he was acting weird about it but idk. my friends thinks ur really nice. they said ur a great gentleman
Weston? how did he take that! what do ur friends think?
I am a really chill guy when it comes to girls!
a couple of my friend's know too and Weston lol
tbh I don’t honk I’d have the nerve to do anything like we were talking about a few days ago, unless u started!
leads to just u and I sitting on a bed staring.. neither knowing what to do..
anyone in ur family know?
Nice! what were there thoughts?
We shall see if you really want me to do that?. ahah!
does any of ur family know about me?
and stuff we were talking about a couple days ago....
Bruh! there is so much ppl do!
Hope, what would u like to do with me? XD
the usual stuff you'd do if u were a couple or more
and if we get married hat do u want to do?
its okie I like the questions. whatcha doing rn?
what kind of things do u want to do?
any questions for me? I feel like I ask a LOT of questions!
I only want to do stuff with you
Yup! that sounds like u! hehe
Nothing for me really. just cuddling.. haha!
what is the like worst thing you’ve done with a guy or what has a guy done?
My first kiss will be you!
have u ever kissed a guy?
Ohh, well I shall be the first, hopefully!
have u ever cuddled with a girl..?
have u had a guy cuddle u? did u like how he cuddled u? if so tell me what he did so I can! XD
yea cuddles that are more close in body I like
I like to hold her and touch her, you know.
idk… I don’t prefer the like let me JUST hold your hand. I like the more intimate cuddles. I kinda like to feel the girl on my body and stuff.. what about you?
let me ask u first. what kind of cuddles dou like?
What kind of cuddling do you like and not like? XD
I don’t even know what you look like exactly. but seem very pretty!
cuddling u will be the best thing
Haha! I am glad you would!
I love you too! I would cuddle you now, ypu could feel me, and I would hold u as long as I could!
So, will u let me know how u are?
I wanna be with you right now
what are you gonna be doing for that long??
Can u do littke check in for me! Tell me how you’re doing?
I'm gonna miss so much my love. I'll be thinking of you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
(I’ll be gone for a few months.. Will try to get on here and there!) Will miss u my love!
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