And the Primary memory passages are up! Happy memorizing!
Hey, everyone! I just added the Junior and Senior memory passages! I don't have the Primary memory passages up yet, but hopefully they will be in a few days. Remind me at our next meeting if I don't have them up yet and you'd like them.
I know! I'm going to miss everyone so much.
Less than 5 hours! Excited!
I can't believe that this will be our last Bible Bee get together!
Good luck on the recitation contest everyone!
Proclaim Day is tomorrow (Friday)! Remember to review your verses :). Looking forward to seeing all of you there!
hello everyone I am inviting everyone in this group who is active to my group I just made named Active members ONLY. I am hoping to make a very active group. I am a very active person and I go on multiple times a day. I wan to have this active group to be able to share stuff and get answers quickly and that when questions are asked they get answered too. we can memorize together in a healthy environment of people from all around the globe!! I would gladly promote anyone who has verses to add or just them for you if you tell me which ones. thankyou for your consideration for joining my group!! may the Lord bless you all!!
Hi Everyone!
As you are aware, the Qualifying Test is coming up and will be available this Thursday through Saturday. In order to keep test content secure, please don’t post anything on the Participant Community, Scripture Typer, Quizlet, Memverse, Hangouts, or other social media about study/test-related content during the testing window.
You can also refer to the NBBC Qualifying Test Rules and Procedures here:
If you have any issues while testing, please call NBB Headquarters at 210-489-7311!
Press on!
Bible Bee party at the Webbs' house!
See y'all tonight! In case you didn't see the group text, the game is on keywords and Hebrew words.
In case any of you didn't see it, the National Bible Bee is having an art contest this week to illustrate the word CREATED. You can learn more about it on the Google+ community.
Hey, everyone! It was so good to see y'all last night! I just added the verses for this summer. Be sure to add the collection that corresponds to your age division. The collections say that they're ESV, but you can change the version when you're adding the collection. I'm so excited for another summer in God's Word with all of you!
I am really excited about tomorrow (although a tad nervous:)
I'm so excited about tomorrow!!! Don't forget to review your verses today :).
I'm praying for all if you. Can't wait to celebrate what the Lord has done through His word in your hearts!
3 hours... 3 hours?!?! Where has the summer gone?!
See y'all TOMORROW!!! I've been so encouraged by your diligence. Happy studying to all of you! :)
Happy last day of studying for the test, everyone! Press on, and give God the glory!
Haha! Good :). I remember that last year I scored on the Primary practice test about what I got on the test. I don't know if it will be that way this year, though :).
I took the Primary by accident. :) but it was very helpful!
Good! I'm glad to hear it! By the way, you can take all three, even if you aren't in that age division.
These have been very helpful!
Some Bible Bee contestants have written some unofficial practice tests. Primary: Junior: Senior:
I like it when Delie quizzes me on my verses.
I have enjoyed the verses we had to memorize. But in the DJ it would be Greek Words. Some of them are just really cool....and weird. :)
Oh no! I better get off the message wall and go study :). @All: What has been your favorite thing that you have studied so far?
19 days left to study for the test! I can't believe it has gone by so fast!
Welcome, Lydia! We're glad that you've joined the group!
Welcome, Sadie! Good job, everyone! Keep up the good work! :)
Thank you Delie and Anna! We are super excited to be doing the Bee this year! Sorry I did not notice your messages sooner (I am still learning how to do things on Scripture Typer. :)
Welcome, Tyler, Callie, and Lanna! I'm so glad your family is in our Bee this year!
Welcome to the group, Callie!