April 22, 2022. I'm working on memorizing again. If anyone else wants to join, let me know you are here.
I'm going to suspend my work on this for right now. My son and I are going to memorize Ephesians.
I've been negligent the last two weeks. I'm back and working on this chapter again. Anyone is welcome to join me. You're free to jump in, and surpass my progress! I will happily cheer you on!
today I reviewed the second section (verses 9-16) and am working on the third.
greetings. It's one month later, and my progress is slow - but I'm still working at it.
I'm back here again. Reviewing and memorizing...
I'm reviewing verses 1-8, and that is going pretty well. I'm also reviewing verses 9-16 and I'm stumbling my way through. Now I'm reading verses 17-24, and meditating on them.
I've added the first 3 groups of 8 verses.
I've been v-e-r-y slow at getting these memorized so you are really not behind if you start now. Please, feel free to join me.
I started this group about 3 years ago. I'm back and I'm working on memorizing this chapter. if you want to join me, I'll check back here frequently and check for messages on the wall.