Select Verse Collections to memorize with this Group.
A new passage has been posted for March 2025. 1 Peter 3:15-17.
Hello... testing, testing! A new passage has been posted for February 2025.
1 Thessalonians 5:6-11
For those getting notifications for this app, please note that Andrea has started on January's passage 👋👋👋. Now go and do likewise!
Hello again, and Merry Christmas! We are heading into 2025 and, with the new year, we'll be reviving the "1 passage per month" group.
January's passage is already posted... Ephesians 4:20-24.
New passage added for March. Check it out!
I have added the passage for Feb. 2023. It is Matthew 22:34-40. Get to memorizing...I SAID GIT!!
Hello! - Perhaps you still have this app and forgot to turn off notifications (😀). There are new passages posted for all the summer months. And any time is a good time to memorize God's Word!
I've posted a passage for December (from 1 Cor.)that goes along with our new Life Group study on 1 Corinthians.
Hey folks! - A new passage for February has been posted to the group. Bueller....Bueller...anyone?
Hey my fellow Flint Hillers! - It's been a few months since I've posted new verses to our group. But as a longtime fan of new year resolutions, I'm hoping we can commit to memorizing some Scripture together. I'm also hoping to get some smaller scripture memory groups together that can meet once a week (more on that later). I've posted a new passage for January. Get after it!
New passage for September is posted. Such a wonderful passage!
Hey folks! I posted a new passage from Psalm 73 for the month of August. Enjoy 😎
New passage for June is posted 🙌🏻
Hello! Sorry for my tardiness in posting a passage for the month of May. But it’s there now. Cheers!
Hey everyone, I added a new passage on Scripture Typer for the month of January: Habakkuk 3:17-19. Pastor Edwin is likely preaching from Habakkuk in the near future, so this will be a good passage to commit to memory! Thanks! - Gavin
Hey everyone, for the month of December we are going to memorize Colossians 1:15-18.
In this month’s passage, there is an unusual quotation. Romans 15:3 quotes David in Psalm 69:9, saying “The reproaches of them that reproached you fell on me.” Take a look at Psalm 69 and this quotation will make more sense. Good day!
Hey everyone, I want to encourage you in your (our!!) pursuit of “storing up God’s word in your heart.” I’m only tackling two verses per week on the passage for November, which makes it manageable for me. Keep going; don’t give up!
Thank you so much for doing this for us. We are enjoying learning these verses. Thank you for all you do for the church as well. We are blessed to have you on our staff.
P.S. - Feel free to invite others to join this group. You can invite from within the “Group” section of the app, or just have folks text me their email address.
Hey everyone, I’ve added a passage for month of November. We are stepping it up a bit, as this passage is lengthier, but should be no problem to memorize in a month. It’s Romans 15:1-7, which is a great passage for us to memorize *together*. Enjoy!! - Gavin