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26 Members
32  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
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iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
Aidan S.
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
-1  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
0  Verses in the last 7 days
iPhone App User
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This group is a Seventh Day Adventist group, (for the most part) and even if your not SDA we will still accept you. Here, I hope we do not waste our time spamming and chit chatting, but memorizing Gods scripture. I hope that all who view this group view it not to spam, or discourage, but to help, discuss and encourage others. Talking about other things is fine, but we really want to be focused on God. And always remember, with man, things are impossible, but with God, all things are possible. Thank you! And God bless! -Aidan (with some editing by Josh the Boy Wonder)

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