Hi everyone! Please join my group called Truth Be Told!!!😊😉👍
BM is a great app to meet other Christians
Hi brothers and sisters! Glad to be here. This is awesome.
Hi everyone! Please join my group called Truth Be Told!!!😊😉👍
"You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence." (Acts 2:28) [Herald of Light activity from The Bible Brigade]
Amen! I will bear that in mind!
Just had a look through the list of members in this group - there are many of us who have slipped down to 0 current - that’s sad! The times are upon us when we will need to have these scriptures hidden in our h
let me tell you about Jesus he's awesome
how do I do Missions fast
Just joined this group! Noticed the Jump Start collection has not yet been added
Hi, brothers and sisters in Christ! I found a little gem of a group near the bottom of the group list; I'm inviting everyone to come and take a look 😃 You are invited to the Seventh-Day Adventist Bible memorization group:
hello everyone I am inviting everyone in this group who is active to my group I just made named Active members ONLY. I am hoping to make a very active group. I am a very active person and I go on multiple times a day. I wan to have this active group to be able to share stuff and get answers quickly and that when questions are asked they get answered too. we can memorize together in a healthy environment of people from all around the globe!! I would gladly promote anyone who has verses to add or just them for you if you tell me which ones. thankyou for your consideration for joining my group!! may the Lord bless you all!!
join my group named JOINusANYone
Whosoever Will is a group that has many collections, including Handel's Messiah, which is thrilling because of the messianic prophecies and the anthems of praise to God. You are invited to join us for a spiritual feast. :)
URGENT!! I seriously have to WARN YOU!! The KJV BIBLE has been CHANGED! (Look up the #MandelaEffect) The Lords Prayer in the KJV is not correct anymore in the KJV (how we remember "tresspasses" changed to "debts" and "those who tresspass against us" changed to "our debtors" and "ON earth" in Mt6,10 changed to "IN earth" - look it up!!!) and John8:32 has changed, as well as Isaiah11,6 changed from "Lion and Lamb will live together" to "Wolve(s) and lamb will live together"
Check out the Mandela-Effect-Wiki for more Information! http://mandela-effect-wiki.tk
See here the page concerning changes in Bible-Translations: http://mandela-effect.bplaced.net/doku.php?id=changes_in_bible-translations_overview
PS: i'm not joking, i'm totally serious!
PPS: even wikipedia censors this topic... (see discussion on startpage in the wiki)
not sure what is happening there as it shows up on mine. can you just add that verse into your collection yourself
I just selected the Power of Prayer collection and 1 Samuel 12:23 says "verse 23 not found."
Has anyone else lost their "number of times reviewed" feature? If you have and this is just an update to Scripture Typer, can you vote for my request for it to come back?
If you would like to, go to the bottom of the webpage, click on the Help Forum, then click on Feature Requests, and then vote for "I miss "Number of Times Reviewed"".
Done, Thanks for your help, if you ever want to be reinstated let me know. :)
Hi Kerrilyn/Rebekah,
Please downgrade my status so I don't have the privilege to amend/add verse collections in the group. I need to update my verses and don't want to delete any collection in error! Thanks.
@ Colette - Would you be able to add in the collections the Memory verse clubs you have done? Thanks!
Welcome to our group Lookingupword and Rebekah #2. :-)
Thank you so much Kerrilyn and Rebekah and Colette. I was hoping there was a way to reconcile them. I'm sure computers could do it, but maybe it's too complex. We can live with these small problems. I am really thankful for Scripture Typer, I enjoy it so much, especially as I type the longer passages the broader scope of what is being said takes on fuller meaning.
@Lookingupword, you can also just delete them out of your FAST group list
@Lookingupword: Yes, you could do what Colette suggested. When I have double ups, I usually only review the longer passages. eg. I review John 15 in groups instead of the individual verses including 5 and 7. With so much to review, I don't really want to have to double up. It's up to you.
May God bless you as you hide His Word in your heart. :)
Hi Elizabeth,
I believe the only real fix is to mirror the format of the verses. Where there are groups/passages such as Jeremiah 31:3-4 in your personal collection you can split it up then it will map the individual verse(s) to the Fast collection.
It gets tricky when you have groups of verses in your personal collection and the FAST collection has single verses. So I have found that for some I have to live with the duplications.
Plus there are some verses that are in more than one collection such as Colossians 3:23 and Colossians 3:23-24. When that happens and I can't fix it, I just look at it as extra practice ;)
Hope that helps.
I just selected the sets of FAST verse that I have memorized already, but now I have duplicates because I already have some of these but not as single verses. i.e. I have Jeremiah 31:3,4 or I have John 15:1-10 so it misses John 15:5 or John 15:7. or Jer. 31:3. does anyone know how to fix that?
Yes, that is the one. Thank-you!
Do you mean 2 John 1.8 Tesha?
I accidentally deleted one of the Basic Training verses. What's the one from 1 John or 2 John?
Welcome Scripture Sue and Gerry B. :-) Nice to see you join from the Sabbath School group. God bless!
If anyone is also learning the Sabbath School memory texts, there is a ST group called "Sabbath School" you can join. :-)
Praise God who led you to our FAST ST team! This group was created by Kerrilyn, and it keeps growing. If you need any help to navigate, let us know. :)
Thank-you for the welcome, Christine. I'm happy to find an online FAST team. :)
Hi JK! We are delighted to see you join the group :-) God bless you in memorising His Word. Hope you are finding your way around the site and our group.
Good on you Ase! You will be richly blessed. :-)
Let us know if you need any help here.
Thanks for the welcome :) I'm looking forward to putting scripture to memory.
A warm welcome to Tesha ! May God bless you with Scripture Memory. :-)
Welcome Ase to the ST FAST Missions group! God bless you in memorising His Word and knowing Him more and more. :-)
Thanks so much Kerrilyn :-) I followed your instruction and it worked 1st time. And as you say it's good to review those verses even more! May God bless you also with your Scripture memory.
Okay it is right now, you will have to re add the collection and redo the verses. Sorry it was the only way I knew how to correct the problem. On the plus side you will know them better than before with the extra reviews. Bless you all as you hide God's word in your heart.
@ Kerrilyn -For some reason 2 Corinthians 13.5 doesn't show in the collection, would you be able to add it? Thanks!
You are welcome Colette. Thank the Lord for His timing :-) This verse came up a few times throughout various conferences and so as for me I had it like half-memorised so it was easy to learn it for good.
Thanks Christine! Interestingly enough, I learned 2 Corinthians 13:5 just this weekend gone! It's one of the verses in the Bible Teachings Memory Club and came up on my list for last week.
Dan mentioned there was a mistake of book for the last verse of the Down to Business conference. Instead of Romans 13.5 it is 2 Corinthians 13.5. I have made the correction in the respective collection.
If you had already memorised Romans 13.5 (like I did...) you can add it in your personal verses. ;-)
Welcome to our FAST group JK! Let us know if you need any help in navigating the site. God bless!
Happy Birthday Kerrilyn and Rebekah! Another year ahead for you both to learn God's Word by heart and serve Him. :-)
Thanks a lot Kerrilyn. Great to know that useful feature. Such a great programme! I'm enjoying reviewing my verses in French too. :)
Regarding duplicates, ST usually recognises them if the verse references are exactly the same. So you will have them rwice or more but will only review them once and it will only be counted once in your total verses memorised.
Thanks for letting me know. Ok we'll leave it at that, as long as verse 24 is somewhere!
I still don't see Col 3:24 in PD Christine but that's ok. It's in DTB.
Colette, I think PD should have Col 3.24 showing now. Let me know. Duplicates can be removed from your personal collections but when there are across the FAST collections, there is nothing we can do about it.
Colossians 3:23 is actually in my lists 3 times; I will leave it there so that repetition can deepen the impression!
Hi Christine:
The PD club verses were not automatically updated.
Let me know Colette. Hi Becky! Lovely to have you join the FAST Missions group. And thanks again to Kerrilyn and Rebekah for creating it.
Thanks Christine. I'll see if it both verses shows up twice for me too.
Welcome to our little group sister Becky, missionary on the kings business in Malaysia!
Colette, as for Col 3.23-24 I temporarily added verse 24 in PD. You gave me the idea after you mentioned that verse 23 was already in PD. :-)
Hmmm, I didn't think about that Christine. Kerrilyn can you say? Thanks.
So good to see you join the FAST Missions group Lauren! Another Aussie :-)
@ Colette, you are right there are a few duplicates across the collection... Just wondering if you remove a verse manually from a collection you created, won't it remove it for the others too?
Hi Christine, Yep, I noticed you added the Ten Commandments as individual verses; that's good. I also noticed that when I have the same verse in different groups I have to review it more than once, for example Colossians 3:23 is in Practical Discipleship and Down to Business. I guess I'll have to manually remove the duplicate ones.
Welcome Lauren! Let's keep our eyes fixed on Jesus as we memorize His Words. Hebrews 12:2
@Colette, awaiting for Kerrilyn's directions re. DTP. Not to worry, will get there.
Also I had the Ten Commandments too but with individual verses so I've added it under Ten Commandments, if that can help. :-)
Hi Christine,
Did you get to edit your verses in DTB? That might be easier that deleting the entire collection?
Thanks for giving me administrative rights Kerrilyn. I've added For Such a Time ... and the Ten Commanments!
Hi Kerrilyn,
Yes, I can add the collections for For Such a Time ... and three other memory clubs. I did it once so I'm comfortable doing it.
@Kerrilyn. Thanks for your help. The button 'Remove Collection' shows only if I have entered the collection myself (like Holy Spirit, Moral Machinery...). Therefore it doesn't show for Down to Business.
@Colette, thanks for checking on the Practical Discipleship collection. I'll make the corrections when Kerrilyn switches me back to an administrator.
@Colette you need to be an administrator to add a list. I can make you one if you feel confident to add collections. As far as I am aware as an administrator you can only edit the collections you create. LMK if you would like to do this and I will get you to try it out on your 'For Such A Time Verses...'
List looks good Christine. You have lower case letters for 2 references: Luke 9:23 and John 20:21. That's all I noticed.
Hi Christine,
I'll let you know. I added the collection privately in my list because I didn't know how to do that here. I reviewed the lot today for the final exam checklist and it was successful though not perfect! I think Scripturetyper will definitely help with that.
@Christine I have temporily removed you as an administrator. Can you try deleting your Down to Business collection again and then re-adding it. To do this, go to the FAST group, memory verse tab (where you add collections) If you click on Down to Business (like when you want to add it) there is a button near the top which says 'Remove this Collection' choose that. Check that it has removed it on the home page, then add it again. LMK if the verses show up correctly. They should as they show up correctly when I am not logged in, but if not I will try some other way to fix it.
@Collete I will try to get to adding the verses you requested in the next couple of days.
@Colette, I've added the Practical Discipleship verse club. Would you mind checking all references are correct. Merci ;)
Thanks Rebekah. It's just the passage (Col 3:23-24) is not in the selection at all so I can't edit it.
@ Christine: You don't have to delete the whole collection. You can edit the individual verse yourself by clicking on the pencil next to the verse. Hope that helps. :)
It's exciting... ! I've started entering my verses also in French and I now can review them here!!
What's the best way to delete the Down to Business collection? I wouldn't want to delete it all together... :|
Hi again Kerrilyn, can you add a collection for "For Such A Time ..."
The verses are:
Psalm 119:126; Psalm 119:38; Psalm 119:118; Psalm 119:112; Psalm 119:93; Psalm 119:130; Psalm 119:59.
That works Kerrilyn, Thanks.
You will have to delete the collection and re-add it to get the correct version. Sorry ladies.
It's not updated as yet Kerrilyn.
Lovely to see Karen joining us! :)
Colossians 3:23-24 still needs adding in Down to Business. Thanks Kerrilyn or Rebekah!
I'm still seeing the old references Kerrilyn. Then I deleted it!
I have updated it. Can you confirm that it works for you too?
Well spotted Colette. Thanks! Kerrilyn or Rebekah would you do the correction? I tried but it got deleted. Thank you.
Hi Guys, the verses for memorization in Down to Business are Colossians 3:23-24 not Colossians:24-25.
Thanks much Kerrilyn. I finally figured out what to do with your help! It's fun. :)
@ Colette If you go to the home page the collections should be listed on the right hand side. Click on down to business, it will list the verses, choose the one you want to learn./review. You need to master it first before it will turn up under review. If you already know the verse click the 3. Master It button and type the verse. (you can choose either everything, skip punctuation, or first letters only, even the reference is optional) Now it will turn up in your review list. You can find your review list by either clicking Review in the top bar or by clicking Ranking in your status bar at the bottom of your screen. HTH
How do I see my list of verses? I'v selected those in Down to Business.