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guys I think JJ deserves a 24 hour period of silence
Noah!!!!! That's just dark 😒
JJ DIED!!!!! (not irl tho)
uh guys what happened to JJ…
but yeah Im gonna say bye yall
pls dont listen to her lies about me...😢
thx for your emails but Marylin has the ear of the dev and Im sure there is money in the mix. So theres not rlly anything I can do.
this app is so bad I rlly have to leave
lol thx MP for remaking my group
Whoevers admin pls delete that after evreyone knows who I am
I also sent one bout Marilyn (no it wasn't mean)... Pls pray that I don't get banned 😰😥
Right I've sent the developer an email about jj and hopefully he'll listen tbh I just used the technical support part to send the email 😅
...Bengali might tell her....maybe we should ban him from this group....but that might make him angry....idk rly
But Marilyn doesn't know bout this group...... Right?
Um I think the developer has just banned jj.... Again
@bts same thing is happening to me 😣
the groups she made are gone as soon as she left
also I noticed kotlc is also missing,
what were they called BTS?
and the group she made for me and her
there was that one that kotlc made
well it's in a couple groups I had
@Bengali it appears that i'm still banned from Missionaries sooooo...
but ig that must be an app thing bc u seem to be talking just fine : )
....that happened to me when my acc was deleted...
or let u see who's in the group?
has anyone have a group that will let u in it but won't let u see what you've posted?
....nah i'm good but thakns
JJ, Mario, if you guys will choose a name that isn’t obviously you (like your middle name or something) and want to join Missionaries, I won’t expose you (but of course you wouldn’t interact or speak about Mrs M)
btw minions is now called memories
and my group, When Love Broke Through is gone too....
i can't believe TBT is gone
i can't believe Marylin. I'm sorry JJ that she did that
Im so sorry, JJ!! I can’t believe that happened!!!! You worked so hard to get a lot of ppl on TBT!! So sorry, man!
yea I wonder what happened many times has TBT gotten deleted Noah?
What?!?! TBT just disappeared along with JJ!
And all their messages r deleted like they were banned
Um I think someones deleted tbt and JJs gone... again 😐
Bro! Just cuz ur dating someone doesn’t mean ur kissing them……
sorry my Internet is being very Annoying
Oh no it not bad that wasn't what I meant I meant that its good that ur so protective of her
Well, I don’t think it’s bad……… wouldn’t u want the guy ur dating to be protective?
Just how ur so protective of bts 👍🏽
Anyways, JJ I might hvae been a little harsh, but if u ever say something that BTS dosent like then be ready for me to back her up.
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