Select Verse Collections to memorize with this Group.
Thanks for checking, dcgarcia. I am doing well, staying active at church, quilting, and on the go, visiting with my sister and seeing her grandaughters perform in school plays,etc; last one is a Sr this yr! I review as much as I can each day, but still going up and down in the rankings as these younger ones whiz by. I thankful I can still remember and learn at my age! Our Lord is gracious . . . and "we are wonderfully made!! " Hope you are doing well also! Our God is ever faithful!!
Charlotte I hope all is well, I have missed hearing from you💕
Cure For Anxiety Philippians 4:4-9
4. Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.
5. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.
6. Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God.
7. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
8. Finally, brethern, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
9. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.
Can you believe it is Christmastime again!?! Where has this year gone?! May it be a blessed time for each of you!
Merry Christmas, everyone. Hope all are staying well! Our LORD is ever faithful!
He is risen, indeed just like He said! Blessings All!
Have a Blessed Easter, everyone! "He is risen! He is risen, indeed!"
Join the group called Jesus Saves! It is very active.
Please join MemorizeGod'sWordTogether, it is a very encouraging and active group. Thanks for the consideration!
Oh Charlotte, I sorry
Rejoice in the memories of your years with Dave, you have been in a hard season my friend. Don’t worry about your verses, they are not going anywhere they will be waiting for you. There truly is a time to weep, and a time laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; Be comforted in our Lord Jesus.
Some of you participate in the Nat'l Prayer Bank and may already know that my husband went back to the hospital Wed Nov 1 and to Hospice on the 4th and went to his heavenly home on Sun afternoon Nov 5th. We had his service yesterday at our church and so I've been surrounded by many caring & loving people in recent days but appreciate your continued prayers as I adjust to widowhood again after 12 precious years. I have fallen way behind in reviews but hope to catch up next week. Thank you to all who have been praying for us!
Yes, praying for you today especially as you move him. Hope this new location works out a lot better for you both!
Thanks for praying for us!!
Not so well . . . not very responsive nor communicative even with therapy. I am having him moved to a nursing facility closer to our home on Wed Nov 1 so that heavy traffic won't be as much of a problem nor travelling in low westerly sun or darkness bec of time change.
How is your husband doing?
Some days are harder than others both in discouragement and in not knowing what the next step will be but the LORD is ever gracious and faithful. I'm praying that with Phys. Therapy and getting over the effects of the UTI which put him in the hospital to begin with he will be strong enough to be ambulatory to be able to come home again but that will take time and effort. I am trying to accept this may be the LORD's way to help me release his care into the hands of others.
Oh wow, Charlotte. How are you coping?
Thank you, Susan! I was confronted by one last Fri that I didn't think I would have to make for a long while! He's been in the hospital for a wk now with a UTI and failed their swallow test twice and would not give him anything by mouth so I had to give my consent for a Stomach peg for tube feeding for sustenance and medicine! So far he's doing better and went into a Skilled Nursing Facility today for recovery and rehab.
praying for your decision, Charlotte, and praying for a miracle for your husband too!
Hi, God Is With You, I usually don't get to check my message wall very often & if I do it's usually very late at night as I don't have much time except late at night to review & learn new verses as I am the only care giver of my 73 yr old husband who has Parkinson's and dementia. He is my second husband as we were both widowed at age 60 but were HS sweethearts and met back up at out 40th HS Reunion and went back to our 45th Reunion married. The LORD has been gracious to give us these 12 yrs together but I would appreciate your prayers as I have some hard decisions to make soon about placing him in a Care Facility! I so enjoy and appreciate my time on ST! I am still amazed at 73 that I can memorize and retain so much ... I am currently working on the letters of Paul after learning much of the Bk of John & all his letters as well as those of Peter, James & Jude. Glad you are starting out much younger than I and pray it will continue to be a life-long passion!! May it continue to stretch & challenge our hearts the way it does our minds!!
💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤Goodnight then if nobody's here!!Have a good sleep!!! And God bless you all!!!💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤
💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤Goodnight then if nobody's here!!Have a good sleep!!! And God bless you all!!!💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💤
GODIsWithYou, I am sorry but I have only a little time to work on my own ST Group verses at this time. I did see that you did change the wording & your name but your empahsis on competition is way too much for me. I had looked at the group JOINUSANYONE when invited to join and the STARWARS game info in the Group Description made me wary of joining. I also have looked at your new group's conversations and it concerns me how much emphasis you put on moving up in the ranks. How can you legitimately learn or review enough verses to move up from rank #1323 @ 8am Aug 15 to rank #861 on Aug 16 @ 8:30 pm ?
the word play is now like go on to scripture typer instead...
Charlote can u please join? I change the "play" in the description...
hello everyone I am inviting everyone in this group who is active to my group I just made named Active members ONLY. I am hoping to make a very active group. I am a very active person and I go on multiple times a day. I wan to have this active group to be able to share stuff and get answers quickly and that when questions are asked they get answered too. we can memorize together in a healthy environment of people from all around the globe!! I would gladly promote anyone who has verses to add or just them for you if you tell me which ones. thankyou for your consideration for joining my group!! may the Lord bless you all!!
I am so glad to see many of you sharing my passion of learning these passages from the book of John !! I am thrilled when I see your verse counts rising! I hope it doesn't bother anyone that I add NEW groupings of verses to master in a Collection after I have mastered the individual verses. I prefer reviewing larger sections and will eventually reset most of my indiv verses to "not mastered" as not to continue to review them. Do what ever is best for you and may the LORD continue to bless you will new insights of His love and understanding of His will as we learn His Word.
Thank you, Joy, may this be a specially joyous day for you too! In learning the discourse of Jesus with his disciples leading up to His Death and Resurrection, I was impacted by the numerous times that Jesus mentioned JOY! I am just this afternoon learning the beginning verses of chapter 20 ( the Resurrection) then will go back to some of the middle chapters!
May you each have a blessed Easter as we remember the Lord's death and resurrection. The passages have really had a deeper meaning over this Easter from learning them on this group. Thank you for you for the encouragement, and letting us be part of this. The Lord bless you.
Oh, Mary, I LOVE your new "photo"!! I love Tabby cats and tho' I'm not a knitter, I am a quilter and my cat always liked being in my lap as I was working!
Good going, Teresa and Linda F, this is so exciting !! I love these verses and don't want to stop !!
Thank you Charlotte. I am enjoying learning these verses so much. Thank you for inviting me to this group. May the Lord bless you.
Yeah...Joy! What a blessing to see your progress!!
NOTE TO ALL: I just added Collections 19 & 20 on Jesus' Crucifixion & Resurrection which I hope to learn during this Easter Season (& yes, as a former math teacher, I DO KNOW that this is not the correct way to do the Roman numeral for 19 ...but then it would not be put in the correct chronological order!!) An EXtra Collection may not be for everyone as it contains complete passages from some of the longer Collections. I know there is a button available to review all the verses in a collection, which i use when there are disjointed verses, but I prefer reviewing a grouped passage.
Me, too, Teresa!! I learned John 14 & 15 some 35 years ago using pencil, paper, & a tape recorder to recite into & play back to check myself. I wish I had found this site years ago but I am SO THANKFUL to be using it now!!
it has been a true blessing to find this app Charlotte. I struggled to memorize verses in the past but it seems to be so much easier to commit verses. to memory this way. I have been so blessed. I love this collection and am having a wonderful experience learning them!
yeah, Joy and Teresa, it brings much joy to see others learning these with us !
Yeah... good going, violingirl !! So glad you didn't get discouraged and give up after having to start over with all your other group verses!! We do it for ourselves ... for our own growth and UNTO THE LORD!! What a joy to watch your progress!!
Do you like reviewing verses in a larger section of grouped verses? I was late in joining the John 15 group so I am learning the individual verses in that group and then the paired or grouped verses from this group right after I review them which helps. At the same time I have learned The WORD verses.
DC, how does that affect your reviews now that I put vs 22 by itself?
DC, I see where the problem came in ... originally for my own benefit, I had divided vs 21 up and combined the first part with vs 20 and the last part with vs 22. I didn't think about that creating a problem when changed to a different version . I will fix it and check for others places i may have done that also. Thanks!
Thank you...I will check it in the master collection. I don't think too many others have gotten that far, altho John 14 is one of my favorite chapters!
Thanks for putting these collections together and inviting me to join. I noticed and fixed a error in John 14:20-21, the last sentence was left off of vs 21., it is correct in my collection now, but I wanted to mention it just in case it isn't populated in everyone's. Be Blessed All.
Don't get discouraged, people, that some are able to whiz right thru these verses. I plan to take the major portion of this year learning and meditating on these HIS WORDS. Just take heart as we see THAT IT CAN BE DONE !!
Welcome to all! I've wanted to do this for awhile as it grew too much for just on my own verse page!!
Hi Charlotte P thanks for the invitation,
Thank You for the invite!
Way to go, Noah!! WELCOME!!
Glad to have you! The John 15 verses are under the Collection:
WORD Pictures: Vine & Branches ... I think it will be easy to master in pairs and sections.
Thank you for the invite:)
I understand ... just wanted to get the word out! Blessings!
Thanks for the invitation to join, Charlotte, but I am sticking to just one group for now.