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God’s Miracles

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Group Members
15 Members
Joel S.
Male President
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
Female President (3rd)
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
David S.
Member (4th)
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
member (5th)
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
member (6th)
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
member (7th)
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
member (8th)
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
member (9th)
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
Other Admin
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iPhone App User
Member (12)
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
Member (13)
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
member (10th)
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
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                             Terms And Policy

This is a group for people who have experienced miracles from God! Please share these miracles on this group to inspire us! Btw please invite friends to this group! And if you want to write a curse word or etc… please find a different group, this group was made for a different purpose. Also we encourage every group member to write prayer requests. And testimonies to encourage the group, we will try our best to pray specifically for each prayer request presented! 😊 Please NO advertising on the message board, bad language, abusing admin, or taking the Lord’s name in vain. We love to have you in our group but, please be mindful of the terms and policy. Thank You! 

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