what he's talking about so shut up 😑
lol u laugh so hard over something u dont even understand Angel😂
power for what exactly haha
what's so great about admin
latte I had to break it to get anything lol
A I accedentily removed myself soon lost admin can I have it back
A Nathaniel join hacking computers
what’s annoying is looking at everybody else who has everything they could want….and then there’s me….
i think it is a good enough reason
Im not aloud to have my own computer until I have a legit reason but apaerintly my reason is because I want my own computer but apaeirintly it is not a good enough reason
Because its harder to hide things because how big it is its 1 1/2 ft by 2 1/2 ft
Im basically the only one who uses it besides my little sister and my mom and my dad
ya it sucks that’s why im noon all the time
certain apps have websites for them built in so from there I can go to their socials pages and open YouTube and insta
my software blocks anything and I used a technique of internal browsers to access things like YouTube and insta
I was just guessing random passwords and I got it 😂
Erm well I kinda know the password to unlock my apps so Heheheheh
@mario this is the third time I've beaten my phone's software
@Nathaniel idk she said she tried it and it was horrible
i had found a way around that but then he found out....
he can literally lock my files on my computer remotely
true Nathaniel, but no, the soft reset does not work on my computer. he disabled that
if you turn it onto safety mode it can't create any notifs cuz it doesn't exist on the phone while it's active,
like even when I turn it off and on they get notifications…
yea but if anything happens at all to the device my parents get hundreds of notifications and they’ll come yell at me
@mario there is still a way past that, if you perform a soft reset by holding the power for 20 seconds, or lookup the make and model for the device, speaking of if you have parental control on a phone you can bypass it by turning on safety mode which only has text and call apps on it, that way it disables the control allowing you to text whenever
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