Yay, Jeremy!!! Welcome to our new members! We are so excited that you are here memorizing with us!
joy, thank you for all the encouragement. I’m working on some now.
hiii ....thanks for creating the group really helps
Hey! how is everyone doing? May I challenge you to take 5 minutes today and work on your verses? This is literally transforming my thoughts -
Welcome, Kay!!!! Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any trouble navigating the site. Once you get used to it, you're gonna love it!
good morning friends!! I want to encourage you to just be faithful - a little bit each day will end up filling your mind with so much Scripture. I've made it a habit to pick up my phone or computer in the morning before leaving my room and spending about 10 minutes here. I do it again at night before going to bed. I'm amazed at what that little bit of commitment is doing! also - invite someone to join you here!
hi, Joy. maybe I should just do that and not worry about the analytics of the app. thank you for being so helpful!
mknMUCH…, I haven’t read John 3, but I’m thankful it is such a blessing. I’m sorry that your heart is so heavy as well.
Good afternoon, y'all! I have been working on John 3 and came through verses 10-20 today. Several of those verses I already knew well. I think John 3 has to be one of the sweetest books in the Bible. I love how God speaks to us through his Word. Here I sit with a heavy heart, and God shines the light of his Word right through the heaviness. Oh! How I love Jesus!!
Jeremy, Ok. I wish I could help further. I did go through My Verses when I picked it back up this year and just removed things and added things. It isn't a one-button reset but it worked.
during this weeks memorization, I decided to do the books of the New Testament. it’s a blessing to just better familiarize ourselves with knowing the names and order of the books of the Bible.
I have tried that😊. I need to figure out how to reset the app on the website so that I can then sync them later
ok. on your app click home and then settings and then sync with Bible memory.com that should do it.
on my phone app I can click on settings and then click link app with .com let me see exactly what it says.
I was just going to try and start with a clean slate, but the website and the app are not cooperating together. haha
jeremy, is there a specific app problem that maybe I can help with? I had to spend some time figuring it all out when I started.
hey, Joy. I’m not doing well at keeping up with the app. I tried resetting it to have a clean slate from when I got the app a few years ago. my website and phone editions are not making it easy to reset both. hope you are well.
thank you mknmuchofJesus. I enjoyed your story of how God is working in your life. praying now for your hand.
I pray that everyone is well! I'm having so much fun hiding God's word in my heart. I hope y'all are, as well. I'm really enjoying this newfound ability to learn whole books of the Bible. I would have never thought that I would be able to, but here I am! Praise be to God!
Hey everyone! It's me again, and I just wanted to share a little bit of sunshine and give thanks to God for His amazing grace. As some of you know, I joined this group partly to help with hand movement as I'm recovering from an injury. My therapist agreed that typing would be wonderful exercise, but my old keyboard (bless its heart, it was over fifteen years old!) was actually making things worse. The keys were so stiff, and it was really aggravating my hand. I knew I needed an ergonomic, split keyboard for better alignment, but when I looked online, the prices were way beyond my budget.
I was a little discouraged because this app has been such a blessing, not only helping my hand heal but also deeply nourishing my spirit. I didn't want to give it up! But the typing was genuinely painful. So, I did what I always do – I took it to the Lord in prayer. I asked Him to guide me and find a way for me to continue using the app.
Then, I remembered a local Facebook "share" group where people give away items or post requests. I decided to post, asking if anyone had a keyboard they were no longer using. I got a few leads on local places, but then… something incredible happened. A woman I'd never met sent me a private message, offering to buy me a keyboard and have it shipped to my house! I was absolutely stunned. And the best part? She sent me two pictures of keyboards, and one of them was the exact same one I had saved to my wishlist! Only God could have orchestrated that.
After lots of prayer, I gratefully accepted her incredibly generous offer. Honestly, I was still a little amazed and wondered if it would actually happen. But guess what? I'm typing on it right now! I am just in awe of how God answers our prayers. He is so faithful and so worthy of all our praise. There truly is no God like our God! He cares about the little things, and He pours out His love in such unexpected and beautiful ways. I hope this little story encourages you today, too. Just remember, He's always listening, and He's always there. ❤️
Hey everyone! I hope you're all doing wonderfully! I've been absolutely blown away by how much logging on and memorizing scriptures has refreshed my spirit and kept God's amazing promises close to my heart. Honestly, it's been a lifesaver. I've been carrying a heavy heart lately, and sleep has been a real struggle – it's definitely starting to show! But instead of giving in to despair, I've been turning to God. And even when words fail me, I've found incredible comfort in reciting the very verses I've been working on here. It's truly amazing.
Wherever you are on your journey, I encourage you to join me in drawing closer to God's word. Let's fill our hearts and minds with His truth! It's made such a difference for me, and I know it can for you too. Let's do this together!
Welcome to our newest member! Y'all, I'm finding this to be more and more impactful in my life - Scripture is coming to mind more often in the difficult moments but not only that. It seems that when I'm in tough conversations my thoughts are being directed more wisely by the Holy Spirit using God's Words in my thinking. That's what we want!
love you, Emily! glad you're back!
Hey everyone! It's so good to be back. I missed working in the app this past week. It was a bit of a rough one for me, physically and emotionally, but even though I couldn't sit at the computer and type, I found comfort and strength in remembering Psalms 91 and 23. It was like a sweet song playing in my mind, a reminder of His love and presence even when I'm not feeling my best. It just goes to show how powerful memorizing His word can be!
I'm so grateful to Joy for inviting me to be a part of this wonderful group. I’m praying for us all as we continue in God’s word and commit them to memory! <3
I get so excited when I come into our group and see that we have a great group of intentional workers to renew our minds!
Hey Joy and everyone! Blessed Thursday to you all. I pray your day goes well. May we all grow in godliness as we hide God’s Word in our hearts. 💓
HEY!!!!! Where are you, my friends? Hop on and memorize with me. :)
HEY!!!!! Where are you, my friends? Hop on and memorize with me. :)
HAPPY Thursday all! It is SO cold everywhere today. I pray you are somewhere warm and safe!. I want to encourage you without nagging you - and trying to find that balance. It is so exciting to hop on here and see that we are working to hide God's Word in our hearts faithfully. PLEASE let me know if you're struggling with the site because once you get the hang of it you're gonna love it. :)
Good Morning! I'm praying for each of you this morning and I'm beyond thrilled that the activity within our memory group is increasing. More and more we seem to be getting used to the process and more are involved. Feel free to share here at any time.
I hope it encourages you this morning to know that I've called each of your names out in prayer this morning. I'm asking for the LORD's blessings on your lives, that this hiding of His Word in your hearts will be exciting, will do the renewing that we are promised that it will do - that we will love Him and serve Him with all of our being.
I hope it encourages you this morning to know that I've called each of your names out in prayer this morning. I'm asking for the LORD's blessings on your lives, that this hiding of His Word in your hearts will be exciting, will do the renewing that we are promised that it will do - that we will love Him and serve Him with all of our being.
Y'all!!! We have 36 members!!!!!! I am so thankful and so excited about each of us intentionally doing this. I'm praying for 4 more quickly!!! Help me - invite someone that you know will benefit - of course we know everyone will benefit; but invite someone that you want to benefit. :) There are no limitations on who we want to join us.
YES! I have a list in my prayer notebook of each "name" that we see here in this group and that is my prayer - that we will begin to love using this app to help us with our intentional renewing our minds, that we will figure out the ins and outs of the app and how to best use it and that it will become one of the favorite parts of our days - it has become that for me and I want it for each of you!
Thank you, Joy. I could use prayer as to where to start with my memorization, forming the habit for regular practice, and for learning the app.
Welcome Jeremy! This is exactly why we are here! Good Sunday morning to each of you. I woke up this morning at 6:30 - thirty minutes before my alarm was set and I knew it was going to be a precious 30 minutes of renewing my mind! I'm praying that by this evening we will have 10 who are actively memorizing within this group and 40 members. Don't be discouraged if it takes a few days to get active. Once you familiarize yourself with the program; you'll be anxious for those few minutes every day that you can pop on and renew your mind.
Hello, y’all. I’m feeling conflicted that my knowledge of verses by heart has been lacking tremendously and I need to refocus on this area of my life. it would be nice to have some fellowship with other believers in this endeavor.
Thank you for getting on the wall and connecting!!! I'm SO Glad you are here, Jbe and MknMUCHofJESUS!
I haven't been able to spend much time working on my verses lately, and I really missed it! I was so grateful to finally get some review time today. I had set a goal to master the last ten verses of John 1 by yesterday, and I was hoping to achieve it today. Unfortunately, my arm started aching after reviewing, but I bowed my head and poured my heart out to God, expressing my deep love for Him and my desire to work on those verses. To my amazement, He gave this country girl the strength to master ALL TEN of them! I love Him so much!
I sincerely hope you're enjoying this journey as much as I am.
Hi. I'm glad to be part of this scripture memorization group. Thank you for opening it up. Hiding His word in my heart, a very high priority. /\
Invite a friend today!!!! This is so much fun together!!! Two of my teen grandkids have joined us and I am THRILLED that they are using their phones to memorize Scripture.
Welcome to each of our new members!!! Look around the site and familiarize yourself with the various ways we can work to memorize and review verses. Try to check in each day and work on a verse or two and before you know it - you're hooked and your mind is being renewed! I'm so glad you're here
I hope you stay and memorize verses with us JJ. <3
JJ, I'm not sure who you are, but you are welcome to memorize with us if that is your desire. Your previous messages have been deleted because they have not been conducive to the purpose of this group. It's my desire to keep the atmosphere and focus on Renewing our Minds to think more like our Savior. I appreciate your understanding.
mknMUCHofJESUS, I am SO glad you accepted the invitation and glad that it is proving to mean as much to you as it has to me! Thank you so much for sharing!!
Hiya! I wanted to take a moment to praise my Savior. I've been quite ill since the winter weather arrived on Friday. Feeling quite low today, with every part of me aching. I'm sipping on slippery elm tea and trying to stay warm.
I won't be able to sit at my desktop for long, but I logged in to review Psalm 91. As of yesterday, I had mastered all the verses. I independently reviewed the last 8 or 9, as they were still relatively new.
Remarkably, I just typed the entirety of Psalm 91 on review, with every other word missing. There are still a few errors in red, but I typed it and accurately recalled most of it!
For me, this simple Bible memory app is accomplishing something far more profound in my life right now. It's pushing me to persevere. I initially joined to address some serious hand issues I'm struggling with. I saw it as a way to keep my hands, fingers, and wrists moving while typing scripture alongside a woman I deeply cherish. I immensely enjoy it for those reasons, but it has become so much more meaningful to my heart. This has been incredibly beneficial for my soul.
Thank you so much for the invitation.
Invite a friend to join us today! Let me know when they join and I have a gift for you! Help me build!
Welcome, Welcome! I am beyond excited about this group - and what God will do in our lives as we work more intentionally to renew our minds - our thoughts, emotions and choices will all be positively affected! A few suggestions - As I've navigated Scripture Typer I have found that there are so many ways to challenge myself, to do a better job of memorizing, to keep it fun and more! If you have both a tabler, computer or other device as well as your phone, I suggest downloading both the .com site as well as the app on your phone. You'll login as you on both - and then can use both depending on your mood or location. I pick up my phone and review a few verses when in a waiting room or waiting in line, etc. but in the early morning hours or late night I grab my computer and type. You should be able to use the microphone to speak the verses if your hands or fingers need a break. Play around with it - figure it out - memorize the groups of verses we have in here and make your own personal lists as well. Click the invite link at the top of the page and invite someone to join you in this - what better way to be a good friend than to invite others to be a part of our iron sharpening iron efforts!
I am THRILLED that you each one has joined me in this! I think the more you navigate the system the more you're gonna love it! ❤️
Thank you so much, Joy, for inviting me to this group. I am thoroughly enjoying learning Psalm 91 and giving my hand a good workout. <3
I am SO glad you are here!!!!! Click on one of the passages I've put in the group and start learning. If you have questions about navigating the site, please don't hesitate to ask. I played around with the app on my phone and with the site on my computer and figured out how to use the system. It's really easy and fun once you start doing it! :) Feel free to invite a friend or two to join us.
Thank you to those who have joined us!!! My initial goal is to have 10 members before the New Year - tomorrow. Invite someone that you would like to do this with us!!! To start, look around through the site and set your own goals and verse lists if you like - and click on the collections of verses within our group and start memorizing one verse at a time. It's not only fun - it's challenging and you'll be amazed at all of the benefits!