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thanks for joining! btw r u the one who made this group?
Sure! TTTO is the team tag. You will understand once you get an account and see a few teams. The actual name is “Time to typo”
also would you join my group When Love Broke Through pls? irly want more active members. i only have 5-8 currently
i have not gotten it yet but yes if and when i do i will join...TTTO? is that a abreviation or the actual name?
if you aren’t loyal to a team yet could you join TTTO? That is my team. We are in expert league and hope soon will be in champ!
i like nitro type too but haven't played it
oh hi mario! That is me. Noah doesn’t like Nitro Type. Nice to see someone else on here other than me!
wait you posted that today
did you konw taht eyevnroe who rdaes tihs wlil konw waht it says?
I jst posted again! Trying to get a weekly schedule!
New season just dropped! Pretty good! a solid 6.5 out of 10!
On Nitro Type, the leader boards are getting a major update
Oh rly wow that’s interesting
It is kind of funny that the Nitro Type season is actually ending on easter.🐣
I see sorry thought you meant someone on BM
She used to be active but then just suddenly stopped!
hey if anyone is on youtube then please check out my channel called dreams drawing! thanks!
Give me a vote! Raise your hand if you think NT is a good game!
Ya it’s really interesting!
I’ll go right on over there!
I posted a new video. It is very interesting!
yah, that is the cap of FORG3.
Ryan ate you also “type forges alt”?
I have two accounts, one is Adrianvk, and has over 11k races and gold, the other one is 660042 and only has like 600, but it is the captain account of a top 100 team
my username is “Type Forge⬆️ “ u know that up arrow? yah.
I literally got SSOOOOOOOO MANY SUBS AND now I have like 161 or there abouts!
if you tell me you username for nitro type I can search you up and friend you.
woah, are u tyring to get me to join ur team?
we are up to 2k races in the last 24 hours
sorry for the bad spelling I am doung this really fast,
woah! The new season Is AWESOME! sorry 4 leavign ur team, I wanted to get mine back upa dnrunning! I might jojn yours again when I revive mine! lol.
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