Select Verse Collections to memorize with this Group.
please join kotlc conversation if you're a fan thank you 🤗
okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk I’m a kidddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
please join my groups. they are God rocks and Fishers of men
I just joined I will pray for you janessa
join Lamborghini fans if your a real fan of Lamborghini’s
Amen, I will definitely pray for you🙏
I could use prayer. I need deliverance prayer. badly. I’m in a town hundreds of miles away from everyone and anything I know due to escaping life of drugs and addiction and abuse and ultimately escaping being kidnapped and held hostage. God sent me to my own wilderness. and like the Israelites. … I have been a whiney little baby.. not having any clue how to live life not having any idea what I’m doing. I’m 34 years old and I know death is certain in all aspects of the word if I don’t figure out how to stop going back to that life style of just death and decay and nothing good. and yet. also like the Israelites , my old life is all I know and there’s a comfort in the hell I got used to being enslaved in and begged God to deliver me from it makes no sense and i know it’s stupid. please pray for complete healing and freedom from the aftermath of the abuse and trauma in Jesus’ name amen
oh my! I will pray for sure! I hope everything clears up for you there.🙏🏻
Update: Good news for my husband on 3/12/21. His lawyer was able to get an amazing plea deal which reduced the charges to disorderly conduct. He could agree to that. 2 years pronation. No Jail time. He can get his record expunged after the 2 years. This is such a releif because if it had gone to trial and he had been found guilty of the domestic violence and the assault charges they wanted him to go to jail for up to 18 months. I still have to go through the juvenile trial on MY end and may not have the youngest 2 children returned. The oldest son of the 3 children that were taken will be 18 this month. Will you please pray that the lies which have been told will be exposed and that my husband and I can have a chance to at least get my 9 year old son back and for restoration of relationships between all including between this good Christian man I married (that some will not even acknowledge that God 'hath joined together" - and its been 6 years since we were legally married an also had a chapel ceremony) and all 9 of my children (ages 34 down to 9) Also for their continued grief management since their dad's/my 1st husband's going to be with the Lord. . Thanks so much!
Asking for prayer. After my 1st husband of 26yrs and the Father of my 9 went to be with the LORD in 2013 I remarried a guy who my family had known for 11 yrs. Unfortunately due a "perfect storm" of my family left in a sort of religious cult and my adult kids handling their greif with drugs and alcohol I had to take the minor 5 across the country to live back where I was closer to friends and family and there was not that influence. It has been a cold war ever since although at times it seemed like real healing had taken place in regard to relationships. But the most recent incident is that being down to 3 kids still at home and 6 years into my second marriage, my 13 and 16 yr old kids colluded w/ the 6 older kids to dump false reports to Childrens Services and all 3 are in foster care (thankfully placed w/a member in our church) while the legal battle plays out. 2 adult sibs are trying to get custody. I haven't had contact with any of my kids since April 18. My husband is facing charges of domestic violence and assault. My youngest was 2 when we married and this is the only dad he remembers. Thanks for your prayers
I am back and wanting to really spend time with my scripture memorization again. God is with us, the 10 percent name comes from tithe. I think in addition to 10 percent of our income that 10 percent of our time should also be dedicated to God and his ministry. not that we can’t do more but that at least 10 percent.
Please join my group national bible bee 2018. It is very active.
hello everyone I am inviting everyone in this group who is active to my group I just made named Active members ONLY. I am hoping to make a very active group. I am a very active person and I go on multiple times a day. I wan to have this active group to be able to share stuff and get answers quickly and that when questions are asked they get answered too. we can memorize together in a healthy environment of people from all around the globe!! I would gladly promote anyone who has verses to add or just them for you if you tell me which ones. thankyou for your consideration for joining my group!! may the Lord bless you all!!
hello members of 10 percent!! where did u get the name from??
no one cares! stop posting that!!!!
URGENT!! I seriously have to WARN YOU!! The KJV BIBLE has been CHANGED! (Look up the #MandelaEffect) The Lords Prayer in the KJV is not correct anymore in the KJV (how we remember "tresspasses" changed to "debts" and "those who tresspass against us" changed to "our debtors" and "ON earth" in Mt6,10 changed to "IN earth" - look it up!!!) and John8:32 has changed, as well as Isaiah11,6 changed from "Lion and Lamb will live together" to "Wolve(s) and lamb will live together"
Check out the Mandela-Effect-Wiki for more Information!
See here the page concerning changes in Bible-Translations:
PS: i'm not joking, i'm totally serious!
PPS: even wikipedia censors this topic... (see discussion on startpage in the wiki)
can you join angry bannana Mrs. Fanseleu
guys, we need to get ahead of the next group!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
please join my group called screaming potatoes! invite others please
Join my group guys! its called christmas! please invite others! Thx! the location right now is inchelium wa. It'll prob change to everywhere.
AiD@N, I am the administrator. Do you need some verses added?
Sorry I haven't looked at this wall for a while. I'm glad you are all wanting to memorize scripture, too. ChrisMom, no bar is set...we all just go at our own pace, but together. =D
Wow, Tracy! Way to raise the bar! I think even with incredible diligence, it will be a while before any of us reach the number of verses you have already memorized!
Hi, Nathan! I'm so glad you joined me! I see you have some verses current. Good job, Nathan!
then you this is Nathan Sumidas old account
I decided to join this group, this is Nathan Sumida
Hi, momof11! Happy to have your company. 😀