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I never took a side for you, or for Marilyn. I still hold true to the fact that you need to be careful what you say around her and others, and that you should respect her as your elder, even if you don’t agree. You said some inappropriate things to KL (tho I can’t remember which group) and you continue to argue against SDAs when they are beyond convincing. I left FESDA for these reasons because when I tried to defend you, Marilyn made it clear that she wasn’t buying any of it and said several very hurtful things to my face. I am sorry if I made it seem like I was fickle, I tried to remain neutral at the start, tried to calm her down throughout by pacifying her, but she eventually made it impossible. I still respect her as a fellow believer in Christ, but I’ve ended that road. Sorry for seeming untrustworthy.
Plz don’t make a big deal of it. I know they’re not actually one, so please don’t spread this around okay?
Since this is a private group, I’m not as scared saying it here but, from time to time, SDA-isim almost feels like a cult of some sort. Not as bad as the Mormon’s, but still.
I would just recommend staying away from groups that have anything to do with SDAs for now. Maybe forever. Whenever I interact with them, a conflict or unsettlement arises and I don’t feel safe or welcome around them.
JJ, please tell me your account has been hacked. If you somehow are Dude, then Idk what’s been happening over at your end. All I can say is this. May Christ be with you.
tell your bro that he is a very good memorizer!
i am just above 9000 like into the 8000s now.
Oh it’s great! I’m eating it up so to speak😆
Well, I might continue it even more tonight.
I think it was like a typo or one of those accidental messages
Yeahh it’s like a mystery
I wonder what happened to her?
Yeahh sameee like so much..😓😢
It’s rly sad cuz both of them were rly nice and I had become good friends with Avery and I still consider her as one. I wish she’d come back and I still have the hope she will someday..
Well, Lydia told us that she’d be leaving, but Avery just left without warning. Her account had been having problems she said, so she was using a different account. Then the account that had all her groups in it was all of a sudden deleted and her groups along with it. Even tho she has some other accounts, and she could just create a new one, she hasn’t been on BM ever since.
oh yeah where did lydia and avery go?
Wait! They left! I didn’t even notice!
It just isn’t the same somehow when they leave…
Ohh I see. Hope she’ll fell better soon!
Yeah, more or less. On Tuesday she started feeling a bit bad and on Wednesday evening she was not feeling good so… that might be it.
@Rian and Noah so I was just wondering I haven’t seen Haven around in awhile is she doing ok?
Lol Emma! That sure sounds like a mom! I can totally imagine my mom telling me that!
(Sammie sighs veryyyy unhappy as well........)
(Noah sighs unhappily.) Goodbye.
Sammy you are now judge mom wants me to leave my groups ….bye💙🙏🏼😞to all
Hey Emma, I’m just asking for Connor that you’d join his group Come Pray With Me.
It was in Minecraft Creepers.
yes I hope it will work@sammy.
I know that@Noah but I mean in what group was she asking to join in?
So ya that’d be good to like question her some.
I mean she seems trustworthy so far but you always need to be careful….. not saying she isn’t trustworthy or anything, but I’d say the same thing for anyone.
I will need to question her
okay so I am starting a case/meeting ,over wether she should be allowed to join
Banderhorse really wants to join.
Hehe ya I enjoy checking up on SPO every so often since it’s usually pretty amusing lol
Oh I didn’t know there were those groups. That’s interesting
Yah I’ve been here since early 2022 so same lol
Oh I like that definition!😂😂
Excuse my penguin emojis; they are to maintain points on SPO.
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