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Meditate On thy Word - 1001 Verses

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We ❤️ Bible Memory! Join us for this course by meditating daily on scripture verses. Once you get going you might find yourself on fire...🔥 Use the history graph to count the verses reviewed, missed & memorized. All attempts count, even reviewing the same verse and count that every time! Repetition is of course a lifelong endeavor...Advance through this course at your own pace. Commonly memorized passages will be posted in the group. Graduation from our courses occurs in January & July. Keep track of your progress & we will celebrate each week... 3 verses a day can complete this course in a year. Is that too fast for you or too slow? 😉 We hope you enjoy this course and grow in your faith! Feel free to use the message Wall... Share your ideas on how you race up the ranks here at while hiding God’s word in your heart. 🙏🏻 Some of our successful ideas are... ➡️ Start by adding the verses you already know or almost know. ➡️Add the verses for children. ➡️Create folders for your prayer lists and memorize scripture that applies to that situation. ➡️ Ask your family and friends what their favorite verses are and learn those while you pray for them. ➡️Set review frequency to pray for things on a schedule, being reminded to pray for people’s needs. ➡️ Tell them! They will be encouraged to know you pray for them regularly and that you pray their own scripture for them... Let’s fill this year with God’s Word! 💫Regulus💫

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