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2022-11-15 Just started reviewing again. most were almost 2 years overdue. (217-627 days) 115 reviewed, 199 to go. Level 64. 104132 pts. Rank 3435.
2019-11-06. Level 53. 51216 pts. 261 verses. Ranking 4505.
2019-02-14 reached level 50. 40,000 points. 242 verses. ranking 4469.
picking up the torch again. I'm at 207 verses, 35795 points and ranking #3338.
7629. I broke into the top 10 about a week ago. (thousand, that is)
Good Job, what's your rank?
Broke 10000 points! I am a level 30 Scripture Typer!
You're catching up AJ. Good job!
Yep. but I need your login and pw to add you to my account.
you still have extra pro accounts available?