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Job, the Suffering Servant - Roanoke, VA

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Job suffers the loss of Property, Possessions, and even his Progeny. Then Job himself is afflicted with Painful boils, so that not even his friends recognize him (Job 2:12). His wife, who should have been his greatest supporter, (but she,too, was suffering the loss of her children) urged him to curse God and die.


In all this, Job did not sin or charge God with wrong (Job 1:22; 2:9-10).


Job's testimony was "I know that my Redeemer lives" (Job 19:25). He questions God's justice, and God answers him with His own questions to show Job His great power as Creator of all things as well as His control over the universe and all of life (Job 38).


In the end, God blessed Job with twice as much as he had in the beginning.


From Job we can learn much, including that God is all we need in times of trouble, even when life seems unfair. When we don't understand life's circumstances, we can trust our loving Father to carry us through the storms of life.

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