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Bible memory fellowship is better
Hello! Is this group still active?
But it's fine, we had fun! And yes participating is a blessing. 👏🏻
Hope you all did well in the ETRAV. Just participating in it is a great experience. Congrats. I lived in FW from 1966-1973 and loved it.
I'm from North TX, you must be in South?
The award ceremony was on the 27th.
Hello Charlotte, ETRAV was in Dallas(Dallas First Church). It was on March 25,26.😃
I'm from Texas also! In what city was the EXTRAVAGANZA held? And when?
So Mr. Meerkat the First, where are you from and how did you get your name?
You know I think that most everyone left this group since it's 2021.
Please join my group called Awana T & T book 3.
And is anyone going to EXTRAVAGANZA in Texas? I plan to .
You know my dad had COVID(and stayed home with no quarantine among the other six members of my family) but none of us had COVID.
Hi guys, whose from Texas?
please join my new group called help in difficult times
yall anyone got corona virus
Sorry folks, my mom saw scripture -typer and said I had to leave some of my groups 😒
Me and my side kick will search everywere, and FIND YOU, WHITETIGIE!
Shhh, I have a top secret side kick!
I told u if find all the groups your on, Whitetigie!
Congratulations Whitetigie and Morning Joy
Hi! I do bible quizzing so I thought this would be fun! I’m studying Hebrews and 1 and 2 Peter.
I know 100 verses,level 25,and 6835.
Hey Kruiz what level are you on 🧐
Also, hello! I'm new to this group
Hello! If your looking for a pretty active group, check out Questmasters or The Legends- Defeat bosses, ty!
I am on level 16 also 3386
I do Abeka too! the history teacher is funny lol 😆
I just turned 15 December 5
other than that. it’s the same
I think the only difference is that you quiz in Indiana but I quiz in Arkansa
y'all should join my group it's the same thing tho it's called UPCI 2020 Bible Quizzing (Indiana)
cool! what is it called?mines called Abeka
I’m from Arkansa. lol I’m homeschooled too.
I put my verses in my school when I do writing and language and stuff like that!(I'm homeschooled btw) where y'all from?
I was in juniors last year tho
but currently isn’t a bible quizer do to school but will still be using this to learn the word of God🤗
I’m 12 as well but I couldn’t do Bible quizing bc of school
I’m experienced to I’m 14 going to be 15 dec 5
is everyone in this group seniors experienced?if so how old is y'all bc I'm in experienced and I'm 12 I bumped up so ya😂
auto correct messed it up
lmao so glad l get to be in the bible 😇💖
First quiz is at Word of Flame church! 😉
hey guys just started bible quizzing
Mikaylailwh... I’m following you #mom 😆 I love memorizing the word of God
Irelan update your scriptures to the group ☺️
When does Bible Quizing start?
2020 UPCI BIBLE QUIZ Verses are ready - Just search UPCI