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Minicraft plus is available on Github and itโs basically Minecraft, but super simple and top-down.
I would use the plus symbol in chat, but it doesnโt show up fsr.
MNC stands for Minicraft plus as opposed to Minecraft.
Yeah I heard of Animation Versus. Is it out yet?
Noah did you see the new Alan Becker vid? he's making a fighter game!
especially if you could just go play MC Bedwars
SOME. not enough in my opinion to justify playing it
some roblox games are good
but yeah robucks is like bitcoin and crypto
hey some communities are good
and the community is TERRIBLE
no not just bc of that bc its soooo pay-to-win
Yeah, u can't do wutever u want on roblox, but u can on MC
roblox is sooo braiinnnroooottt
if u want family friendly MC and roblox vids, watch Izzys game time
yeah but he swears too much
Swedish Gamer. Once the most popular in the world on YT.
i've never watched pewdiepie
dude perfect is kinda boring to me now....
MrBEAST IS HORRIIBBLEE๐คฎ๐คฎ๐คฎ๐คฎ๐คฎ๐คฎ๐คฎ๐คฎ๐คฎ๐คฎ
Mr beast and Dude perfect are wayyyyy better
I'm just here to see what yall say
.....or go watch AvA and AvM
just guess if you don't know
Why did KO not let Purple use the staff?
Why did TSC and TDL destroy NewGrounds?
Technically you can, but you won't right now
sure its fine if Angel has admin
@MP Green's ability is singing
but still this acc needs admin too
unless she makes me admin
so, mario, I hope its okay that I made Angel admin
Mario, I can't make u admin
I haven't really thought so
does anyone know what green's thing is?
plus he is the only one who has a computer
Yellow was the one who liked to use Redstone and command blocks
I wonder why he decided to do yellow though....
@Noah yes it's pretty good
Any of you seen the new AB vid?
i accidentally left all groups and now i am unadminable on most of them
i'm sorry Angel and link, i don't have admin on my own group
can I have admin Mario pls
Hey Mariooooo can I have admin plsss
why is my nickname "hmmmmmmm"?
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