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Group contains key scriptures for any devoted disciple in Christ Jesus.  Includes are the top 5,900 verses which the Holy Spirit has guided me to learn or contemplate over the years.  Every day on average, I add a new verse. Please note: In order to simplify contemplation, mental "processing" of scripture, and memorization, I've found over the years that reading and typing abbreviated words and phrases is dramatically simpler.     I use "shorthand" abbreviations for almost every word memorized (sometimes 1-3 letters per word or common phrase).  When thousands of verses are being reviewed, shorthand brings speed and efficiency to read, type, and contemplate scriptures.     Also, sometimes I add my own cross references or notes directly in the scripture or into the drawing.  Many times I add a hyperlink in the notes to a sermon.   Also, sometimes I customize verses either for personal clarity or to be a personal prayer. I save all my customizations in the RV09 version so as to keep the separate.   Abbreviations: These are some of the shorthand abbreviations you might see if you use the RVR09 version in this group: ฤ='and', w|o='without', ฤŒJ = 'Christ Jesus'; "DHFA='Dear Heavenly Father Abba', š='shall', šb = 'shall be', etc...   Also, almost all verses start from the KJB (aka KJV), however sometimes I replace a word with a definition from Strongs,YLT, or other versions.     Today, in 2023, I believe that all Bible versions are corrupted by the enemy.   Having said that I feel the Holy Spirit guides me to the pure truth of the original KJB (even though scribes and publishers have changed that version as well.  However, as in the story of Joseph's life, what man meant for evil, our Heavenly Father used it for good (Joseph's story and Ephesians 1:11) ... our Heavenly Father worketh all things (including things intended for evil) according to the counsel of His own will.     After I've memorized any verse with changes, I then go and manually change the verse to version RVR09.  I use this version as a category to hold my abbreviated scripture for no other reason other than it is a placeholder which I otherwise wouldnt use).   I have a unique perspective on corruption of Bible versions.  I believe that the original 1611 KJB was pure (despite many attempts at that time and afterwards to corrupt the Bible).  Today, however, all "modern English versions" are either corrupted or being corrupted supernaturally.  Some KJB verses are being supernaturally changed for evil retroactively to the 1611 every several days (happening at least in this decade and in the last decade, and very likely in decades prior to a smaller extent).  Not all KJB verses are changed imo, but many are clearly changed and I personally notice new supernatural scripture changes to the King James Bible every month.     Some of the statements above are difficult to accept, but it is truth in my understanding.  Many supernatural changes are nuissance, many perverted, and many align to demonic 'new age or world order' agendas.  The changes are retroactive to old Bibles and across all versions. Having said the above, many scriptures are still pure as gold.     The Holy Spirit will guide you.  The true WORD is Jesus Christ.  The word written with ink on paper must be spiritually discerned.  ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ™   If anyone wants to import the verse without abbreviations, you can import in your preferred version and you import wil not have the abbreviations.  ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ•Š๐Ÿ™

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