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Here's some cool info you might be interested in. Only takes about 5 minutes but you need to cut and paste the link into your browser. It's about why some English speaking people have chosen to stick to the KJV and the benefits of doing so. I do but only just over the past couple of years. Before that, I used to read all the versions and see which sounded the best for whatever I was looking at. I didn't know about SOME of the wicked so called translators and their motives. If it was good enough for Spurgeon, it's good enough for ME. Besides, it sticks in our brains better. :)
2020-05-21: 100000 points. 312 verses.
2019-11-06. Level 53. 51216 pts. 261 verses. Ranking 4505.
2019-02-14 stats: 242 vs, level 50, 40000 pnts, 4469 in the ranks0
big day today. Reached 20000 points, bumped into level 40, and broke into the top 5 (thousand:)
Broke 10000 points! I am a level 30 Scripture Typer!
I'm in the top 10! (Thousand that is.) Wow, people can memorize scripture!
28 minutes to review 58 'mastered' verses.
You guys catching up? I'm slowing down so I don't forget the ones I've learned. I've noticed you can change the translation so i switched some to NLT. For some verses it just flowes better.